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Digital Technology.

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1 Digital Technology

2 About Penumbra Established in 1985 Employs 400 people
Supports over 1600 adults and young people each week Focus on health and wellbeing

3 Transformations Services Service Care Provider Coach Receiver Active Participant Outputs Outcomes Maintaining Recovery

4 Recovery Penumbra’s mission is to provide high quality services that improve mental health and wellbeing. We believe services should be designed and delivered in a way that places the needs, and outcomes, of each person at the centre. But how do you reliably measure if a service is helping someone achieve outcomes? How do you answer the question: what difference do we make?

5 I.ROC HOPE Framework I.ROC

6 Measuring the Difference
Personal Level Aggregated scores

7 Going Digital Aims: Increase mutuality
Drive recovery knowledge & practice Measure recovery Evidence links to personal outcomes Increase data security Increase accessibility via online/offline People sitting side by side – more transparent and more visible: shared record as well as a shared conversation. Moving the coversation and the record into the person’s home.

8 Gathers demographic, health and wellbeing and I.ROC data
Website and mobile app Gathers demographic, health and wellbeing and I.ROC data Identifies personal outcomes Measures personal recovery Produces individual/service/organisational impact reports Resource Library eLearning/Blended Learning Community of recovery practitioners Demo system

9 Impact on our organisation
More focused on what matters More efficient and effective Measuring distance travelled Planning for outcomes at all levels Informing strategic priorities/service designs/service approaches and resource requirements Improved outcomes for people who use our services. Giving people the tools that they need, where they need them

10 Impact on our organisation
"I.ROC has transformed our organisation - we are more focused on what matters, we are giving our staff tools and training that enhance recovery skills, and we know the difference we are making” (CEO) We can now evidence outcomes against validated indicators of recovery

11 Feedback from fellow providers
“Staff benefit by having a clear system of processes to work with as well as a ‘shared language’ of outcomes, making practice more effective” (CEO 3rd sector provider) “While I realise there is still work to do, I am thinking about employment or going to college as something to work toward in the near future. Looking back over my I.ROC scores I feel really proud of the distance I’ve travelled” (SU)

12 Thanks for listening Any Questions?

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