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2 Vitamins Water Soluble
Water Soluble Vitamins are very important in life and are needed in a diet daily. These vitamins are not stored in large amounts in the body and overdosing on Water Soluble Vitamins is not a problem because excess quantities are disposed of through urine. Fat Soluble Fat Soluble Vitamins means that the vitamins are found in the fat of foods. They cannot be excreted through your urine however so it is bad for you and dangerous to overdose on them. These vitamins are not easily lost or destroyed during the cooking of food. Some extra Fat Soluble Vitamins are stored in you body fat.

3 WATER Soluble vitamins
Thiamin: Releases food energy from carbohydrates e.x. : pork, bread, pasta Riboflavin: Releases energy to body cells during metabolism e.x. : milk, cheese, leafy veggies Niacin: Helps obtain energy from carbohydrates e.x. : peanut butter, milk, fish

4 Water soluble vitamins
B12: Maintains healthy blood e.x.: liver, meat, milk Folacin: Maintains healthy blood e.x.: broccoli, bananas Vitamin C: Maintains healthy and strong gums, teeth and blood vessel walls e.x.: orange, lemon, turnips

5 Fat Soluble Vitamins Vitamin A:
Normal growth and formation of skeleton and teeth. E.x.: egg yolks, cream, cheeses. Vitamin D Assists calcium and phosphorous to be deposited in bones and teeth. E.x: margarines, instant formulas Vitamin E Protects bodies supply of vitamins A and C. E.x: vegetable oils, wheat germ Vitamin K Normal clotting of blood. E.x.: green and yellow vegetables.

6 Minerals Minerals is a key essential for health. Your body can receive a large variety of different ESSENTIAL Minerals FROM SEVERAL FOOD PRODUCTS. Minerals are needed in your meals because it makes up approximately 4% of our body tissues. Also minerals are very useful in regulating body functions.

7 Calcium: Forms strong bones and teeth and repairs the skeleton. Calcium maintains muscle tone, normal heart beat, healthy function, and aids normal blood clotting. E.x.: milk, ice cream Phosphorus: Forms strong bones and teeth and repairs the skeleton. Regulates energy release. E.x.: meat Iron Builds hemoglobin in red blood cells to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Also, iron prevents nutritional anemia. E.x.: liver, red meats Zinc Builds protein and helps wound healing. E.x.: seafood

8 water Water is transparent, colorless liquid that fills, and occupies the earths surface and is found in all living organisms. Humans are filled with up to 60% water. The body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to regulate its temperature, and maintain other bodily functions. Drinking water helps the kidney complete its task in eliminating toxins and waste from the body. When drinking water, your skin becomes/remains moist and will feel very smooth, but without water, your skin will become dry and wrinkle up. After drinking water, some that liquid will surround your joints cushioning them allowing them to move freely. But if not enough water is drunk, your joints will stiffen up causing discomfort for you.


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