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Ch 15.1 Energy and Its Forms.

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1 Ch 15.1 Energy and Its Forms

2 Kinetic energy is moving energy, while potential energy is stored
True False Statement Kinetic energy is moving energy, while potential energy is stored PE = ½ mv2 KE = mgh Bouncing a ball is an example of kinetic mechanical energy Fission and fusion is an example of electromagnetic energy Potential energy ahs 2 forms: gravitational and elastic

3 Energy and Work Work is done when a force moves an object a distance
Work is a transfer of energy Energy is the ability to do work Both measured in J

4 Kinetic Energy Energy of motion Depends on mass and speed KE = ½ mv2
SI Units: KE- m- v-

5 KE Practice A 0.10 kg bird is flying at a constant speed of 8 m/s. What is the birds kinetic energy? Given: Formula: Solve:

6 Math Practice pg 448 1. 2. 3. 4.

7 Potential Energy Energy that is stored due to position or shape
Stored energy turns into KE

8 Potential Energy Gravitational PE Elastic PE
PE that depends upon an objects height Increases with increased height PE = mgh SI Unit m- g- h- PE that is stretched or compressed Object springs back to its original shape

9 Forms of Energy Mechanical Thermal
Energy associated with motion and position of everyday objects Sum of PE and KE Total PE and KE of all the microscopic particles in an object Particles move faster, becoming warmer

10 Forms of Energy Chemical Electrical Energy stored in chemical bonds
Energy associated with electric charges

11 Forms of Energy Electromagnetic Nuclear
Form of energy that travels through space in the form of waves Energy stored in the atomic nucleus Fission- releases energy, splits apart Fusion- releases energy, comes together

12 Energy Conversion and Conservation
15.2 Energy Conversion and Conservation

13 Energy can not be converted into another form
True False Statement Energy can not be converted into another form Energy cannot be created or destroyed To calculate conversions: KE = PE Einstein said E = mc2, where energy = mass x conservation2 Potential energy turns into kinetic energy

14 Conservation of Energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed It is transferred or converted

15 Energy Conversion Energy can be converted from 1 form to another
Process of changing energy – energy conversion Gravitational PE converts into KE as an object falls

16 Energy Conversions Pendulums Pole Vaults
PE constantly converted back and forth to KE Stays in motion due to weight Pole Vaults

17 Energy Conversion Calculations
KE + PE = KE + PE (Beginning) (End) KE= PE=

18 Conversion Practice A 1.50kg brick is dropped from rest and hits the ground at a speed of 26m/s. Ignore air resistance, calculate PE before the brick was dropped. Given: Formula: Solve:

19 Math Practice pg 458 1. 2. 3.

20 Energy and Mass Albert Einstein Theory of Relativity E = mc2
Energy and mass are equivalent and can be converted into each other c= speed of light 3.0 x 108 m/s

21 Ch 15.3 Energy Resources

22 Nonrenewable resources take millions of years to be replaced
True False Statement Nonrenewable resources take millions of years to be replaced Renewable resources originate directly or indirectly from the sun Hydroelectric energy is from water deep below the earths crust Solar energy converts sunlight into useable energy Biomass energy is from living things and can be converted into thermal energy

23 Nonrenewable Energy Exists in limited quantities
Once used, it can’t be replaced except over the course of millions of years Natural Gas Coal Uranium Also known as fossil fuels

24 Renewable Energy Can be replaced in relativity short periods of time

25 Renewable Energy Hydroelectric Solar Energy from flowing water
Sunlight converted into useable energy

26 Renewable Energy Geothermal Others
Thermal energy beneath Earths surface Others Biomass Energy Energy stored in living things Hydrogen Fuel Creates electricity by reacting hydrogen and oxygen

27 Conserving Energy Resources
Reduce energy needs Increase the efficiency of energy use

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