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Patternization of an Inquiry-based design process for the construction of a structurally sound educational tool: The paradigm of a secondary development.

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Presentation on theme: "Patternization of an Inquiry-based design process for the construction of a structurally sound educational tool: The paradigm of a secondary development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patternization of an Inquiry-based design process for the construction of a structurally sound educational tool: The paradigm of a secondary development tool negotiating scientific concepts   Zacharoula Smyrnaiou, Evangelia Petropoulou, Maria Margoudi, Ioannis Kostikas

2 Contents Introduction Related Work Study design and Methodology
Research Framework and Design Data Collection Procedure Analysis Results Conclusions Future Work

3 Introduction The Gap of Research:
Open Educational Software The Gap of Research: The design process followed by each designer as well as the analysis of the influences governing his/her decisions - both as a whole and partially - in the design process. Creative construction Teachers Designers of digital tools

4 To determine to what degree the design process can be represented in the form of a pattern which could act as a point of reference and verification in a design process. Design-based research Analyze step by step the creative design course of a teacher, in order to achieve a cognitive mapping of the conceptual perceptions during the design process. Methodology Our Study Main Goal Aim Theoretical frameworks TPACK COSC (Cognitive Schematization)

5 Related Work The framework of TPACK
Educational tools for STEM sciences Design of learning activities targeted to engage pupils in the re-discovery of fundamental cognitive concepts

6 The Concept of Instrumental Genesis Instrument-ilization
Related Work The Concept of Instrumental Genesis Two functions are performed simultaneously: Instrument-ation Instrument-ilization Relates to the evolution of the artifacts themselves as the user’s activity unfolds. Concerns the construction of systems that will facilitate the utilization of the artifacts.

7 Study design and Methodology
Design-based Research Validity and reliability: Cross Analysis technique Three researchers  Model and evaluate the evolution of the design process in the digital environment of E-slate with the negotiation of scientific concepts as the main axis.

8 Research Framework and Design
Location: Educational Technology, University of Athens Duration: Three Weeks Products: 27 microworlds Cognitive Module: Kinematics and Dynamics of Physics Participants: The designer – an undergraduate of the Faculty of Physics Department supported by a researcher for technical rather than cognitive issues

9 Data Collection Procedure
Cross Analysis Technique by three researchers All data were coded and analyzed All 27 microworlds were grouped and examined on the basis of their Time Sequence in three temporal stages: Initial stage Middle stage Completion stage Further research data: Records and conversations from the Wiki environment An interview with the designer

10 Cross analysis snapshots of the procedural design genesis
E-SLATE platform is a source of Premanufa-ctured educational software, called microworlds. Cross analysis snapshots of the procedural design genesis For the sake of economy, we have decided to present the analysis of three microworlds; each one typical of the temporal stage to which they belong. 1st Microworld 7th Microworld 25th Microworld

11 Initial Stage Microworld
1st Microworld: 1J.mwd

12 Middle Stage Microworld
7th Microworld: 7J.mwd

13 Completion Stage Microworld
25th Microworld: 16.61J.mwd


15 Results

16 Conclusions 1/3 Simple cognitive and technological steps
More sophisticated interventions Adjustments of readymade items from other microworlds Entries of original orders and the additions of components Patterns and Invariant operations Further modifications and improvements

17 Conclusions 2/3 Design on paper Design on Eslate
Allowed intense interaction with the artifact Enabled modifications Facilitates and triggers a reflective evaluation Application of the inquiry-based approach Submits himself to the same role as his students

18 Recording of the design activity
Conclusions 3/3 Framework of priorities classified into levels of difficulty and accessibility Recording of the design activity Initial Stage Experimentation procedures Master the technological environment Middle Stage Incorporates and effectively manipulates all the parameters (tool, cognitive content, pedagogical implementation) A parallel and multi-dimensional focus is required Completion Stage This effort to include and creatively harmonize all the parameters will continue till the end, until the designer senses their effective delivery.

19 Examine the transformative and regulative inquiry skills that the designer applies while engaged in the design process. Further investigation is required with a larger number of design artifacts to enable us to make specific generalizations. Future Work Conduct a study with an aim to observe and examine the users’ inquiry-based manipulation of the produced microworlds (as semi-complete boundary objects). Further research is required in order to determine if and how the design process varies depending on the designer’s professional expertise and cognitive subject. Formulate an AI tool which would automate every user’s design intervention.

20 Thank you

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