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Structure, Organization,

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1 Structure, Organization,
How Congress Works Structure, Organization, & Legislative Process

2 Warm up: Get into groups of 4, analyze page 1 of your packet, and come up with answers to questions 1-3


4 Political Parties & Congress
Political parties have been central to Congressional operation since 1789 House and Senate leadership is organized strictly by political party Majority party in Congress establishes the floor agenda (including, in the House, its rules of procedure) Majority Members chair committees and preside over session

5 Party Leadership in Congress
Congressional leadership positions are structured by the Constitution, by chamber rules and by tradition Members are elected to party and committee leadership by their party peers Leaders are in charge, but are accountable to those who elected them MAIN IDEA: THE MAJORITY PARTY HAS A LOT OF POWER!!!!!

6 Running Two Very Different Chambers
House Majority rule Strict limits on debate due to size (435 members) “Top down” management Rules Committee establishes ground rules for considering major bills- by far most POWERFUL committee. Senate Minority rights Few debate limits due to size (only 100) “Bottom up” control Most legislative and executive business is conducted by unanimous consent

7 Part II: Leadership Purpose of leadership:
Organizing and unifying party members Scheduling work Making certain lawmakers are present for key floor votes Distributing and collecting information Keeping the House or Senate in touch with the President Influencing lawmakers to support their party’s position.

8 Congressional Leadership Positions
Presiding Officers Speaker of the House Vice President President Pro Tempore Floor Leaders Majority /Minority Leaders Whips Party Caucus Chairs Standing Committee Chairs/Ranking Members

9 Speaker of the House Position established by U.S.
Constitution (Art. 1, § 2, cl. 5) Second in line of Presidential succession, behind V.P. Position wears “two hats” Speaker controls the overall legislative agenda of the House Oversees appointment of committee chairs and members Serves as national spokesperson of the majority party Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R- WI)

10 House Majority Leader Chosen by majority party Assists Speaker
Plans party’s legislative program Steers important bills through the House Party leader Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23)

11 House Minority Leader Elected by members of the minority party to serve as their leader and spokesperson Seeks to amend or even block majority party agenda Provides counterpoint to the majority party Responsible for minority party members’ committee assignments and ranking member assignments Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA-12)

12 House Majority & Minority Whips
“Whip” comes from British fox hunting: the “whipper-in” Responsible for counting and mobilizing votes Helps disseminate scheduling information Serve as floor leaders in their absence Tries to INFLUENCE VOTING!!! Majority Whip Steve Scalise (LA-1) Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD-5)

13 President of the Senate
Also the Vice President of the United States Chief presiding officer (constitutionally) of the Senate Cannot participate in floor debate Casts vote only in case of tie NO REAL POWER unless a tie 1st in line for succession of president Mike Pence

14 President Pro-Tempore
Chosen by majority party; often most senior member Presides over Senate in absence of vice- president Elected and voting member of the Senate 3rd in line of succession for president President Pro-Tempore Orrin Hatch (R- UT)

15 Senate Majority Leader
Chosen by majority party Majority. party leader in Senate Steers party’s bills through Senate Plans Senate’s work schedule in consultation with Minority Leader Makes sure majority members attend important sessions Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY)

16 Senate Minority Leader
Chosen by minority party Minority party leader in Senate Develops criticisms of bills from majority party Consults with Majority Leader re: Senate’s work schedule Tries to keep members working together Minority Leader Harry Reid (NV)

17 Senate whips Same functions as the House!
“WHIP” the party into shape to make sure the vote together!

18 Assignment Complete CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP matching Part A ONLY.

19 Part II: Committees "Congress in session is Congress on public exhibition, whilst Congress in its committee-rooms is Congress at work.” - Woodrow Wilson

20 The Work of Committees 20 House committees; 16 Senate Gather
information Make legislative recommendations Perform oversight

21 Part IV: Legislative Committees:
Function and Purpose

22 Legislative Committees: Function & Purpose
1. Consider bills (a.k.a. “mark-up” bills) A bill with a member’s mark-up notes

23 Legislative Committees: Function & Purpose
2. Maintain oversight of executive agencies Secretary Donald Rumsfeld testifies before a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing re: the Department of Defense Budget (May, 2006)

24 Legislative Committees: Function & Purpose
3. Conduct investigations New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Hurricane Katrina (Feb., 2006

25 Legislative Committees: Function & Purpose
4. Make the work of Congress more EFFICIENT! VS.

26 How to get appointed to a committee
SENIORITY MATTERS!!! Those who were members of Congress longest get the best committee positions Also gets the leadership positions within the committee Seniority matters!

27 Types of Committees Standing Committees - permanent panel with full legislative functions and oversight responsibilities Subcommittees – formed to tackle very specific tasks within the jurisdiction of the full committees Select or Special Committees - groups appointed for a limited purpose and limited duration Joint Committees - includes members of both chambers to conduct studies or perform housekeeping tasks Conference Committee - includes members of House & Senate to work out differences between similar bills

28 Standing Committees

29 House Standing Committees
Agriculture Appropriations Armed Services Budget Education & Workforce Energy & Commerce Financial Services Government Reform House Admin. International Relations Judiciary Resources Rules Science Small Business Standards of Official Conduct Transportation & Infrastructure Veterans Affairs Ways & Means

30 Most powerful committee in the House
Rules committee determines which bills come to the floor. Without support from this committee your bill will most likely die.

31 House Committee on Rules

32 Senate Standing Committees
Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry Appropriations Armed Services Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs Budget Commerce, Science, Transportation Energy & Natural Resources Environment and Public Works Finance Foreign Relations Governmental Affairs Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Judiciary Rules and Administration Small Business and Entrepreneurship Veterans Affairs

33 Special, Select Committees
House Select Committee on Energy Independence & Global Warming Senate Select Committee on Ethics House & Senate Select Committees on Intelligence Gen. Michael Hayden is sworn in during a full committee hearing of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee on his nomination to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

34 Joint Committees Joint Economic Committee Joint Committee on Printing
Joint Committee on Taxation Joint Committee on Taxation hearing

35 Title: Resolution Artist: Bob Gorrell
Date: 12/28/06 Source:

36 Finish your matching activity!

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