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access tempe: demystifying accessible web apps

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Presentation on theme: "access tempe: demystifying accessible web apps"— Presentation transcript:

1 access tempe: demystifying accessible web apps
Stephanie Deitrick, Ph.D, GISP Ayan Mitra Seth Lewis

2 where it all began…access tempe
replace Access Tempe brochure (2009) Office of Strategic Management & Diversity Tempe as dementia friendly city

3 accessible access to information
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990, 2008) & Section 508 Amendment to Rehabilitation Act of 1973 apply to internet content much web content wasn't designed for residents with disabilities

4 what is web accessibility?
more than access to information means that people with disabilities can understand, interact with, and navigate the web seeks to consider all disabilities including auditory, cognitive, mobility, visual populations with specific needs such as those with dementia or their caretakers

5 how to get there? principles of universal design
design for broad range of abilities focus on functional needs instead of single disability support multiple ways of knowing spatial awareness focus simple language

6 webGIS + accessibility
webGIS apps present complexity issues not always present in standard markup e.g. how to convey results that are nearby or relevant to user?

7 webGIS + accessibility

8 what about templates?

9 initial design

10 revised design what about users who struggle with understanding information spatially? solution: offer text-only alternative and support back-forth navigation

11 launch page

12 finding resources via text

13 finding resources via text

14 finding resources via text

15 the map

16 getting user location

17 providing user with relevant results

18 make map results easy to understand

19 easy navigation between text & map searches

20 demo

21 takeaways conversation and collaboration are needed

22 thank you!

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