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Africa is…..Challenging stereotypes

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Presentation on theme: "Africa is…..Challenging stereotypes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Africa is…..Challenging stereotypes
Introductory Task What says Africa? Look at the pictures on your table, which one says ‘Africa’ most to you. Explain why to a colleague……. Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .







8 Who we are and why are we here?
Mariella Scott Sazani is an international not-for-profit, research and development organisation. We specialise in community engagement through participatory research and work mainly in Zanzibar, Tanzania and Wales. We run a teacher training programme in Zanzibar funded by comic relief and we are also accredited trainers for the Global Learning Programme – Wales.

9 Marion Rowland Sharon Haggins
Welshpool High School Marion Rowland Sharon Haggins

10 Today’s Aims: to share an outline of the training undertaken at Welshpool High School to discuss the issue of stereotyping ‘Africa’ to inspire teachers to promote global learning to provide practical / engaging resources to be used with learners Introduce ‘Everyday Africa’ as a resource

11 Please complete the multiple choice Africa is…… quiz

12 Welshpool Students quiz results Prediction Activity
Africa is…. Welshpool Students quiz results Prediction Activity

13 Africa is… Quiz Results Question 1
Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

14 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .
Question 2 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

15 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .
Question 3 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

16 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .
Question 4 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

17 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .
Question 5 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

18 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .
Question 6 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

19 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .
Question 7 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

20 Our Views of Africa Think about Africa
Fill your continent outline with words and pictures to do with Africa You have two minutes Now circle every word/phrase or picture that has a positive Connotation Now underline every word/phrase or picture that has a negative connotation


22 Where is this place? Look at the statements on your card
Decide which country they are describing, make sure you can justify your answer Swap statements with another person

23 All the statements describe England by:
A- Kenyan Girls B- Greek Boys C-Kenyan Boys D- Greek Girls

24 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .
Where is this place? Russia or China UK Germany or Albania China Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

25 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .
Africa is Africa is hot Some places are poor There are lots of diseases You have to haggle in the market They cook differently They speak different languages Festivals Live in run down houses South Africans rich – find diamonds Poor country Make & sell cars Quite a lot of black people Good food Good climate High population Famous wild animals Fruits grow there Longest river Mountains Can’t get clean water Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

26 A selection of other activities to use with Everyday Africa
Every Day Africa (Instagram , Tumblr or Facebook-Everyday Browse through the pictures on Everyday Africa- on Instagram or Facebook Choose one photograph that stands out to you Imagine you are able to speak to the person or people in it, write down five questions that you would like to ask them A selection of other activities to use with Everyday Africa Compare/contrast traditional media representation of Africa (war, malnutrition, wildlife) with the work of Everyday Africa Why do photographers take photos? Is everything you see in a photograph real? Is it okay for a photographer to stage a shot? Take a photograph that portrays your Everyday life……

27 Useful links:

28 What says Africa? Look at the pictures, which one says ‘Africa’ most to you?

29 Sau Paulo, Brazil

30 Naples, Italy

31 Dalston Market, London

32 The Andres Peru

33 Chester Zoo

34 Porsche Garage, Lagos Nigeria

35 Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .
Images of Africa? 5% 14% 9.5% 9.5% 53% 9.5% Welshpool High School is challenging stereotypes . . .

36 Any questions? Today’s aims:
to share an outline of the training undertaken at Welshpool High School to discuss the issue of stereotyping ‘Africa’ to inspire teachers to promote global learning to provide practical / engaging resources to be used with learners Introduce ‘Everyday Africa’ as a resource Any questions? If you need any further assistance, please get

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