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Mrs Sue Bowler Welcome to Orange Otters Meet the team

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Sue Bowler Welcome to Orange Otters Meet the team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Sue Bowler Welcome to Orange Otters Meet the team
Class Teacher: Mr Callum Wooller Teaching Assistant: Mrs Rachael Burgess PPA Teacher: Miss Harrison and Miss O’Neil

2 Learning Journeys Terms 1 & 2 Anti-Bullying & Christmas! Tudors

3 Learning Journeys A taste of Lewes & Enterprise Terms 3 & 4
The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe (performance) A taste of Lewes & Enterprise

4 Learning Journeys Terms 5 & 6 Ancient Greece Survival

5 Daily Routine 8:45 Say goodbye at the gate Packed lunches to the shed
Coats and book bags to pegs 8:55 Register opens 9:05 Register closes 10:45 Break time (15 minutes) 10:45 Break time finishes 12:25 Lunch time (1 hour) 13:25 Lunch time ends 3:15 Home time

6 Attendance The expectation is that attendance should be a minimum of 95%. We do appreciate however that children do get ill.

7 Home Learning We have agreed to hand out home learning for the term at the beginning of every term. Each child we will have a choice of activities, but we expect at least 2 completed by the end of term. Weekly spellings, reading and times tables will continue to take place. Reading: everyday for 20 minutes Times tables: three times a week Termly Home Learning Challenge Spellings: three times a week and peer tested on a Friday.

8 Reading: Children should read at home everyday, and record the page number on their bookmarks. They will be given a guided reading book to keep in their book bag, this will be read at school and at home. They should also have 1 free choice book from the book corner. These bookmarks will need to be in school every day as they will be checked in guided reading sessions. Reading Challenge: children need to read 25 times per term to win this treat!

9 Number Bonds / Times Tables Everyday
In Year 4, the children should be learning to recall all their times tables 12 x 12 with speed and accuracy. We advise setting aside some time to practise their target times table in at least three 10 minute slots each week. We will have a 5 minute times table challenge every Friday. Catch-up Club There will be the opportunity for children to complete reading or maths at catch-up club.

10 See the home learning menu for the Summer.
Holiday Home Learning See the home learning menu for the Summer.

11 PE Kits and PE days Children should wear purple shorts, a white t-shirt and plimsolls for PE. There are 2 PE sessions per week. Please bring PE kits in for the first day of each term and take them home to wash during the holidays. A child will be given a warning the first time a P.E isn’t brought in to school and they will have to be a helper in that session. A call will be made home. If this happens again they will have to take a book to another classroom for the sessions.

12 No back pack! Children just need to bring in their book bags and lunch boxes (which will be kept in the shed outside).

13 Behaviour Expectations and Rewards
Middle of the Sun certificates will be awarded on a daily basis, to children who have shown excellent effort or attitude. Great learning certificates are also awarded when children demonstrate outstanding learning during a lesson. If they achieve both in the same day they will get on the supernova! We will award Stars of the Week certificates in our Friday celebration assembly. The grey cloud and the black cloud are used as behaviour sanctions. Children on the grey cloud will miss 5 minutes of their playtime. Children on the black cloud will go to another class with their work for 30 minutes.

14 Term 1: Anne of Cleves house Term 2: Drama workshop.
Possible Trips Term 1: Anne of Cleves house Term 2: Drama workshop. Term 3: Lewes – mapping trip Term 5: Plumpton College – survival skills. These are often subsidised by the Friends of South Malling; however we would not be able to go without a small parent contribution and parent helpers.

15 Home Learning – reading and times tables as often as possible.
How can you help? Home Learning – reading and times tables as often as possible. In the classroom – hearing individual readers, special topic days (Art, DT & science) On trips Please let us know when you are available for these.

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