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EEA waste prevention activities

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1 EEA waste prevention activities
Session 4: Future work on the circular economy in the EEA and Eionet ( ) EEA waste prevention activities EEA, Copenhagen, March 2015

2 Review – the status in 2013 (key findings) Next steps in the process
Content: Policy context Process and actors Review – the status in 2013 (key findings) Next steps in the process

3 1. Waste prevention policy context
EU waste hierarchy ~ 40 years of waste legislation: 1975 – Waste Framework Directive 2005 – Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste 2008 – Waste Framework Directive (revised) 2011 – Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe 2013 – 7th Environment Action Programme 2014 – CE Communication v1.0 2015 – CE Communication v2.0 (under construction) …revision of Waste Framework Directive…

4 Waste prevention as a cross-cutting policy area

5 According to the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC)
Article 29 (1), ‘Member States shall establish…waste prevention programmes not later than 12 December 2013’. Under Article 30 (2), ‘The European Environment Agency is invited to include in its annual report a review of progress in the completion and implementation of waste prevention programmes’.

6 2. Waste prevention process & actors


8 3. Waste prevention review
Key findings; waste prevention: General Objectives Scope (by sector/waste type) Targets Indicators Monitoring systems Measures & policy instruments Good practice examples Source: Geographical coverage: EU-28, 4 EFTA countries + Turkey = 33 EEA

9 Key findings – waste prevention scope
Scope by sector Scope by waste type

10 Key findings (cont.) – waste prevention measures and policy instruments
Distribution of measures according to Annex IV of the Waste Framework Directive and policy instruments

11 Key findings (cont.) – good practice examples

12 Second waste prevention review – cc OCT/NOV 2015
4. Next steps (2015) Second waste prevention review – cc OCT/NOV 2015 Joint webinar EEA/EC/OECD – SEP 2015 Waste prevention stakeholders meeting – BRU – cc OCT/NOV 2015

13 Group on waste prevention: objectives
To learn what is happening in the EEA countries To propose/agree on how to organise waste prevention review process To discuss how EEA can assist/promote waste prevention initiatives/activities in the EEA countries

14 Group on waste prevention: structure
What is happening in EEA countries? (30 min) Waste prevention review process (30 min): Difficulties experiences and anticipated (5 min) How to solve identified difficulties? (25 min) How to assist/promote national waste prevention activities? (25 min): Current activities that support sharing of experiences, building knowledge base, promote country experiences (5 min) How to improve communication tools/ways, etc? (20 min) Wrap up (5 min)

15 Waste prevention review process
Ireland: Annual publication National Waste Prevention Programme Metrics for 2013 – Examples: 32 of the 34 Local Authorities participate in the Local Authority Prevention Network 30% of Irish hotels representing >50% of hotel beds participating in the Green Hospitality Programme. 85% less waste per sleeper in 2013 than there was in 2004. 33% of Acute Hospitals representing >50% of all national acute beds are participating in the EPA Green Healthcare programme. 40% reduction in food waste achieved in one specific acute hospital.

16 Waste prevention review process?
What kind of information is available in your countries on the actual implementation of the waste programme? If your programme contains any targets or indicators – how do your report on progress? Are there any information on the success of specific waste prevention measures? What would you like to see in future EEA Waste prevention reviews?

17 Next steps: Support by EEA
How can the EEA support you in the development of effective waste prevention policies? in their actual implementation? in showing progress in waste prevention?

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