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JFK, LBJ, and the Vietnam Era

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1 JFK, LBJ, and the Vietnam Era
Essential Question: How did the policies of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson affect the nation?

2 PART 1

3 1960 Election Kennedy (D) Vs. Nixon (R)
The first televised debate gave Kennedy the advantage

4 The Peace Corps Kennedy’s believed that prosperity combined with democracy would stop the spread of communism. American volunteers providing technical, educational, and health services.

5 Bay of Pigs Invasion 1961: Failed attempt by the CIA to overthrow Fidel Castro Strengthened Castro’s position in Cuba

6 The Berlin Wall Soviets demanded American exit from Berlin and Kennedy refused. Wall built by U.S.S.R symbolized the division between the democratic West and the Communist East

7 Cuban Missile Crisis Sept. 1962:
Soviet nuclear missiles located in Cuba President Kennedy ordered a Naval blockade Came very close to direct conflict Hotline created

8 Kennedy’s New Frontier
Kennedy’s proposal to improve the economy, education, healthcare , and civil rights. Goal: Equality for all Americans Space program

9 Kennedy’s Foreign Policy

10 The Space Race Competition between the two superpowers encouraged spending on space programs and space missions

11 Kennedy’s Assassination
Nov 22, 1963 Dallas, Texas Lee Harvey Oswald VP Johnson Takes over Warren Commision concludes that he acted alone

12 Johnson’s Great Society
Plan to bring an end poverty and racial injustice. Improved the lives of many underprivileged Americans Education Programs (Headstart) Medicare Medicaid Environment Immigration

13 Immigration Act of 1965 Eliminated immigration policy based on national origin quotas Led to a dramatic increase in immigration to the U.S.

14 Miranda Vs. Arizona (1966) Forces the police to inform people of their rights at the time of their arrest.

15 Gulf of Tonkin (1964) U.S.S Maddox fired upon (not hit).
Congress gave the President the power “to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the U.S. and to prevent further aggression” Leads to increase in the number of American troops in Vietnam

16 The Tet Offensive Jan 1968: Major strategic blow to the U.S. in Vietnam Showed that a quick end to war would not be possible

17 Selective Service (1948) All men have to register when they turn 18
1.5 Million drafted during Vietnam College students were exempt Most sent to war were from poor/working class backgrounds

18 1968 Election Johnson does not seek second term
Robert Kennedy Assassinated Protests at Democratic Convention Nixon wins

19 My Lai Massacre (1968) American troops committed a slaughter of a village of civilians killed Images published turned more against the war

20 Free Speech/Anti-War Movement
Berkley(1965): Students for a democratic Society and the Free Speech movement protested for the right of college students to stage a political protest on campus Kent state Massacre (1970) 4 protestors killed

21 Nixon’s Vietnamization
Plan to build up South Vietnamese forces to replace American troops


23 PART 2

24 Detente Flexible diplomacy adopted by Nixon that sought to ease tensions between the U.S. , the U.S.S.R, and China

25 The War Powers Act of 1973 Passed in response to concern regarding Nixon and Johnson taking too much military authority from Congress

26 The Women’s Movement “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan
Brought to light the lack of opportunity and fulfillment for housewives NOW: National Organization of Women

27 Roe Vs. Wade 1973: Upheld a woman’s right to an abortion.

28 United Farm Workers Brought to light the issues facing Hispanic Americans and migrant workers Influenced by the Civil Rights movement Led by Caesar Chavez

29 The Environmental Protection Act (1970)
Created to protect the environmental resources of the United States

30 SALT I 1972 treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union that froze the deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles and placed limits on antiballistic missiles

31 Watergate Scandal 1974 Political scandal involving an illegal break in of the Watergate hotel that ultimately led to the resignation of President Nixon

32 Camp David Accords President Jimmy Carter brings Egypt and Israel together for a Peace agreement over the Sinai Peninsula

33 Iran Hostage Crisis After the Ayatollah Khomeini took control of Iran, he encouraged violence which led to more than 60 American diplomats being held hostage for 444 days.

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