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Soccer Captains’ Meeting

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1 Soccer Captains’ Meeting
Intramural Sports Soccer Captains’ Meeting Please make sure you have signed in in the back!

2 Program Rules and Regulations

3 Captain Responsibilities
We expect you to: Know all the sport rules, Program Rules and Regulations Be responsible for team members knowing the rules Be responsible for your team and spectators behavior Inform team members of schedule changes Be your team’s contact for Intramural Sports Staff Members Ensure participants are on team roster and eligible before game time.

4 Location All matches will be held on McCarthey Field, University Federal Credit Union Playfield (UFCUP) on top of the Business Loop Parking Structure, or Stillwell Fields In order to park in the parking structure you must have a “Central U or Central A” pass. All other cars will be ticketed The closest A or U parking is either the Honors Housing lot, or the Institute garage on the south side of South Campus Drive There are also “text to pay” spots just east of the structure No food or drink, with the exception of water is allowed at these facilities Cleats are not allowed on the track at McCarthey

5 Eligibility/ID Policy
No ID - No Play Policy – No Exceptions Players will tap in at the court If an ID is believed to be fraudulently used, the ID will be confiscated and the incident will be considered theft of services. New This Year – Please be ready to play when you check in (cleats on, jersey on or scrimmage vest on/in hand) We will be checking cleats and reminding everyone to remove jewelry at this time Each person may only play on 1 team Eligibility violations will result in forfeiture of the game. Players must appear on the roster before the end of the regular season to be eligible to participate in playoffs

6 Eligible Participants
Current varsity athletes are INELIGIBLE in their related sport – Former collegiate athletes must sit out at least 2 full semesters before being eligible to play their related sport Varsity coaches/practice team players and Club Sport athletes/Coaches are limited to 2 players per team in their related sport Current and/or former professional athletes may not play in their related sport

7 Dress Code Appropriate athletic wear
Closed toe shoes, no five fingered shoes No metal cleats. All other cleats should be a maximum length of ½” No jeans, jean shorts, belts, belt loops, cargo pants/shorts Protective gear such as shin guards are strongly encouraged

8 Dress Code All team members must wear the same colored shirt with a
number permanently affixed to it If teams decide not to coordinate their own shirt, scrimmage vests will be provided Shirts must be worn under program scrimmage vests White is a good option to be worn under the vest because the vests are red or black, similar undershirts lead to confusion

9 Jewelry Policy No jewelry is allowed in a game other than medical alerts, which must be taped down for the entirety of the game All other jewelry is required to be taken off before entering the game

10 First Aid/Bleeding Policy
Bleeding participants, especially those with open wounds must receive medical attention before continuing

11 Forfeits Teams without a member present at game time will forfeit
Teams with at least 1 member present will be given a 5 minute grace period following game time to meet the minimum required to begin the game (7 for Comp; 6 for Rec and Co-Rec) Once a team has enough players present to begin the game it will start, the grace period is not to get a full team to the game site All teams are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to game time

12 Forfeits Any team that forfeits will be responsible for paying a forfeit fine of $25 prior to their next night of play – If the team fails to pay prior to the next night of play it will forfeit that match as well and be dropped from the league Teams that pay the forfeit fine and play the remainder of their games will be eligible for a refund at the end of the season Captains of teams that fail to pay their forfeit fine, or of teams that forfeit their last game of the season will be suspended on IMLeagues until the forfeit fine is paid, and will not be eligible for a refund Anyone can pay the fine, it doesn’t have to be the captain

13 Defaults If you team is going to miss your game, let us know! Defaulted games count as a loss, but your team will receive a sportsmanship score of 4 and not be charged a forfeit fee. Call or by 12:00 PM the day of the game - (801)

14 Sportsmanship Captains are responsible for sportsmanship of their team, their bench and the spectators associated with their team Good Sportsmanship: Excellent Sportsmanship: “4” Rating Players cooperate fully with the Officials, respect and encourage opponent and at no time was this team disrespectful towards participants or officials. Above Average Sportsmanship: “3” Rating Team members and spectators are respectful of opponents and Officials except for 1 or 2 minor incidents which may or may not merit a warning from the Game Officials or a Supervisor.

