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BSM H->hh analyses with ATLAS detector

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1 BSM H->hh analyses with ATLAS detector
方亚泉 高能物理所 院前沿重点项目启动会,暨国际创新海外团队&所创新团队2016年联合年会 IHEP 2016年11月18日

2 Motivation Higgs pair production has a small Xsection in SM (~33 BSM can effectively enhance Higgs pair production: 2HDM, SUSY etc.. The distribution of pt of Higgs is higher than expected. VBF is the second largest production of Higgs and has lower theoretical uncertainty (~5%) and could also probe new physics

3 Summary of RUN1 results: hh→WWgg
Phys.Rev. D 92, (2015) hh->wwgg was first proposed by us at : PLB755(2016) hh->wwgg together with bbgg, bbtautau,bbbb are extensively explored with RUN1 data and the results are combined 2.5s for combined results with 1.8s from wwgg.

4 H->hh->wwgg before ICHEP (2016)
IHEP Proposed the analysis strategies for this channel aiming at summer results in January/April in ATLAS HBSM workshops at LAL/Grenoble. H->hh->4W(l+/-l+/-+jets) started to be proposed and investigated by IHEP group. An Pheno. paper is under preparation.

5 Definition of objs and selections

6 Continuous Background estimation
A number counting analysis is used for the analysis considering low statistics. Sideband of the di-photon is used to extract Different control regions are used to validate. High statistical sideband sample gg+2jets (in lepton requirement) is pragmatically used.

7 Results The events within /-2s GeV mass window are listed in the above table. The dominant background is still from continuum background. From the right plot, the statistical fluctuation is still significant.

8 Systematics The most dominant resource of the systematics comes from
the statistical uncertainty of continuum background.

9 Limits ICHEP: ATLAS-CONF-2016-071
The selections are mass independent; the differences of the limits are mainly due to the variations of the signal efficiencies. No obvious new signal has been seen: the deviations between observed limits and expected limits are around 2s. More data will tell us the further story…

10 H->hh searches after ICHEP
More people join these analyses: H->hh->W(qq)W*(qq)gg is being studied. H->hh->4W->3lqq, H->hh->4W->4l is also being investigated. Boosted analyses for high mass. Bi-weekly meeting chaired in ATLAS by Xiaohu Sun and Yaquan Fang

11 Other possibility arXiv:1606.01674 S
Replace one or two h’s with scalar particle s which is not coupled with SM. So the s particle is not observed in RUN1 and can be higher than the mass of Higgs (125 GeV). ggWW can have higher contribution than ggbb,

12 Schedule for Moriond, 2017 F

13 Plans for Moriond 2017 WWgg paper:
- Title: Search for Higgs boson pair production in the final state of γγWW∗ using XXX fb−1 of pp collision data recorded at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector - Proposed contact editors: Yaquan Fang, Xiaohu Sun, Jason Veatch  - Supporting notes: Search for Higgs boson pair production in the final state of yyWW*(->lvqq) using XXX fb-1 of pp collision data recored at sqrt(s)=13TeV with the ATLAS detector  (editors: Qi Li, Xiaohu Sun) Search for Higgs boson pair production in the final state of yyWW*(->qqqq) using XXX fb-1 of pp collision data recored at sqrt(s)=13TeV with the ATLAS detector  (editors: Yu Zhang, Kai Hessen ) WWWW paper: - Title: Search for Higgs boson pair production in the final state of WW*WW∗ using XXX fb−1 of pp collision data recorded at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector - Proposed contact editors: Liang Li, Weiming Yao, Maosen Zhou Search for Higgs boson pair production in the final state of WW*WW*(->l+/-l+/-vvqqqq) using XXX fb-1 of pp collision data recored at sqrt(s)=13TeV with the ATLAS detector  (editors: Yaquan Fang, Maosen Zhou) Search for Higgs boson pair production in the final state of WW*WW*(->lllvvvqq) using XXX fb-1 of pp collision data recored at sqrt(s)=13TeV with the ATLAS detector  (editors: Jason Veatch, Xingguo Li) Search for Higgs boson pair production in the final state of WW*WW*(->llllvvvv) using XXX fb-1 of pp collision data recored at sqrt(s)=13TeV with the ATLAS detector  (editors: Debarati Roy, Yesenia Hernandez)

14 Summary Conference notes about di-Higgs→w(lν)w(qq)gg are approved with ATLAS RUN2 data and shown in ICHEP: The latter is the only channel available for di-Higgs search in ICHEP in the mass region smaller than 500 GeV. Play a leading role in this analysis. Editors and contact persons 2 papers, 1 conference note in Also involved in 750 di-photon, Zgam analyses. Two ATLAS publications are planned for Moriond 2017 for H->hh analyses: We play leading roles in these analyses. Analyses coordinators and editors

15 back up

16 VBF signature Signature : diphoton in central region
two high-pT jets in forward region VBF pre-selection N_jet>=2 Δηjj>2 |ηγγ-0.5*(ηj1+ ηj2)|<5

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