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Impossibility of You Falling Away

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1 Impossibility of You Falling Away
2 Peter 1:8-11

2 8 For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. 10 Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; 11 for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:8-11

3 Peter and Apostasy

4 Peter and Apostasy Peter knew about apostasy, personally

5 Peter and Apostasy Peter knew about apostasy, personally
1 Peter 2:1 – Christians can be ungodly

6 Peter and Apostasy Peter knew about apostasy, personally
1 Peter 2:1 – Christians can be ungodly 1 Peter 4:3 – They can fail to stop sinning

7 Peter and Apostasy Peter knew about apostasy, personally
1 Peter 2:1 – Christians can be ungodly 1 Peter 4:3 – They can fail to stop sinning 2 Peter 2:20 – They can be bound again

8 Peter and Apostasy Peter knew about apostasy, personally
1 Peter 2:1 – Christians can be ungodly 1 Peter 4:3 – They can fail to stop sinning 2 Peter 2:20 – They can be bound again 2 Peter 2:21 – Better to never be saved!

9 Peter shows how to NEVER fall away
Peter and Apostasy Peter knew about apostasy, personally 1 Peter 2:1 – Christians can be ungodly 1 Peter 4:3 – They can fail to stop sinning 2 Peter 2:20 – They can be bound again 2 Peter 2:21 – Better to never be saved! Peter shows how to NEVER fall away

10 “If” and “then” statements

11 “If” and “then” statements
Parents make them

12 “If” and “then” statements
Parents make them Teachers make them

13 “If” and “then” statements
Parents make them Teachers make them Employers make them

14 “If” and “then” statements
Parents make them Teachers make them Employers make them Government makes them

15 “If” and “then” statements
Parents make them Teachers make them Employers make them Government makes them Mates make them, sometimes

16 “If” and “then” statements
Parents make them Teachers make them Employers make them Government makes them Mates make them, sometimes God makes them – 2 Pet. 1:8-11

17 The “If” of 2 Peter 5:8-11

18 The “If” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 These things are yours

19 The “If” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 These things are yours
If they abound in you

20 The “If” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 These things are yours
If they abound in you If you give even more diligence

21 The “If” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11
These things are yours If they abound in you If you give even more diligence The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11

22 The “If” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11
These things are yours If they abound in you If you give even more diligence The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 You will not be barren

23 The “If” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11
These things are yours If they abound in you If you give even more diligence The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 You will not be barren You will not be unfruitful

24 The “If” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11
These things are yours If they abound in you If you give even more diligence The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 You will not be barren You will not be unfruitful You will never stumble

25 The “If” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11
These things are yours If they abound in you If you give even more diligence The “then” of 2 Peter 5:8-11 You will not be barren You will not be unfruitful You will never stumble You will have abundant entrance

26 What Things Must Abound?

27 What Things Must Abound?

28 What Things Must Abound?
Faith Virtue

29 What Things Must Abound?
Faith Virtue Knowledge

30 What Things Must Abound?
Faith Virtue Knowledge Self control

31 What Things Must Abound?
Faith Virtue Knowledge Self control Perseverance

32 What Things Must Abound?
Faith Virtue Knowledge Self control Perseverance Godliness

33 What Things Must Abound?
Faith Virtue Knowledge Self control Perseverance Godliness Brotherly kindness

34 What Things Must Abound?
Faith Virtue Knowledge Self control Perseverance Godliness Brotherly kindness Love (agape)

35 Path to an Abundant Entrance
Believe John 8:24 Repent Acts 17:30 Confess Faith Rom. 10:9 Be Baptized Mark 16:16 Added to His church, His body, His kingdom Be Faithful Rev. 2:10

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