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How I Survived AIST2330 and Learned to Love Server Admin

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Presentation on theme: "How I Survived AIST2330 and Learned to Love Server Admin"— Presentation transcript:

1 How I Survived AIST2330 and Learned to Love Server Admin
Spring 2017Edition

2 Course Objectives What is System Administration? Link
AIST2330 Common Syllabus Link

3 Course Materials Books & materials are available online at no cost to students. Depending on how you manage your resources it may be helpful to purchase portable hard drive (PHD) to hold install media and VM images Microsoft benefits & a small VM & Materials fee will provide books and Azure support for VM’s and other cloud services

4 Hardware & Software Software to install as needed is available free; see links page You will need a host computer for local VM’s and accessing cloud resources A portable hard drive may be handy

5 Contacting the Instructor
Instructor: Todd A. Schultz, Ph.D. Office: Allgood Hall office E131. Office Hours:  Mon & Wed 12 noon to 2 pm & Mon 4 pm to 7 pm. Otherwise visit my contact page for ways to get in touch with me. Office Phone: Web site:

6 Assignments 8 125 pts (1000 pts total) Technical or analysis hands-on assignments which expose students to a variety of at computer and reporting skills.

7 Grading Course grades are based on a 1000 point scale with grades assigned as follows (of course any errors in grades reporting or calculation will be addressed before final grades are determined): 901 points and higher earn a course A 801 to 900 points earn a course B 701 to 800 points earn a course C 601 to 700 points earn a course D 600 points or below earn a course F

8 Your course value chain
Right items Right place Right time Right count Right condition

9 Rules & Regulations “Sage on Stage” Mondays vs. “Guide on Side” Wednesdays Academic honesty Collaboration Attendance Late work One full work day a week Scheduling your time Pull vs. push

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