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VERBS SUBJECT-VERB-OBJECT Every sentence has a verb.

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1 VERBS SUBJECT-VERB-OBJECT Every sentence has a verb.
A verb is an action, a movement, something you do. If it doesn’t it looks weird: I pizza. You from Taipei. Chocolate good.

A subject is the person, animal, object that does the action. A subject can be: a noun (the ball, my chair), a pronoun (I, you, he, she, we, you, they, it), or a possessive pronoun (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs) A sentence can have only a subject and a verb: I don’t know. I will try. I need help.

An object is something used to do the action, or what the action is done to. It is also a noun. A sentence can have only a verb and an object: Sit here! Do something! Finish your homework! But it must ALWAYS have a verb.

NOUNS & VERBS FAVOURITE ANIMAL: KOALA I put a square around the subject, underline the verb, and circle the object. My favourite animal is the koala. A koala sleeps for 22 hours a day. A koala only eats eucalyptus leaves. Koalas carry their babies in pouches. Koalas live in Australia.

Adjectives give us more information about a noun. They always come before the noun they are describing. ADJECTIVES My sister’s blue backpack… The classes’ hard exam… My family’s happy puppy… A panda’s delicious food… Somebody’s broken pencil…

One type of adjective you might not recognize is quantities. These are used to say how many there are, but isn’t always exact. EXACT QUANTITIES GENERAL QUANTITIES One Two Three Four Five Some Many (A) Few (A) Couple Several

There is a specific order to adjectives if you have many of them. Here are 5 different kids of adjectives: TYPES OF ADJECTIVE EXAMPLES Quantity Opinion / Size Shape Colour two, many, several beautiful, easy, comfortable/ big, itsy bitsy, medium round, triangular, square red, polka-dotted, striped

8 ADJECTIVES Here are some examples of how many adjectives can do together. Quantity Opinion Size Shape Colour The two, ugly, small, round, black cats are scary. Taipei 101 is tall, square and green. These two, big sandwiches are delicious but pink! I have a comfortable, big, rectangular bed at home.

9 MAD LIBS Copy and complete this Mad Lib in your Miscellaneous Book.
All nouns, verbs, adjectives must be different. Be creative! Last night at (proper noun) Stadium, (team name) played against (team name) . All the players were (adjective) . The (adjective) coach screamed at the players that it was do or (verb) . If they (verb) the game, then their (noun) would not be the champion! Our best player, (celebrity name) was sick with the (verb+ing) flu and had to stay at (place) . So, the coach chose me to be the (job) of the team. I usually miss, so the team was very (feeling) . The team needed a (thing) to win. The fans were our names! We started to more and more. The fans were even throwing at us! Our coach was feeling , I thought we were going to win! In the end, a from the sky and us.

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