15 Sportsmanship Below Expectations:
Below Average Sportsmanship: "2” Rating Team members or spectators are disrespectful of opponents or Officials on a number of occasions which may, or may not warrant a penalty. – Teams that receive multiple warnings or have a player ejected for an unsportsmanlike act should receive no higher than a "2" rating. Unacceptable Sportsmanship: “1” Rating Teams constantly and negatively comment to the Officials and/or opposing

16 Sportsmanship The captain of any team receiving two “2” Sportsmanship ratings or one “1” rating will be required to meet with the Intramural Sports Program Manager Teams must maintain a 2.5 Sportsmanship Average or better throughout the league and the playoffs to remain eligible Any team below a 2.5 season long Sportsmanship Average will not be eligible for the playoffs regardless of record Any team dropping below a 2.5 average or receiving a 1 rating in any contest during the playoffs will be removed from the playoffs regardless of record

17 Minor/Major Unsportsmanlike
Continued Minor or a Major Unsportsmanlike: Flagrant abuse to official or player Rough contact/Dangerous Play (intentional) Fighting (offensive or defensive) Directional Profanity Playing under the influence Will result in a Red Card and player being ejected from game Minor Unsportsmanlike: Arguing with official Showing disrespect to an official Rough Contact/Dangerous Play (unintentional) Excessive Profanity Will result in a Yellow Card

18 Ejection/Suspension Striking or attempting to strike an individual
Engaging an individual in a combative manner Throwing a punch at an individual Spitting at an individual Kicking or attempting to kick an individual Brandishing a foreign object/weapon with intent to harm, injure, or intimidate an individual Retaliating against an aggressive act Leaving the bench area during an on field/court altercation

19 Ejection/Suspension Any person ejected for an unsportsmanlike act is suspended from all Intramural Sports effective immediately The suspension will last a minimum of 1 additional game All captains of an ejected player are suspended following the game when the ejection occurred Both the ejected participant and the captain of the team are required to meet with the Intramural Sports Program Manager. The captain will be suspended until at least that meeting has occurred

20 Rainouts/Postponements
In case of rainout, efforts will be made to reschedule Rainouts during playoffs will be rescheduled Games may have to be rescheduled to a day/night other than the normal night of play Information will be posted to Check the Rec*It App “Rec Shouts” if you have questions

21 Soccer Specific Rules

22 Schedule Regular season games will be played on the evening you signed up for Playoffs will take place over a 2 week period with games played on any weekday Please plan accordingly

23 Player Requirements 11 Player League Minimum of 7 Co-Rec
Gender Ratio (Excluding the goalie) must either be 1:1, 5:4, or 3:4 9 Player League Minimum of 6

24 Duration of the game Two 20-minute halves
Games tied after two halves will go into a shootout

25 Kick-off All players must be on own half of the field
Opponents must be out of the circle Ref will signal to start play Ball must be kicked forward to start play

26 Substitutions Substitutions can be made on throw-ins for
the team in possession of the ball Defending team may sub if offensive team is subbing at the same time No subs can be made on free kicks or corner kicks except for injuries

27 Substitutions Subs must be made at mid field between the cones
– Please refrain from standing between the cones unless you want to sub The referee must be notified before changing a goalie and a team can only change when authorized by ref (at the same time normal subs can be made) If an illegal sub is made a yellow card will be issued

28 Throw-in Player must be facing the field of play
Part of each foot must be and remain on the ground on or behind the touch line through the completion of the throw Thrower must use both hands to deliver the ball from behind and over his/her head

29 Corner kick At least part of the ball must be touching or
inside the arc

30 Taking a Free Kick Ball must be stationary
All opponents must be 10yds from the ball Offensive team can request the 10yds be enforced If you do this you must wait for the whistle to begin play again Can be kicked in any direction Cannot be touched by player taking kick until another player touches it

31 Quick Free Kicks Kicking team has right to restart quickly unless
the Referee pauses the match

32 Offside A player is in an offside position if:
– He/she is nearest to his/her opponents goal line than both the ball and the second to last opponent

33 Yellow Card A player shall be given a Yellow Card when he/she:
Commits a substitution violation Persistently infringes the rules of the game Argues the decision of the officials Behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner Second slide tackling an opponent – any attempt to play the ball on the ground (may be given on the first attempt at the discretion of the Referee) Exception – goalkeeper can slide if he/she is playing the ball with his/her hands Second warning for jewelry

34 Red Card (Ejection) A player shall be given a Red Card for the following offenses: Serious foul play or violent conduct Persistent use of foul/abusive language A second yellow card offense The team receiving the Red Card shall play a player down the remainder of the game Teams receiving 3 unsportsmanlike yellows will forfeit the game

35 If you have questions please email me at
Good Luck This Season! If you have questions please me at

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