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LO: to explain the structure of the 3 types of rock

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1 LO: to explain the structure of the 3 types of rock
Discuss with your partner. What are the similarities and differences between these rocks Can you group these rocks into 3 different groups based on their appearance? granite

2 Sedimentary Rock As the sediments build up the sediment at the bottom of the pile is compressed and the water is squeezed out compacting the grains together. Sedimentation Compaction Cementation Examples: chalk, limestone, sandstone, coal and shale。


4 Limestone = dead sea life such as corals and algae
Limestone = dead sea life such as corals and algae. Chalk = pure limestone. It is made of millions of very tiny animal skeletons:

5 What are these?

6 How fossils form Organism Dies Buried Quickly
Minerals seep into the bones. The bones rot away leaving rock like minerals in their place How are fossil formed

7 Metamorphic rock Rocks that have been changed by heat and/or pressure to form new rocks. Metamorphic rocks can be made from sedimentary rock, igneous rocks, and also other metamorphic rocks They are not porous and do not contain fossils

8 Different rocks are formed depending on
Different rocks are formed depending on how high a pressure and temperature they have been subjected to.

9 Igneous rock Volcanoes are rock factories where a break in the Earth’s crust allows magma (liquid rock) to reach the Earth’s surface and form new igneous rock when it cools. Magma cools to forms crsytals and new rock Basalt formation

10 Pumice (gas bubbles, fast cooling on surface) Obsidian
(glasslike, very fast cooling on surface)

11 Basalt Gabbro Gabbro (small crystals, moderate cooling near surface)
(large crystals, slow cooling in the Earth)




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