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Your Body Belongs to You!

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Presentation on theme: "Your Body Belongs to You!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Body Belongs to You!
Created by Tina Milacek and Dusty Wright Based on information from Kenneth Wooden & Child Lures, Ltd., 2008, Child Lures Prevention Program.

2 Each of us has our own built in computer, do you know what it is?

3 Can we use our brain to keep ourselves safe?

4 What kind of people do we like best?
Can a person we thought was nice start to behave like a not-so-nice person?

5 What is your favorite kind of weather?
What kind of weather is safest?

6 Lightning can strike anywhere and anytime.
How do we stay safe?

7 Use your built-in computer…
If we can make ourselves safe from unsafe weather, can we make ourselves safe from unsafe or “bad weather” people?

8 Most of the time weather is…
Most of the time people are…

9 How many of you like to fish??
What do we use to catch fish?

10 Sometimes “bad weather people” use lures or bait to trick children into trusting or going with them.
Can we better protect ourselves if we can tell when a Child Lure is being used?

11 Should we go along with someone if they:
Ask us to help look for a lost puppy? Offer us money? Tell us there is an emergency? Know your name? Tell us to get undressed? Offer to give us a ride home? Say we’ve done something wrong and we need to come with them?

12 Should we tell anyone information while we are online?
Bad weather people can be online, too Keep personal information private online Your town, your last name, your address, your team, your number, your neighborhood. Learning about these things helps us in case we are ever faced with an unsafe situation.

13 Which parts of our body do bathing suits cover?
Let’s call the private parts of our body the “Bathing Suit Zone.”

14 To whom does your body belong?
It belongs to YOU!

15 Should anyone touch us in the “Bathing Suit Zone” or ask us to touch them in theirs?
Why not?

16 Is it ok for a playmate, classmate, or friend touch us in our “Bathing Suit Zone?”
Is it ok for a family member, adult family friend, or grandparent to touch us in our “Bathing Suit Zone?”

17 If anyone tries to touch us in the “Bathing Suit Zone” especially in a way that makes us uncomfortable, scared, or upset, we should: Get to a safe place as quickly as possible. Tell a trusted grown-up so that you can feel safe again.

18 Sometimes you might need help from a trusted adult for cleanliness, illness, or bathroom purposes, or when you go to the doctor. These types of touching in the “Bathing Suit Zone” are usually okay. If you feel uncomfortable with any type of touching, it is ok to say “No”.

19 Think about this: Has someone ever accused you of doing something wrong, and you hadn’t done it, but you got into trouble anyway? How did that feel? Would it be fair to another person to say that they touched you in an unsafe way when they really have not? Why shouldn’t we make up stories about things like this? What is the right thing to do? Tell the TRUTH!!!

20 Jacob has a babysitter who tries to touch inside his “Bathing Suit Zone”. What should he do?
He should: Tell the babysitter to stop. Tell a trusted adult. Mom and Dad, teacher, counselor, principal, nurse, grandparent, any adult that he trusts. Who could you tell if it happened to you? Why might it be hard for Jacob to tell someone about what happened? Could he be scared or embarrassed? Might he care about the babysitter and not want to get them into trouble? Might the person have threatened him not to tell, so he is scared?

21 Our instincts are feelings inside that give us information about situations and behavior.
They tell us when: Something doesn’t feel right. There might be danger. Someone has been or might be hurt. Where do we feel those feelings? In our stomach, or “gut”. Listen to your built in computer, your brain, and your instincts to let you know when something isn’t right and when to get away from a situation. Always tell a trusted adult if someone is touching you in your Bathing Suit Zone, and if they can not help you, keep telling trusted adults until you get help.

22 Your body belongs to YOU, and YOU have the right to stay safe!

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