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2 Forms And Conventions Looking at the forms and conventions of my music magazine I deliberately put a dark background for my magazine as my front cover as my magazine is going to mainly focus on hip-hop. I wanted to give the audience the serious side of my artists in the hip-hop scene and because you will mostly find hip hop artists in the magazine the audience will look as a taster of what is in store for them in the magazine I believe it gives my magazine its own personality as the darker side of hip-hop

3 Representational Issues
I believe that Outlaw represent what the teenagers of today will most likely be interested in. Nowadays most teenagers are interested in following trend and having a role model and look to hip-hop so this magazine will hopefully enable them to be up to date with what's going on It represent the darker side of hip-hop as well as culture, race, gender and more The face expression on the front cover represents the serious of hip-hop

4 Institutions The kind of institutions I would expect to distribute my magazine are corner shops and also I am looking to get papers to help distribute. However ill be looking to place them in facilities such as gyms and sports shops. The reason for this is because I expect there to be a huge amount of young adults around there on a regular basis so I will be hoping to make my magazine popular through them so hopefully they will gain an interest in my magazine and start purchasing it

5 Target Audience My magazine would be targeting towards teenager going on to young adults to be more precise seventeen and onwards

6 Addressing the audience
I attracted my audience by producing my magazine in a form of it being ‘Unique’. As I made my magazine front cover black and white and its not everyday you see a magazine front cover with the image being black and white but I did not want it completely dark so I edited the font in bright colours to catch the readers eye with the title ‘JayVades’ However the contents page is not in black and white I want as I wanted the audience be familiar with my artist

7 Technical/Construction Issues
Lightning was a major issue for when I was editing especially for my artist especially because my artist has a high top. It is not clear on my front cover what type of hairstyle my artist has because the layout is in black and white but I enabled the readers to know in the following contents page whereas I added colour to it and made it more clear of what the parson look like The construction of my magazine helped me improve on Photoshop because at the start of the year i had never used Photoshop o produce something from it all I ever done was just edit picture on it from my time in st bons and didn’t have an intrest in it really then when I started magazines I took an interest in it because I was allowed to be more creative and gain something from this

8 Comparison between Prelim task and Main Task
Looking back on what I did for my prelim magazine actually helped because I got great feedback form it and it motivated to be better and produce better covers so whilst I still had time I increase my knowledge on photoshop by going on it regularly to gain a deeper understanding I used my prelim task to get few ideas from it which I had forget about

9 The End Overall I found this experience enjoyable alongside challenging but it did increase my interest in designing


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