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Team Go Go Gadgets Launch Readiness Review

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1 Team Go Go Gadgets Launch Readiness Review
Matt Breihan, Jay Davis, Jack Gregory, Ashton Schrage, Sara Schuette, and Lydia Whitney November 11, 2008

2 Mission Overview The BalloonSat Octagon shall ascend to approximately 30 kilometers while recording the relative intensity of light through two photometers with two different light filters that divide the visible light spectrum into two parts, blue and red. This will determine which part of the visible light spectrum should be used to photograph objects when a satellite is at different altitudes. Octagon will also carry a digital camera to photograph the ascent/descent and internal and external temperature and humidity measuring devices to record conditions inside and outside of the BalloonSat.

3 Design Overview Hexagonal prism with flight tube running straight down the middle Plexi-glass window of camera 3 switches, one for each of the main subsystems 6 cm square of foam core angled 45 degrees where photometer PCB fits Two Wratten filters over photometer holes Main Hardware Camera Heater HOBO data logger Photometer/Basic Stamp setup

4 Design Overview

5 Test Results Photometer simulation: 50 readings per photometer
5 second interval between two quick readings, one from each photometer Ambient light with 100x multiplier Basic Stamp is programmed to write data from photometers to memory To retrieve data, Basic Stamp gets plugged into computer and program to read data from memory is run Transfer data to Excel to graph

6 Test Results Cold Test #1 Cold Test: HOBO data
2 cold tests with eight pounds of dry ice each Camera took pictures and light readings were stored on Basic Stamp Heater kept BalloonSat’s internal temp. above 0 degrees Celsius both tests Cold Test #2

7 Test Results Image Test for Camera
Camera was positioned in BalloonSat and left to run for several min.

8 Test Results Structure Tests
Kicked down steps in DLC, sustained very little damage Dropped BalloonSat off of top of parking garage twice, landed on corner and split seam Whipped for several minutes, mass simulators only shifted slightly

9 Prediction of Flight Results
General increase in relative light intensity as altitude increases because the atmosphere blocks light and as altitude increases, the amount of atmosphere will decrease, leading to more light Red part of spectrum will not increase as much as blue part of spectrum because IR will decrease as altitude increases and IR is on edge of red filter’s wavelengths

10 Biggest Worries Camera has been touchy and sometimes doesn’t stay
on when we flip the switch Bought a momentary switch that should solve problem If photometer battery dies, when we connect the Basic Stamp to a new battery, the program will start running and may write over our flight data Same 9V battery lasted for 2 three hour cold tests so this may not be a problem

11 Level 0 Requirements: O1) Team Go Go Gadgets shall construct a BalloonSat to launch on a high altitude balloon that will ascend to 30 kilometers, cost less than $150, and weight less than 1000 grams by Nov. 15, 2008. O2) Team Go Go gadgets shall measure and record relative light intensity readings through the use of two photometers with different wavelength filters. O3) Team Go Go Gadgets shall use a HOBO data logger to measure and record internal temperature, external temperature, and humidity readings for the duration of the flight. O4) Team Go Go Gadgets shall use a Canon camera to photograph the ascent and descent of the BalloonSat. Level 1 Requirements: From O1- S1) BalloonSat Octagon shall comply with the weight limitation by making the BalloonSat as small as possible but still allowing room for all of the necessary equipment. S2) BalloonSat Octagon shall comply with the cost limitation by not wasting parts or ordering many more of one part than is necessary. S3) BalloonSat Octagon shall be completed by Nov. 15, 2008 by Team Go Go Gadgets following the schedule set at the beginning of class and completing tasks in an efficient manner. From O2- S4) BalloonSat Octagon shall have two photometers placed at 45 degrees to measure the relative light intensity at the BalloonSat Octagon ascends. S5) The two photometers shall have filters, one blue and one red, placed over them to divide the visible light spectrum into two. S6) A Basic Stamp shall be used to record the relative light intensity readings from the photometers. S7) The Basic Stamp shall be connected to s laptop with BASIC Stamp Editor software on it to retrieve the data from the Basic Stamp after launch and recovery. From O3- S8) The HOBO data logger shall be programmed to measure and record the internal temperature, external temperature, and humidity readings for the duration of the flight. S9) The HOBO shall be connected to a computer with BOXCAR software on it to retrieve the data readings after launch and recovery. From O4- S10) A Canon camera’s firmware shall be programmed to take pictures at a set interval for the duration of the flight. S11) After launch and recovery, the SD card from the camera shall be connected to an SD card reader to retrieve the pictures from it.

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