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WCRP Workshop on Seasonal Prediction

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1 WCRP Workshop on Seasonal Prediction
Barcelona World Trade Centre, Barcelona, Spain, June 5, 2007 Predictability of Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling during Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events in the Northern Hemisphere Mukougawa, Hitoshi1, Yuhji Kuroda2 and Toshihiko Hirooka3 1Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, JAPAN 2Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, JAPAN 3Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University, JAPAN Introduction Stratospheric Sudden Warming (SSW) events Winter Polar Vortex SSW H L breakdown NAM Stratosphere L (Northern Annular Mode) time Troposphere Large-amplitude Planetary waves Circulation change (AO; Arctic Oscillation)

2 Aim of our study (1) Examine practical predictability of stratosphere-troposphere dynamical coupling during SSW events using operational 1-month ensemble forecast datasets provided by the JMA (a) Predictability and tropospheric precursor for a SSW event occurring in Dec. ’01 The SSW is predictable at least 2 weeks in advance High sensitivity of the prediction skill of the SSW to the initial condition    Mukougawa et al.(2005) and Mukougawa et al. (2007) cf. High sensitivity was also observed during the onset period of tropospheric blocking (Kimoto, Mukougawa and Yoden, 1992) Persistence of Atlantic blocking confirmed by a series of forecast experiments using MRI/JMA AGCM (~JMA NWP model)

3 Aim of our study (2) (b) Stratospheric influence on the forecast skill of the tropospheric circulation Influence of stratospheric NAM variation on the forecast skill of tropospheric NAM index 5-winter (2001/ /06; DJF) archive of the JMA month ensemble forecasts Forecast skill of upper tropospheric NAM index for a lead time from 6 to 12 days tends to be better when the negative NAM index (easterly wind anomaly) is observed in the stratosphere at the initial time of forecast → a better forecast skill of the tropospheric NAM index after SSW events

4 Data 1-month forecast dataset of JMA ensemble prediction system
Resolution T106L40 hybrid coordinate Top Boundary hPa Ozone specified by zonal-mean climatological value SST constant SST anomaly at the initial time Integration Period days Number of Ensemble members Perturbation Method BGM(Breeding of Growing Mode) Initialization Date Every Wednesday and Thursday Interval of Stored Data Daily (2.5°×2.5°) JMA Global Analysis (GANAL) dataset (1.25°×1.25°) Verification for the prediction of JMA

5 Zonal Mean Temp. (K) ’01/’02 Winter (10hPa, 80N)
・SSW in late Dec. ’01 was caused by WN1 ・Large spread for the prediction from Dec. 5 and 6 High sensitivity to initial condition ・After Dec. 12, all ensemble members predict SSW, and spread becomes small ・Difference in upward propagation of WN1 activity among forecasts from Dec. 5 & 6 becomes evident around Dec. 13 Observation

6 Predicted 3-day averaged Z10 of 27-29 Dec.
Prediction from Dec. 5 & 6 180 90 270 Observation Run 1 (S) Run 2 (F) Amplification of WN1 component is evident for the observation and Run 1 (the best forecast) except for the phase difference. For Run2 (the worst forecast), robust polar vortex still exists without WN1 amplification

7 3-day averaged Z300 Observation Run 2 (F) Initial Dec. 6-8 Onset
Prediction from Dec. 5 & 6 Observation Run 1 (S) Run 2 (F) Initial Dec. 6-8 270 90 180 Onset period Dec.12-14 ・In Run 2, persistence of blocking over Europe is weak

8 Zonal-Mean Zonal Wind (m/s) during onset period of Dec
Zonal-Mean Zonal Wind (m/s) during onset period of Dec , 2001 (3-day mean) Prediction from Dec. 5 and 6 hPa Observation Run 1 (Succeeded) Run 2 (Failed) 10 100 1000 20N 40N 60N 80N ・For Run 2, weak easterly prevails around 80N, and strong vertical westerly shear is seen in the lower stratosphere around 60N, in common with ’98 Dec. SSW (Mukougawa and Hirooka 2004) ・High-latitude westerlies in Obs. and Run 1 are associated with blocking over Europe

9 Regressed Z300 on Dec. 12-14 with respect to Zonal-Mean Temp (10hPa, 80N) on Dec. 28
Prediction from Dec. 5 and 6 Anomaly from Ensemble Mean Ensemble Mean Contour: 20m Shaded region:Significance level > 99(95)% ・Positive height anomaly over Atlantic associated with blocking is well correlated with the occurrence of the SSW

