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Mr. Strange Mrs. Murray Mlle Blizzard Mrs. Wilson-Smith

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1 Mr. Strange Mrs. Murray Mlle Blizzard Mrs. Wilson-Smith
Welcome to 8ABCD Mr. Strange Mrs. Murray Mlle Blizzard Mrs. Wilson-Smith

2 Meet our Teachers 8A: Mrs. Wilson-Smith – Language Arts
8B: Mrs. Murray – Math 8C: Mlle Blizzard – French/Health/PDCP 8D: Mr. Strange – Science/Social Studies Mr. Brown – Mr. Strange’s intern

3 Homework Please refer to our wikispaces or homework site on the BCMS website > Teacher Pages for homework. Here is a link to Mrs. Wilson-Smith’s wikispace: Here is a link to Mrs. Murray’s wiki: Here is a link to Mlle Blizzard’s wiki: Homework is the responsibility of the student and we encourage the use of the agenda or their phone “notes” to keep organized

4 Email Teacher emails are located on the school website.
We welcome each question and concern and will respond in due time. 8A – Mrs. Wilson Smith – 8B – Mrs. Murray – 8C – Mlle Blizzard – 8D – Mr. Strange –

5 Student Absence Students are responsible to see teachers on their own time about work/classes missed, this includes tests and presentations. An /Phone call to the office voice mail or note is required should a student be absent. School website: Phone: (506)

6 Report CARD This year there will be three Academic Reports throughout the year. At some point in October there will be an Interim Report going home with your child (organizational skills/behavior)

7 Grades The 4 Point Scale: 4+ = Surpassing the grade level curriculum
4 = Excelling at the grade level curriculum 3+ = Proficiency at the grade level curriculum 3 = At grade level 2 = Emerging to the grade level 1 = Working below grade level

8 Retests/Extra help Our goal is for each and every child to be successful and sometimes this includes a retest or second attempt, at the teacher’s discretion. Students who wish to re-test are required to speak to the subject teacher. Each teacher is available in their room for extra help during most noon hours. Your child is encouraged to communicate to individual teachers a date/time.

9 Thank you Questions?

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