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Using TEXAS.

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1 Using TEXAS

2 TOPIC Kirby is a caring and supportive teenager.

3 EXAMPLE (and quote to prove it)
Kirby is a caring , sensible teenager with a good sense of humour. ‘She threw her arms’ around her crying mother, managed the family budget and laughed off their difficulties.

4 EXPLANATION (give reasons why)
Kirby is a caring , sensible teenager with a good sense of humour. ‘She threw her arms’ around her crying mother, managed the family budget and laughed off their difficulties. Kirby obviously cares for her mum or she would not be so concerned to find her crying. She is carrying more responsibility than she should for her age because she is managing the family budget. In addition, she and her mother laugh of their worries together as they “collapse in a fit of giggles”.

5 ANALYSIS (relate the ideas together)
Kirby is a caring , sensible teenager with a good sense of humour. ‘She threw her arms’ around her crying mother, managed the family budget and laughed off their difficulties. Kirby obviously cares for her mum or she would not be so concerned to find her crying. She is carrying more responsibility than she should for her age because she is managing the family budget. In addition, she and her mother laugh of their worries together as they “collapse in a fit of giggles”. It is likely that Kirby has developed her sense of humour as a way of coping with her over-emotional and somewhat incapable mother.

6 SUMMARY Kirby is a caring , sensible teenager with a good sense of humour. ‘She threw her arms’ around her crying mother, managed the family budget and laughed off their difficulties. Kirby obviously cares for her mum or she would not be so concerned to find her crying. She is carrying more responsibility than she should for her age because she is managing the family budget. In addition, she and her mother laugh of their worries together as they “collapse in a fit of giggles”. It is likely that Kirby has developed her sense of humour as a way of coping with her over-emotional and somewhat incapable mother. Normally, the parents care for the children. However, Kirby's relationship with her mother is inverted. She has become the responsible one in their family and is caring for her mother. This could be stressful for her but because she is a strong person, she seems able to cope. Her actions are heroic and her mother would be lost without her.

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