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PROBLEM OF PRACTICE Curriculum Design: Information Technology

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Presentation on theme: "PROBLEM OF PRACTICE Curriculum Design: Information Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 PROBLEM OF PRACTICE Curriculum Design: Information Technology
Monique Belisle University of Oregon, Spring 2012

2 My Problem: Demonstrations in sewing class
The logistics of having 26 students gather around a sewing machine to see, hear, and understand what I am doing is a nightmare. I have to re-show the demo the next day for students who were absent, which wastes my time and takes time away from other students in the class.

3 Current Practice At the moment the only way to demonstrate threading and machine or new sewing technique is to have the students stand around and watch as I go through the steps. To help with student focus and engagement I break the class into two and do the demo twice, which takes twice as long. In doing this most students walk away understanding what to do, however there are always a few who missed something because they could not see!

4 Student Absences… When a students has missed the demonstration I have to show them one on one. I have tried directing students to ask others to show them, however, important pieces of information are often missed. In the end, I do a third demo and call out to any students who still have questions to come and watch.

5 Solutions As solutions to my problem I have decided to create
a video posted on teacher tube step by step slide show on voice thread a wiki

6 Teachertube Student will be able to watch a demonstration of me threading the top of the sewing machines used in sewing class A video was the most obvious solution and I wanted to try and compare it to the voice thread and wiki.

7 Voice thread
Sewing a closed seam sample The voice thread will take students through the steps of sewing a basic seam sample I like the idea of having still shots of all the steps I will be easier for students to go at a slow pace

8 Wiki Sewing a dart Students will be able to see pictures and step instructions Students are invited to ask questions and add their own “tips” to the wiki.

9 What do you think? Please fill out my questionnaire to help me further my practice ey=dEhGMDdRQ3BSVDRCbzZjblB5dUtNa2c6MQ

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