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Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research

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1 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
A PRESENTATION OF THE Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research “The aim of the Bjerknes Centre is to understand and quantify the climate system for the benefit of society”

2 An umbrella organisation gathering the four
major institutions in climate research in Bergen: University of Bergen UNI Research AS Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center Institute of Marine Research Co-located with the Geophysical Institute, UiB the historical building that since housed the Bergen School of Meteorology since 1928

3 Vilhelm F. K. Bjerknes Jacob A. B. Bjerknes (1897-1975)
( ) The father of modern Meteorology Founder of the Bergen School of Meteorology ( ) Jacob A. B. Bjerknes ( ) Bergen is the home of the founding father of the Bergen School of meteorology. Both Vilhem Bjerknes and his son Jack laid the basis for modern weather forecasting as well as research on climate change and the role of the oean in the climate system. The Centre is thus named after them, as a tribute to their visionary efforts. Norwegian Cyclone Model (1917) Atlantic air – sea interaction (1964) El Nino – Southern Oscillation (1969)

4 Started as a Norwegian Centre of Excellence 2003-2012
Started as a Norwegian Centre of Excellence Now funded directly by the government until 2021 Basic research on past, present and future climates Unique expertise and interdisciplinarity: Meteorology, physical and chemical oceanography, mathematics, biogeochemistry, palaeoclimates, paleobotany, marine biology & modelling ……. combining observations, theory and modeling

5 Coordination: the national effort on the building and maintenance of the Norwegian Earth System Model Education: national research training of future generation of scientists in climate dynamics in Norway Internationalization: 190 scientists from 32 nationalities. Recruits from top institutions. Largest Nordic climate research centre, among the top-five in Europe

6 Scientists from 32 countries
SWEDEN (3) FINLAND (1) SWITZERLAND (1) DENMARK (1) AUSTRIA (1) BELGIUM(1) ICELAND (1) USA (9) CANADA (3) BRAZIL (1) Norway Germany China UK Russia USA France Netherlands 6 rest shown on the map

RG1: Climate model development and projections RG2: Climate predictions from global to regional scales RG3: Carbon cycle and biogeochemistry RG4: Large-scale atmosphere-ocean dynamics RG5: Atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean processes RG6: Natural climate variability –extending the inst. records RG7: Past climate dynamics - from greenhouse to icehouse LEADER GROUP BOARD SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD DIRECTOR SECRETARIAT Research Groups (RGs)

8 Basic funding + Project income
Total income 2014: 118 MNOK (14 M€)

9 Strategic projects 2015-2018 BASIC - Boundary Layer in the Arctic
BIGCHANGE Biogeochemical change and detection FRESHWATER – From shelf to ocean interior INCREASE – Northern European and Arctic sea level MARGIN – Glacial and atmospheric dynamics MEDEVAC – Multidecadal variability PARADIGM – Prediction and regional downscaling WACYEX – Water cycle extremes

10 150 publications in 2014 Science, 8 Jan 2014
Nature communications, 11 Sep 2014 Nature, 17 Sep 2014 Nature geoscience, 28 Sep 2014

11 Policy relevant Contribution to IPCC, special reports, … Climate forcast Advisory body


13 Decadal climate forecasts
Årthun m.fl. (2012)

”Education of ministers” Participation in policy-oriented activities Outreach: mass media (newspapers, TV, radio), schools, blogs, etc. CLIMATE CHNGE AND IMPACTS IN NORWAY (NORKLIMA) Labor Party´s Climate Panel

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