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Luther Leads the Reformation

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1 Luther Leads the Reformation
Martin Luther’s protest over abuses in the Catholic Church lead to the founding of Protestant churches

2 Why Reformation? Causes Church Authority Challenged
Secularism, individualism, humanism of Renaissance challenge Church authority Printing press spreads secular ideas Northern merchants resent paying church taxes

3 No surprises here, but… Criticisms of the Catholic Church
Corrupt leaders, extravagant popes Poorly educated priests; some still marrying Many leaders viewed the pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority European kings were jealous of the Church’s wealth

4 Early reformers John Wycliffe and Jan Hus stress Bible’s authority over clergy’s Erasmus and Thomas More are vocal critics of the Church Reading religious works, Europeans form own opinions about Church

5 And so it begins… Martin Luther protests Friar Johann Tetzel’s Why?
Indulgences – sold in order to pardon people from the punishment of sins On October 31, Luther posts his 95 Theses and they quickly circulate throughout Germany Luther called Church “pardon-merchants”


7 Questions for you… Why was Martin Luther unhappy with the sale of indulgences? People thought that buying an indulgence would get them into heaven. What caused Luther’s ideas to spread throughout Germany? Someone had Luther’s words printed.

8 Reformation Luther launches the Reformation
A movement for religious reform Reformation rejects pope’s authority

9 Luther’s Teachings People can win salvation by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness. The Church taught that faith and “good works” were needed for salvation. Christian teachings must be based on the Bible, not the pope All people with faith are equal, can interpret Bible without priests

10 The response The Pope’s Threat
Pope Leo X issues decree threatening to excommunicate Luther (1520) Luther refuses to take back or recant his statements and is excommunicated

11 Emperor’s effort Charles V, a devout Catholic, and Holy Roman Emperor asks Luther to recant Luther’s response—”I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted an my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me. Amen”

12 Emperor’s effort Charles V issues Edict of Worms (1521)
This declares Luther a heretic, and said nobody was allowed to help him. A German prince did help, and while hiding Luther translates new testament into German In 1522 he returned to Wittenberg Lutherans form

13 The Peasants’ Revolt Inspired by Reformation, German peasants seek end to serfdom (1524) Luther is actually against the revolts Princes crush revolt

14 Germany at War Some princes side with Luther, become known as Protestants Other princes in Germany side with the Pope Peace of Augsburg (1555)-each prince can decide religion of his state

15 Protestantism Protestantism is a branch of Christianity. It developed out of the Reformation. Branch Number of Adherents Catholic 968,000,000 Protestant 395,867,000 Other Christians 275,583,000 Orthodox 217,948,000 Anglicans 70,530,000

16 Henry VIII 1491-1547 Became king in 1509
Loved sports, literature, music, and food Loved him some Catholicism Anti Martin Luther, and the pope gave him a special title, “Defender of the Faith.”

17 England Becomes Protestant
Henry VIII wants a son Why? He wants an heir to his throne Henry has only daughter from marriage with Catherine of Aragon Henry wants a divorce, Pope refuses to annul (set aside) his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon

18 The Reformation Parliament
Parliament passes Act of Supremecy ending pope’s power in England Henry remarries (Anne Boleyn), becomes official head of Church of England Remember Thomas More?

19 Good Idea Henry Most English people followed Roman Catholicism at the time of Henry’s break with Rome. Henry was careful to change nothing about the way people worshiped. This explains why there was not greater outcry from his subjects about his actions.

20 Another Question for You…
Do you think Luther or Henry VIII had a better reason to break with the Church?

21 Second Wife Anne Boleyn They have a daughter- Elizabeth I
Boleyn is beheaded

22 Third Wife Jane Seymour They have one son, Edward.
She dies a few days after his birth.

23 Fourth Wife Anne of Cleves Was the portrait a true likeness?

24 Fifth Wife Catherine Howard Beheaded

25 Sixth and Last Wife Catherine Parr
Outlived Henry VIII, otherwise I am sure it would have gotten ugly

26 Consequences of Henry’s Changes
Henry has six wives and three children Religious turmoil follows Henry’s death (1547)

27 After Henry VIII 1. Edward VI ( ), ruled for 6 years; died at age 15; Protestant 2. Mary I or Mary Tudor ( ) Catholic (Bloody Mary) 3. Elizabeth I Protestant

28 Elizabeth Restores Protestantism
Henry’s second daughter, Queen Elizabeth I, forms Anglican Church Sermons in English, not Latin; priests allowed to marry

29 Elizabeth Faces Other Challenges
Some Protestants and Catholics oppose Elizabeth Elizabeth’s need for money brings conflict with Parliament

30 Spanish Armada Phillip II, Catholic King of Spain, threatens England because Elizabeth had supported Protestant subject who rebelled against him 1588 Philip assembled an invasion force of 130 ships, 8,000 sailors, and 19,000 soldiers. Bad weather and the English fleet defeated the Spanish completely

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