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Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following: Have you ever worked a job to earn some money? Discuss the job you did. Did you think the pay you received was fair? If you thought the pay was unfair, describe how you might have gone about negotiating a higher salary After 5 minutes, you will turn and talk to discuss

2 Academic Vocabulary Word of the Day
Differentiate What does this word mean? Who can use it in a sentence? How does this picture show differentiation?

3 Today’s Objective SWBAT understand why many Americans pushed for reform in the workplace during this era.

4 The factory system combined several steps of an items production under one roof. Who can recall where most of these factories were located in the United States? Why were they located there? (Turn and talk)

5 In the mid 1800’s, machines took over more and manufacturing tasks
In the mid 1800’s, machines took over more and manufacturing tasks. The range of goods manufactured this way also increased. What goods were starting to be manufactured? How did people obtain these goods before manufacturing? (Turn and talk)

6 American factories began to turn out everything from fabric and clothing to shoes, watches, guns, sewing machines, and agricultural machinery. Who can explain what this picture is showing, and what this item is called?


8 Guided Practice As a class, we will popcorn read a passage titled “Conditions for Factory Workers and Their Attempt to Organize” (Page 382) and answer the following comprehension questions: What was the average number of hours worked per day in Northern factories in 1840? Why do you think factory owners would allow their employees to work long hours under unsafe conditions? Why would workers join a trade union?

9 Independent Practice Read a passage titled “African Americans and Women Workers in the North” and answer the following comprehension questions:  What difficulties did African Americans face in the North? Why is Macon B. Allen an example of African American success? How were women discriminated against in the workplace? *A timer will be placed on the board to keep track of time.

10 Group Work Discuss and answer the following based on the power point and class readings: Group 1- Define the following terms and use them in a sentence. Trade union, strike, prejudice Group 2-What were conditions like for African Americans in the North in the mid 1800’s? Group 3-Why was going on strike a potential problem for employees? Write a journal entry from the perspective of a Northern industrial worker. Describe your daily life.

11 Exit Ticket How did conditions for workers change as the factory system developed?

12 Homework Paraphrase today’s lesson in a 3-5 sentence paragraph. Think back to our discussion on the word paraphrase! If you need look up the definition online or in a dictionary.

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