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Venus information !!! By Kayleigh

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1 Venus information !!! By Kayleigh
Out of this world! Venus information !!! By Kayleigh

2 Information about Venus.
It is the second planet away from the sun. Venus is very hot . I don’t think that you can land on it. Venus is 6,052km in size. The word planet is from the ancient Greek word πλάνητης, planets, which means a wanderer, because they move through the stars, which seem to be fixed in the sky. This movement is because the planets are all orbiting around the sun.

3 This is the size diffrence!

4 Facts Equatorial Diameter: 12,104 km Polar Diameter: 12,104 km
Equatorial Circumference: 38,025 km Known Moons: none Notable Moons: none Orbit Distance: 108,209,475 km (0.73 AU) Orbit Period: Earth days Surface Temperature: 462 °C First Record: 17th century BC Recorded By: Babylonian astronomers mass: 4867,320,000,000,000 billion kg

5 A picture of Venus!

6 Facts! The atmosphere of Venus made up mainly of carbon dioxide.
Its size is slightly smaller than Earth. It also features gravity similar to that of Earth. Venus is surrounded by clouds consisting of mercury, ferric chloride hydrocarbons and sulphuric acid. These clouds create the most corrosive acid rain found anywhere in our solar system. The clouds are so thick that little light even reaches the surface. The light that does reach the surface is converted to heat and can not escape the atmosphere making Venus the hottest planet at around 500 Degrees Celsius. The surface of Venus is often described as a "stormy desert" full of many craters and very active volcanoes. The surface is also likened to molten lead. Venus features no liquid water.

7 Venus! Venus is a fascinating planet that is similar in size to Earth but very different in regards to atmosphere and surface conditions. Its thick clouds lock in the heat while the surface rages with active volcanoes. This is a real picture taken in space.

8 Information! Venus is the brightest planet in the Solar System and can be seen even in daylight if you know where to look. When Venus is west of the Sun, she rises before the Sun in the morning and is known as the Morning Star. When she is east of the Sun, she shines in the evening just after sunset and is known as the Evening Star.

9 Information about Venus!
Venus has phases like the moon because the orbit of Venus is between the Earth and the Sun. When Venus shows only a crescent, like the crescent moon, she is at her brightest because she is then very close to the Earth. You can only see the crescent with the help of a telescope, but this photograph shows the crescent moon and a bright Venus in the evening sky. Venus orbits around the sun in 262 days.

10 4 facts Venus is the earths twin
Venus can be so bright it casts shadows The atmosphere is very hostile Venus rotates backwards not like the rest

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