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Matter - Properties & Changes

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1 Matter - Properties & Changes
Material from Chapter 1 & 10

2 Properties of Matter

3 Matter Matter is the “stuff” of which the universe is composed.
Matter has 2 characteristics It has mass Occupies space

4 States of Matter All matter that exists naturally on Earth can be classified as one of these physical forms, known as the states of matter. Each of the three common states of matter can be distinguished by the way that they fill a container. Scientists also recognize other states of matter. Plasma Formed in the stars & in lightening bolts

5 States of matter Solid - matter that can not flow and has definite volume. Liquid - definite volume but takes the shape of its container (flows). Gas - a substance without definite volume or shape and can flow

6 States of Matter Solid Liquid Gas Rigid Fixed shape and volume
Definite volume Takes the shape of its container Gas No fixed volume or shape

7 https://metzgarscience. wikispaces. com/file/view/states_of_matter_3

8 Changes In Matter

9 Phase Change A transition of matter from one state to another.

10 Conservation of Matter
Antoine Lavoisier

11 States of matter Definite Volume? Definite Shape? Temp. increase
Com-pressible? Small Expans. Solid YES YES NO Small Expans. Liquid NO NO YES Large Expans. Gas NO NO YES

12 States of Matter Moderate Kinetic Energy - molecules move around more than in solids Low Kinetic Energy - molecules barely move High Kinetic Energy – molecules in rapid, constant motion

13 Kinetic Theory and States of Matter
Kinetic theory says that all molecules are in constant motion. Perfume molecules moving across the room are evidence of this.

14 Kinetic Theory and States of Matter
Kinetic Theory helps to explain why a gas behaves as it does. It also helps us understand the changes in physical states of matter

15 The Kinetic Theory of Gases Makes three descriptions of gas particles
A gas is composed of particles molecules or atoms particles are considered to be hard spheres that are far enough apart that we can ignore their volume Between the particles is empty space

16 The particles are in constant random motion.
They move in straight lines until they bounce off each other or the walls. The molecules don’t travel very far without hitting each other so they move in random directions. The average speed of an oxygen molecule is 1656 km/hr at 20°C

17 All collisions are perfectly elastic – no energy is “lost” during collisions.

18 The Kinetic Molecular Theory Explains properties of liquids
Particles are in constant motion, but are closer than those in a gas Attractive forces (aka IM forces) are more effective than those between gas particles This makes the particles more organized than in a gas, but they are still free to move past each other

19 The Kinetic Molecular Theory Explains properties of liquids
High density Due to relatively close arrangement of particles Low compressibility Due to particles being close together Ability to diffuse Happens because particles are free to move Is slower in liquids because particles are close and attractive forces slow movement

20 The Kinetic Molecular Theory Explains properties of liquids
Surface tension Due to attractive forces between particles Because particles at the surface have no liquid particles above them, a spherical shape occurs

21 The Kinetic Molecular Theory Explains properties of solids
Particles are in constant motion, but are closer than those in a gas or a liquid Attractive forces (aka IM forces) are strongest between particles of a solid This makes the particles very organized and able to move only by vibrating or rotating

22 The Kinetic Molecular Theory Explains properties of solids
Definite shape and volume – regardless of container Because of high IM forces between particles Definite melting point (crystalline solids) Melting happens when particles have enough kinetic energy to overcome IM forces that hold them in place

23 The Kinetic Molecular Theory Explains properties of solids
High density (and low compressibility) Happens because particles are more closely packed than in gas or liquid This is what limits compressibility Low rate of diffusion Millions of times slower than in liquids Particles mostly fixed, so moving past one another is extremely slow when it occurs

24 Require energy to break IM forces
Sublimation Liquefying Vaporization Solid Liquid Gas Solidifying Condensation Deposition Release energy

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