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Geologic History Week 1.

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1 Geologic History Week 1

2 Relative time & Sequence of events Week 1 Day 1
Objectives: Tasks: TASK 1: Students will read and hi lite 2 paragraphs on relative time and answer 6 questions pertaining to the reading. Assignment Packet 6 page 2 Mini lesson 1 Relative Time TASK 2: Using page 7 of the ESRT, students will label each of the rock layers in the diagram provided. TASK 3: Based on the diagram on page 3 of packet 6, students will answer a 5 questions. TASK 4: Students will read a new diagram in which they will now write the sequence of events. Assignment: Packet 6 page 3 & 4 Sequence of events Students will be able to read for information on relative dating. Students will learn how to put in order a complete sequence of events. Geologic History

3 Sequence of Events Week 1 Day 2
Objective: Task: TASK 1: A diagram will be given to the students, but an intrusion has been added. Students will color the intrusion red. Students will read the information given to them on how an intrusion becomes and igneous rock.  TASK 2: Students will draw a sequence of events. Students will follow 4 steps and draw the deposition of 4 rock layers using the symbols on page 7 of the ESRT. They need to remember that the oldest layer will be on the bottom. TASK 3: Students will look at a new diagram and determine which events came first.  TASK 4: Given a new diagram with layers of rocks, an intrusion and a fault, students will write out the complete sequence of events.  TASK 5: The students will read 8 statements pertaining to the diagram in task 6 and decide if each statement is true or false. ASSIGNMENTs: Packet 6 pages 5-6 Sequence of events (continued) pac 6 Pg 9-10 regents Questions Students will learn how to put in order a complete sequence of events.

4 Rock Correlation & Unconformaties Week 1 Day 3
Objectives: Tasks: TASK 1: Students will read and hi lite 2 paragraphs on rock correlation & unconformities and answer 7 questions pertaining to the reading. Assignment: Packet 6 Geologic History, pg 11, Mini lesson 2: Rock correlation & unconformaties TASK 2: Students are given 4 outcrops to look at that are 15 km from each other . Students will cut out 8 separate rock layers that are on a different sheet that are found in the 4 outcrops. Students will find the cut out rock layers that are in outcrop A and assemble on the desk in front of them, making sure to leave a space between layers that have an unconformity. If there are any layers in outcrop B that are not in the assembled sequence in front of them, they will add the layers to the sequence. They will not take any layers away. They will then do the same for outcrops C and D. Students will add any layers to the sequence while not removing any layers. Students will glue the sequence on page 13 of packet 6. Using the symbols from page 7 of the ESRT, students will label each rock layer. TASK 3: Students will answer 4 questions pertaining to the sequence in task 2. Assignment: Packet 6 pages mini lesson 2 Rock correlation & unconformities Students will read for information on rock correlation & unconformities. Students will construct a complete sequence of events correlating outcrops which include unconformities.

5 Geologic Time Scale Week 1 Day 4
Objective: Task: Students will read for information on the Geologic time Using pg 8 ESRT 9:04 Using pg 9 ESRT6:34 TASK 1: Students read and hi lite 2 paragraphs on the geologic time scale and answer 9 questions pertaining to the reading.  ASSIGNMENT: packet 6 , Earth’s 15, Mini lesson 3: geologic time scale

6 Interpreting Geologic History of NYS Week 1 Day 5
Objective: Task: Students will be able to get information from page 8 & 9 of the ESRT. Task 1: Following specific instructions , students will become familiar with page 8 & 9 of the ESRT using hi liters to mark units of time. Students will color the different Eons using a specific color given in the directions . Students will answer specific questions by reading the information from page 8 & 9 of the ESRT. ASSIGNMENT: Packet 6 pages Interpreting the Geologic History of NYS

7 Geologic History Week 2

8 Interpreting Geologic History of NYS Week 2 Day 1
Objectives : Tasks : Students will be able to get information from page 8 & 9 of the ESRT Students will be able to answer regents questions pertaining to the Geologic time scale. TASK 1: Students will answer 28 questions using pg 8 & 9 ESRT TASK 2: Students will look under the “Life on Earth” column on pg 8 & 9 of the ESRT and fill in the period and epoch for the information in the chart on page 20 of packet 6 TASK 3: Students will fill in a second chart on pg 20, using the “important Geologic events” column on pg 9 of the ESRT Assignment: packet 6, Geologic History,pg 18-20 TASK 4: Students will answer 10 regents questions Assignment:Geologic Time Scale WS pg pac 6

9 Index Fossils & Absolute Time Week 2 Day 2
Objectives: Tasks: Students will be able to find information about index fossils on pg 8 & 9 ESRT Students will read for information on absolute time Earth's History 8:13 TASK 1: Using pg 8 & 9 of the ESRT, students will list specific index fossils following the directions. Assignment: packet 6, Geologic History, Interpreting GH of NYS chart pg 9 ESRT, pg 25 Task 2: Students will hi Lite and read for information on absolute time and then answer questions pertaining to the reading. Assignment:packet 6, Earth’s History , mini lesson 3: Absolute Time

10 Geologic History Review Week 2 Day 3
Objective: Task: Students will be able to correctly answer questions pertaining to Geologic History. TASK 1: Students will answer 18 regents questions using their reference table when needed. Assignment: Geologic History WS , pac 6 pg 26-28

11 Radioactive Decay Week 2 Day 4
Objectives: Tasks: Students will understand the concept of radioactive decay. Students will be able to answer questions pertaining to radioactive decay. pg 1 ESRT Radioactive Decay chart 2:15 TASK 1: Students will answer 19 questions on radioactive decay using pg 1 ESRT. ASSIGNMENT: packet 6 , Earth’s History, page 30, Interpreting the radioactive decay chart ESRT pg 1  TASK 2: Students will answer 10 regents questions Assignment: Radioactive Decay WS , pac 6 pg 36-37

12 Evolution Week 2 Day 5 Objectives: Tasks:
Students will read for information on evolution Students will be able to answer questions pertaining to evolution. Students will read for information on the Earth’s early atmosphere TASK 1: Students will read and hi lite 2 paragraphs on evolution and answer 10 questions pertaining to the reading. Assignment: packet 6, Geologic History, mini lesson 4: Evolution pg 38 TASK 2: Students will answer 8 regents questions Assignment: Evolution WS, pac 6 pg 39 TASK 3: : Students will read and hi lite a paragraph on Earth’s early atmosphere and answer 4questions pertaining to the reading. Assignment: packet 6, Earth’s History, mini lesson 4:Evolution , pg 38

13 Review Week 3 Day 1 Objective: Task:
Students will be able to get answer the constructed response questions correctly. TASK 1: Students will answer 18 constructed response questions . Assignment:Construced response questions WS # 1-5 Geologic History

14 Geologic History Test Objective: Task:
Students will be able to pass this test TASK 1: Unit test

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