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Digital Storytelling and the 21st Century Learner

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Storytelling and the 21st Century Learner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Storytelling and the 21st Century Learner
Hattie Smart Library Media Specialist Deep Run High School

2 We’ve all been there

3 What is Digital Storytelling?
Storytelling using multimedia tools Graphics Audio Video animation Web publishing. “Short, personal, multimedia tales told from the heart." “Multimedia sonnets from the people."

4 Digital Storytelling 2.0 Web 2.0 according to Wikipedia: “a trend in web design and development — a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing between users.” Digital Storytelling 2.0 = using web 2.0 applications to create digital stories

5 Why go to all this trouble?
We want 21st century learners Skills involved include Research Analysis Synthesis Creativity Communication Web 2.0 navigation

6 Why go to all this trouble?
Incorporates the new AASL standards Meshes well with state learning standards Plagiarism proof It’s fun!

7 Where to use digital storytelling
Elementary - Introduce topics such as: Historic events Science concepts Fairy and folk tales Poetry Civic helpers

8 Where to use digital storytelling
Secondary Attention grabbing lesson openers Alternative assignments for reports, posters, and power point presentations. Social Studies English Science World language Electives

9 A note about Safety Don’t use full names
Don’t be specific about your location When you’re online you’re in public

10 Great programs to start with
Toon Doo Go Animate Scrapblog Google Maps Wordle PowerPoint (really!)

11 Toon Doo

12 If you like Toon Doo . . .
Much more basic. Less choice for backgrounds and props Very simple. Cartoons can be printed or ed.

13 Go Animate

14 If you like Go Animate . . .
A very sophisticated animation program for the budding computer animator

15 Scrapblog

16 If you like Scrapblog . . .
A more basic scrapbooking program Online bulliten board Photostory – not web-based but very neat

17 Google Maps

18 Wordle

19 Wordle

20 PowerPoint Choose your own adventure PowerPoint
Hyperlink Poetry PowerPoint

21 Tips and tricks 1st Research 2nd Write 3rd Storyboard 4th Create
5th Evaluate Save always!

22 Multimedia Sources Morgue File Pics 4 Learning Open Photo
Anything in the creative commons

23 Digital Storytelling Resources
Presentation, links, and stories from today The story of Dominoe the dog told with 50 different web 2.0 resources Examples, How-to, Tools, and more

24 Questions? Let’s Play!

25 Works Cited Robin, Bernard R., PhD. "Introduction to storytelling." Educational uses for digital storytelling Instructional Technology Program College of Education University of Houston. 11 Feb < Wikipedia. "Web 2.0." Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. 11 Feb Feb <

26 Animal Fun! Learn about dogs Learn about cats Learn about birds
Back to home

27 Dogs The dog goes, “Woof!” He has furry paws and pointy ears.
Learn about cats Learn about birds Back to home

28 Cats The cat goes, “Meow.” She has a pink nose and long whiskers.
Learn about dogs Learn about birds Back to home

29 Birds The bird goes, “Chirp.” She has an orange beak and loves to sing. Learn about cats Learn about dogs Back to home

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