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Calcified Lesion and Device Intervention Across the Pacific: PMDA View

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1 Calcified Lesion and Device Intervention Across the Pacific: PMDA View
Tomohito Suzuki, Ph.D. Office of Medical Devices I, PMDA, Japan

2 Calcified Lesion and Device Intervention
Review Points Points to Consider in review process –non clinical part Clinical evaluation Points to Consider in review process –Clinical part Summary

3 Calcified Lesion and Device Intervention
Rotational atherectomy device Rotablator™ / RotaLink™ System (Approval:1997) Directional coronary atherectomy device Simpson’s coronary atherectomy catheter system (Approval:1992) : now not available in Japan Approved only for Coronary artery In Japan rotational atherectomy device such as rotablator and directional coronary atheretomy device such as sinmpsons coronary athrectomy catheter are use in calcified lesion And thse devices use only fore voronary artery in Japan, so today I talk about coronary calcified lesion.

4 What is the development purpose?
Review points What is the development purpose? What is intended for additional materials? What character/performance is expected in the design of additional materials? What will appropriately evaluate the additional materials for the intended purpose? In our pre-marketing review process, these items should be clarified; What is the purpose of development? And what kind of materials is utilized to achieve the concept? What character/performance are expected in the design for the behavior of additional materials? What are the appropriate evaluation that additional material could achieve the purpose?

5 Points to Consider in review process –non clinical part for devices
Characterization of Novel products Efficacy: mode of action Safety Vessel perforation Heat production General requirements for electric device Refer to the MHLW notification for electric device Rotablator Size of debris (smaller than RBC?) DCA Vessels involved in the rotation In this slide, we would like to briefly introduce the point to consider in non-clinical data review for the devices use in calcified lision. These devices needs to be clarified in following points; The additional characteristics of novel products. The mechanism of its efficacy And the Safety, for example Vessel perforation and Heat production In addition to these rotablator need evaluate a size of debris And DCA needs evaluate Vessels involved with the rotation When you develop electric devices in Japan, please refer to a MHLW notification regarding electric products.

6 Other related requirements
Data for device stability and durability Data for biocompatibility Animal study Insertion test in swine (pig) coronary arteries Nonclinical evaluation to determine if the device perform its intended purpose Off course following items that are general requirements for medical devices are required too: Device stability and durability, biocompatibility, and it is not always requires, if needed performance evaluation in animal study. And device concept validation by bench testing.

7 Review points –clinical evaluation
What is clinical positioning of Rotablator & DCA? Mainly complementary devices Mainstay of therapy is POBA or stent Next, we briefly introduce point to consider in clinical review of devices foe calcified lesion. Rotablator and DCA, these devices are mainly complementary devices And Mainstay therapy is POBA or stent

8 Clinical evaluation Complementary devices Confirm that it works safely
The validity of complementary use Increase the benefit, but not increase the risk Confirm that it works safely without cutting too much without having negative impact with evaluation of the treated vessel Thus these devices are Complementary devices, Need to evaluate the validity of complementary use And Need to shown increase the benefit, but not increase the risk Confirm that it works safely without cutting too much, without having negative impact, ant with evaluation of the treated vessel

9 Points to Consider in review process –Clinical part
Purpose of the clinical trial It works safely? Patient population With strong calcified lesion which can’t be expanded enough with balloon or stent? Control arm With existing comparable devices or no complementary device Primary endpoints Acute success ? (complementary use) Rotabretor and DCA are supportive devices, so we should evaluate its works safty.

10 Points to Consider in review process –clinical part
Important items Necessary secondary endpoints? Items to be evaluated? Additional topics, e.g. easiness of reintervention Side branch occlusion, slow flow Properties of the treated vessel, vessel dissection might have undetected risk, so we should evaluate its clinical benefit. So following items are important in the review of clinical trial; Secondary endpoints Clinical items to be observed Facility in case of retreatment And risk of said branch occlusion and slow flow. Properties of the vessel, vessel dissociation The necessity of innovative device development is understandable. The device may be an option to solve various remaining problems in calcified region. On the other hand, its clinical efficacy and safety are not yet to be clarified in many aspects

11 Review points What is the development concept? Clinical positioning
Risk Benefit Clinical positioning Alternative? or Complementary? Follow-on? or Brand new? Non-clinical test Clinical trial Purpose Patient population Control endpoint Safety duration Novel materials Efficacy Safety Device performance Appropriate study design and evaluation based on its clinical positioning Appropriate evaluation based on its concept As a summary, it is necessary to make clear what is the purpose of development. Should it increase the benefit or decrease the risk? If it would be clear , we could understand its clinical positioning. Regarding its clinical positioning, we could make clear patients population, suitable control, efficacy and safety measures. Off course, pre-clinical test and bench test are required.

12 PMDA’s Consultation Menu
Very early stage Non-Clinical CT required? CT Pre-application Market and Literature Surveys Stability Test Biological Safety Test Performance Test Exploratory Clinical Test Clinical Test for Verification Development of Application Dossier Electrical Safety Test Pre-development consultation Safety Confirmation Consultation Consultation on Clinical Evaluation Clinical Trial Consultation Pre-application Consultation And this slide shows PMDA’s consultation menu. From very early stage to pre-application stage, we have offered various menu. [click] And these are new categories of consultations, prior assessment consultation and pharmaceutical affairs consultation on R&D strategy. Quality Consultation Consultation on Performance Test Exploratory Clinical Trial Consultation Application Procedural Consultation Pharmaceutical Affairs Consultation on R&D Strategy Prior Assessment Consultation

13 PMDA, Japan Tomohito Suzuki, Ph.D. Office of Medical Devices I
For more information, please visit our website: URL : PMDA/we suggest consultation meetings in an early stage of development for clinical trial designing. You can find that information via PMDA’s web site and it’ll also be welcomed to me. Thank you so much for your kind attention! Thank you! 13


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