10 Regressed Zonal-Mean Zonal Wind on Dec. 12-14 w. r. t. Zonal-Mean Temp
Regressed Zonal-Mean Zonal Wind on Dec w.r.t. Zonal-Mean Temp. (10hPa, 80N) on Dec. 28 Prediction from Dec. 5 and 6 Anomaly from Ensemble Mean Ensemble Mean 1.3X105 1.3X104 5.0X107 5.0X106 (Kg/s2) Contour: 5m/s Contour: 0.5m/s Shaded region:Significance level > 99(95)% Arrow: WN1 EP-flux ・Westerly anomaly around 80N and easterly anomaly around 60N are well correlated with the occurrence of the SSW ・WN1 EP-flux tends to propagate poleward and enhance upward propagation

11 EOF1 of Predicted Zonal-Mean Zonal Wind Anomaly from Ensemble Mean on Dec. 12-14
Prediction from Dec. 5 and 6 EOF1: 36% Contour: 0.5m/s; Shaded region: Significance Level > 95(99)% 5.4X104 2.0X107 ・EOF1 shows the direction of the maximum spread among ensemble ・EOF1 has a double jet structure, similar to the correlated zonal wind profile with the occurrence of the SSW ・Thus, high sensitivity to the initial condition is observed during the onset period of the SSW

12 Predicted Zonal Mean Temp. at 10hPa, 80N (K) α=-2,-1,0,1,2
Forecast Experiment by MRI/JMA AGCM from α×(regressed pattern)+(ensemble mean) on Dec. 13 Predicted Zonal Mean Temp. at 10hPa, 80N (K) α=-2,-1,0,1,2 Dec. Observation

13 Predicted 3-day averaged Z10 for 27-29 Dec.
Forecasts from better condition Observation α= α= 180 90 270 α= α= α=

14 Nonlinear Response to α Multiplied to the Anomaly
T(10hPa,80N) on Dec. 28 (K) X: from Dec. 13 ○: from Dec. 5 & 6 ●: Obs. Regressed Coef. of U on Dec.13 (α) ・The response is well described by a stepwise function of α ・Existence of a threshold value of α for the SSW ・Importance of blocking is confirmed by simplifying initial anomaly

15 Stratospheric Influence on Tropospheric Forecast Skill
Baldwin et al. (2003) Statistical prediction of monthly-mean AO index using a linear regression between NAM and AO index Winter The 150-hPa NAM predicts the monthly-mean AO better than the AO itself ← Downward migration of the NAM variation Dynamical predictability of the NAM index winter (2001/ /06) JMA 1-month ensemble forecasts =130 forecasts Dependence of forecast skill of the NAM index on phase of the NAM index in the stratosphere.

16 NAM index & Ensemble-Mean Forecast Error of NAM
03/04 Winter 04/05 Winter Observed NAM index Observed NAM index Ensemble-Mean Error of NAM Ensemble-Mean Error of NAM 10 20 30 10 20 30 lead time (days) Prediction skill of the NAM index for 03/04 winter is better than that for 04/05 winter

17 NAM index & Spread of the Predicted NAM index
03/04 Winter 04/05 Winter Observed NAM index Observed NAM index Spread of Predicted NAM Spread of Predicted NAM 10 20 30 10 20 30 lead time (days) Spread of the Predicted NAM index in the troposphere for 03/04 winter is also smaller than that for 04/05 winter

18 Dependence of Ensemble-Mean Forecast Error of predicted NAM index on the initial NAM index at 50 hPa
95% Error Classified based on NAM index at 50hPa at the initial time of forecast lead time (days) p: >1: forecasts n: forecasts 0: others forecasts 500hPa ● Predicted NAM index error for negative NAM   case is significantly smaller than positive   NAM case for lead time from 6 to 12 days in   the upper troposphere, which suggests the stratospheric influence on the forecast skill of the prediction of the troposphere ● For extended-range period, the error of predicted NAM for positive case becomes significantly large in the lower troposphere 250hPa

