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Alter Egos Spidey! Look! It’s a bird! It’s a plane!

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Presentation on theme: "Alter Egos Spidey! Look! It’s a bird! It’s a plane!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alter Egos Spidey! Look! It’s a bird! It’s a plane!

2 Family Fiction–Arcadia I, 1999–2007 Assemblage
Richard Cleaver Family Fiction–Arcadia I, 1999–2007 Assemblage

3 Family Fiction–Arcadia I, 1999–2007
Richard Cleaver Family Fiction–Arcadia I, 1999–2007 Assemblage “My recent work is based on narratives drawn from personal and historical events that are overlapped with subconscious images. The figures are like actors on a stage, enigmatic yet tense while being enveloped or encrusted within layers of overgrowth concealing a world within.”

4 Collection Richard L. Feigen, New York
Joseph Cornell L'Egypte de Mlle Cleo de Merode cours elementaire d'histoire naturelle 1940 Construction 4 11/16 x 10 11/16 x 7 1/4 in. Collection Richard L. Feigen, New York

5 Joseph Cornell Self taught Made art from preexisting materials
Believed that artists renew and transform materials, experiences and ideas to communicate the beauty and magic in ordinary objects

6 Trash Can from Paradise Garden
Rev. Howard K. Finster Trash Can from Paradise Garden

7 Rev. Howard K. Finster Self taught
Artworks were referred to as “sermons in paint”

8 Bessie Harvey COTTON PICKERS 1989
Painted wood, wood putty, fabric, cotton, straw, beads Estate of Bessie Harvey

9 Bessie Harvey Self taught
Used preexisting items such as: shells hair and cloth Incorporated with paint and wood putty "I began to see faces in things, and do the sculptures, and…I could see faces in wall paneling - I could see them everywhere,"

10 Visionaries What do these artists have in common?
What are some of the things that inspired these artists to create their artwork?

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