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Implementing the NHS KSF Action Planning and Surgery Session

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1 Implementing the NHS KSF Action Planning and Surgery Session
The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004 Session 6 Implementing the NHS KSF Action Planning and Surgery Session KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

2 The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004
Outcomes of Session 6 Identify and plan what needs to be done to enable implementation of the KSF Identify any outstanding issues By the end of this session you should have: Identified and planned what needs to be done to support implementation of the NHS KSF in your organisation Identified any outstanding issues that you feel need to be addressed today before you leave. KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

3 NHS KSF Roll-Out 1 Identify and develop KSF leads in each organisation
The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004 NHS KSF Roll-Out 1 Identify and develop KSF leads in each organisation Establish project board and project plan Assess current job descriptions, appraisal, PDPs, competencies Identify and train reviewers Agree who will develop KSF outlines There are a number of things you need to do to prepare and start the roll-out of the NHS KSF across the organisation. These include: Identifying and developing KSF leads in each organisation - people like yourselves who are going to take this forward. They should be from both management and staff-side and will work in partnership to make this work for that organisation. Establishing a KSF project board and a project plan - the project board needs to include someone who is specifically tasked with implementing the KSF - someone with whom the buck stops in that organisation. The project plan will set out the different stages that need to be worked through and show how the different aspects link together. You need to find out where your organisation is in terms of job descriptions, appraisal, PDPs, competencies - what is being used, the quality of what is happening, whether it is consistent across the organisation or in pockets, and the capacity and capability of staff to move forward in these areas. There will be a need to identify and train reviewers for the development review process - it might be that if you have a well-established appraisal system that you will be able to build on that and there will be little additional work to do, in other cases this might be a major piece of work in its own right. Begin with the end in mind and think of where you want individuals and the organisation to be and inspire people through this! You will also need to work out and agree who will develop KSF outlines and how this will be taken forward. KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

4 The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004
NHS KSF Roll-out 2 Develop and check KSF outlines for all posts (including specific examples of application) KSF embedded in organisation’s processes, policies and procedures KSF awareness for all staff Development Review and PDP for all staff Training and development resources and processes Once you have got going on the production of the KSF post outlines, then it will be necessary to put in place a system or process in the organisation for checking that these are consistent and make sense across different posts. The early implementers have done this in a variety of ways but they all essentially involve a group of people standing back and looking across a number of KSF post outlines to confirm there is progression across different posts and that they make sense overall. You need to think about how you will embed the NHS KSF in the organisation’s policies and procedures As the NHS KSF affects all members of staff from here on in, there is a need to raise awareness of it and the development review process across all staff groups. Some of the early implementers have been running awareness raising sessions in a number of locations during the night as well as the day to make sure they reach everyone. You will also then need to rollout the development review process ensuring that all staff have a development review every year, a PDP, and related learning and development opportunities. And of course this means focusing on the resources and processes you have available for learning and development in the organisation and ensuring that all staff groups have access to these. . KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

5 The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004
Project Planning 1 Work in Partnership (and identify how to do this where there is lack of staff side representation) Establish Project team Develop Project Plan Ensure Board Level support Ensure KSF is an integral part of Agenda for Change project So in terms of project planning you will need to: work in partnership throughout the development - we realise that for some organisations this might mean there is a step before this relating to how to do this when there is a lack of a staff side representative structure. Then you need to: - establish a project team for implementing the NHS KSF - develop your project plan - ensure that you have Board level support - this is vital both at the start of the process and all of the way through. The top of the organisation needs to be involved in taking this forward and needs to be clear about the way in which the implementation of the NHS KSF across the organisation will support the achievement of other organisational objectives such as governance, service modernisation, the choice agenda etc - ensure that the implementation of the NHS KSF is an integral part of the overall Agenda for Change project. For some reason there are a few people around in the service that equate Agenda for Change as only a move to the new paybands rather than see the fundamental and integral links to changes in human resource processes and commitment to learning through life for everyone in the service. It is vital that people are forced to concentrate on the KSF and that there is one person whose job it is to implement it across the organisation - where this has not been done then organisations have struggled. KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

6 Project Planning 2 Administration of on-line tool
The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004 Project Planning 2 Administration of on-line tool Consistency checks on outlines and gateways – and development of common or generic templates Involve Training and Development departments and workforce development leads Plan how to manage conflict Separate process from Job Evaluation Start with ‘pilots’ where focus is on learning not perfection! The other things you need to include in your project planning are: - how you will administer and use the on-line tool - the 4th day of this programme provides training on this - put in place checks to ensure consistency on KSF post outlines and gateways. A library of these is being produced nationally but you may want to think about developing common or generic templates for use locally - involve the providers of learning and development in your organisation, and work with others who have responsibility for where it wants to go eg workforce planning leads. The early implementers have found that engaging early with education providers about changes that the organisation wishes to make as a result of implementing the KSF is beginning to pay benefits - plan how to manage conflict - you can be pretty sure there will be some so it is better to plan ahead for it! - don’t forget to clearly separate this process from the Job Evaluation process; generally people find it is better to work on one or the other (if only for the workload involved!) and to enable people to concentrate on the development focus of the KSF - start with small groups of staff as pilots for implementing the KSF in the organisation. Use these pilots to learn and develop as you go and build in safety for people in this process. From this then spread this learning across the organisation. KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

7 Finally…. Enjoy the Challenge Deliver the Vision Celebrate Success!
The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004 Finally…. Enjoy the Challenge Deliver the Vision Celebrate Success! KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

8 Action Planning Exercise
The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004 Action Planning Exercise Begin planning how you will implement the KSF Think about: What will you do first? What will be most difficult? How will you know you have succeeded? How will you celebrate? Identify any outstanding issues So our exercise for this afternoon is to start this process of action planning. Your task is to begin to plan how you will implement the KSF in the organisation or organisations that you are working with. Along with all the different stages I have outlined earlier, you need to think about: 1 What will you do first? 2 What will be most difficult? 3 How will you know you have succeeded? What are you looking to see in your organisation that will make it all worthwhile? How will it change the organisation? (This is not just about having KSF outlines this is about the culture change that this should bring.) 4 How will you and your organisation celebrate the success of your project? As you are doing this please will you identify any outstanding issues or questions you have from these two days and we will try to resolve them either today or in the follow up sessions. We are also available through contact or you can contact the Pay Modernisation Team office at Larbert on KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

9 Feedback from Flipcharts!
The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004 Feedback from Flipcharts! Expectations Comments Concerns Issues for Day 3? Go through the post-it notes from the flip charts started in day one and review whether issues have been addressed. If not address if possible, or commit to picking up on day 3 Materials: Completed post-it notes from flip charts KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

10 Summary and Evaluation
The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Learning Programme © Crown Copyright 2004 Summary and Evaluation Are there any issues arising from you group discussions that you need to share with the group? Please complete an evaluation form for these two days - it will provide valuable feedback and help us to identify issues to pick up in follow-up sessions Materials: Evaluation form[Handout 13] KSF DAY 1&2 Session & Presentation 6.ppt

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