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Ten Top Technological Disasters

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1 Ten Top Technological Disasters
Name __________ Block __________

2 #10 The Hindenburg a German air ship or zeppelin
as long as seven seven forty sevens U.S.A, a major provider of the essential element Helium to make the Hindenburg fly began to fear that Germany was weaponising it forced to use highly combustible Hydrogen rather than Helium which is perfectly safe crashed May sixth, nineteen thirty six in New Jersey thirty six of ninety six passengers dead including one crew member

3 #9 The Sinking of The Estonia Ferry
September twenty, nineth ninety four Over a thousand passengers on board a Swedish ferry liner crash caused by heavy sea conditions which caused the visor door that opened letting cars on and off the ferry broke open flooding the car deck eight hundred and sixty seven dead almost two hundred survived

4 #8 Sampoong Department Store Collapse
June twenty nineth nineteen ninety six in Somme Korea yellow brand of all major construction materials spotty construction a thousand injured Five and two dead Store management left and warned no one of danger twelve city officials arrested and charged

5 #7 Tenerife Airport Collision
nineteen seventy seven happened on the island of Tenerife near the Canary islands a PANAM and a KLM were the two planes involved in the accident five hundred and eighty four of the six hundred and fifty passengers on the planes dead caused by fog, pilot impatients and miscommunications between the pilots and the control tower

6 #6 The Sinking of The Titanic
April fourteenth nineteen twelve sank on the maiden voyage only enough life boats for half the total passengers and crew members one quarter survived the first ship to ever send an S.O.S caused by hitting an ice berg and rupturing the hull

7 #5 Bhopal Disaster happened at union carbide pesticide chemical plant in India union carbide resembles mustard gas affects nervous system December third nineteen eighty four three thousand dead approximately one hundred thousand injuries no action was taken to stop the leak for a full ninety minutes or an hour and a half

8 #4 The Challenger Crash January twenty eighth nineteen eighty six
began to fall seventy three seconds after launch seven dead evidence suggests the crew survived the explosion but died on impact from the nine mile fall caused by failure of O- rings halted NASA space program for two years

9 #3 The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska March twenty fourth, nineteen eighty nine ten point eight million gallons of oil spilled caused by alcoholic captain who neglected his duties in order to go get drunk of the twenty eight species affected two fully recovered

10 #2 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident
April twenty sixth, nineteen eighty six explosion triggered by unauthorized systems test happened in Russia near Kiev three hundred fifty thousand evacuated from Chernobyl thousands dead hundreds of thousands exposed

11 #1 Chinese Dam Bursts August seventh, nineteen seventy five
happened in Henan province, China five out of six sluice gates were working during the crisis/ flood

12 Bibliography Information Pictures
Science and technology 11 Video: Top 10 Technological Disasters, Module 1 Pictures

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