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Tourism Investment Support Scheme Y Cynllun Cymorth Buddsoddi mewn Twristiaeth August 2011.

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1 Tourism Investment Support Scheme Y Cynllun Cymorth Buddsoddi mewn Twristiaeth
August 2011

2 Tourism Investment Support Scheme (TISS) Y Cynllun Cymorth Buddsoddi mewn Twristiaeth (TISS)
New scheme set up on 1St October 2010 solely for tourism businesses. Financial assistance to tourism businesses to improve product quality (in existing businesses) or realising new business or expansion proposals where the result is to grow the market and not displace.

3 The scheme is for capital expenditure improvements which include:
Tourism Investment Support Scheme Y Cynllun Cymorth Buddsoddi mewn Twristiaeth The scheme is for capital expenditure improvements which include: Serviced accommodation – Hotels, Inns, B&B’s Caravan and camping parks Self catering units (minimum of 3 units/12 bed spaces) Golf clubs (visitor facilities) Outdoor activity centres Tourist attractions These are the subject of review and will be revised over the months ahead.

4 The maximum level of support in Powys 20% for small business
Tourism Investment Support Scheme Y Cynllun Cymorth Buddsoddi mewn Twristiaeth The maximum level of support in Powys 20% for small business 10% medium sized business. NB We will only provide the minimum amount necessary to ensure the project is completed to the planned quality, scale or timescale. TISS minimum £5,000 up to a maximum of £500,000 support per project.

5 A coastal tour of some projects where support has made a difference
A coastal tour of some projects where support has made a difference. Some common themes keep recurring: Quality – Facility & Service. Style & Design. Sense of Place. Food experience. Location & Activities. Escape, Llandudno 9 bedroom 5 Star B&B. Opened in 2004, voted in 2010 in a Times Review as No. 4 in the top 30 coolest B&Bs. The project was to carry out the conversion from what was a domestic usage Victorian Villa to a tourism business – eligible works include internal works as well as car parking, and hard & soft landscaping. Opportunity to grow the market. Displacement?


7 Tourism Investment Support Scheme (TISS) Y Cynllun Cymorth Buddsoddi mewn Twristiaeth (TISS)
Complementary Objectives Energy efficiency and environmental improvements Creation or safeguarding of jobs (requirement for >£25k) Providing a distinctive Welsh experience/Sense of Place Good employment practises Access Statement Quality of design .

8 Contacts Manylion cyswllt
Tourism Investment Support Scheme (TISS) Enquirers for TISS is via Visit Wales’ telephone to or by ing an introductory questionnaire (IQ) to Process for Applications TISS up to £25k usually form based and up to 20 working days TISS over £25k business plan, proportionate to level of support. Investment Analysts: North – Phil Griffiths South West – John Woodward South East – Theresa Cartlidge

9 Regional Split by Analyst / Dadansoddwr ym mhob Rhanbarth

10 Useful contacts and links Manylion cyswllt a dolenni defnyddiol
Visit Wales Industry Website Regional Centre Service Tel: Visit Wales Research Visit Wales - Grading Tourism Partnership Mid Wales

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