19 ・Improvement of error for group n is not so significant
Dependence of Ensemble-Mean Forecast Error of predicted NAM index on the initial NAM index at 1000hPa 1000hPa 95% Error p: >1: forecasts n: forecasts 0: others forecasts lead time (days) 500hPa ・Improvement of error for group n is not so significant ・Upward influence on the stratosphere error difference p-n with significance 95(90)% 250hPa lead time (days)

20 Summary (1) Practical predictability of stratosphere-troposphere dynamical coupling during SSW events using operational 1-month ensemble forecast datasets provided by the JMA (a) Tropospheric Influence on prediction of the stratosphere Stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) event in Dec. ’01 was predictable at least 2 weeks in advance. High sensitivity to the initial condition during the onset period of the SSW was observed for the prediction of zonal-mean temperature in the polar stratospheric region. Characteristic zonal wind anomaly in the troposphere associated with the persistence of blocking was statistically related to the occurrence of the SSW. Importance of blocking for the occurrence of the SSW was dynamically confirmed by a series of AGCM experiments.

21 Summary (2) (b) Stratospheric influence on prediction of the troposphere Forecast skill of the upper tropospheric NAM index for a lead time from 6 to 12 days tends to be better when the negative NAM index is observed in the stratosphere Propagating property of planetary waves after SSW? We could expect a better forecast skill of the tropospheric NAM index after SSW events Improve understanding of stratospheric influence on troposphere Reforecast experiments for a long-term Increase member and frequency of 1-month ensemble forecast during SSW events

22 Stratospheric Influence on the troposphere after SSW Difference of 7-day averaged Z300 from Dec. 29-Jan. 1 Prediction from Dec. 5 & 6 (10 members of succeeded SSW prediction)- (10 members of failed SSW prediction) For succeed members, the positive anomaly over the Alaska and the negative anomaly over the East Asia tend to increase

23 Regressed forecast error of 7-day mean Z300 from Dec. 29-Jan. 4 w.r.t. Zonal-Mean Temp (10hPa, 80N) on Dec. 28 Prediction from Dec. 5 & 6 Anomaly from ensemble mean Ensemble Mean ・Error of Z300 over Japan tends to decrease for members which succeeded in predicting SSW

24 Ensemble-Mean Forecast Error of NAM
1000hPa 95% Classified based on NAM index at 150hPa at the initial time of forecast Error p: > forecasts n: < forecasts 0: others forecasts lead time (days) statistical significance of p-n 500hPa 250hPa lead time (days)

25 statistical significance of p-n
Dependence of Ensemble-Mean Forecast Error of predicted NAM index on the initial NAM index 1000hPa 95% Error Classified based on NAM index at 50hPa at the initial time of forecast lead time (days) p: >1: forecasts n: forecasts 0: others forecasts 500hPa statistical significance of p-n 250hPa lead time (days)

26 Cummulative WN1 Fz at 100hPa (40N-90N) of Dec. 6 Forecasts
Run 1 Run 2 13 December January ・Deceleration of stratospheric zonal winds due to WN1 propagating from the troposphere ・Difference between Run 1 and Run 2 becomes evident after Dec.13

27 Regressed U anomaly on Dec. 12-14,2001
Squared Refractive Index (Q1)for WN1 (×a2) Regressed U anomaly on Dec ,2001 Prediction from Dec. 5/6 Ensemble Mean +Anomaly -Anomaly blue: negative, red: >150 ・Large difference is seen in upper troposphere, but the profiles in the stratosphere is basically the same ・Q1 for +anomaly in the upper troposphere is much larger than Q1 for –anomaly due to Uyy associated with jet in polar region ・Q1 anomaly would deflect WN1 propagation poleward

28 Hindcast Experiments with MRI GCM
Predicted Zonal Mean Temp. at 10hPa, 80N (K) JMA Model T106L40 Top: 0.4hPa From Dec. 5 and 6, 2001 MRI GCM TL95L40 Top: 0.4hPa From Dec. 5 and 6, 2001

29 Regressed Zonal-Mean Zonal Wind on Dec
Regressed Zonal-Mean Zonal Wind on Dec wrt Zonal-Mean Temp (10hPa, 80N) on Dec. 28 Prediction from Dec. 5/6 Anomaly from Ensemble Mean Ensemble Mean JMA Model MRI GCM

30 Regressed Z300 on Dec. 12-14 wrt Zonal-Mean Temp (10hPa, 80N) on Dec
Prediction from Dec. 5/6 Anomaly from Ensemble Mean Ensemble Mean JMA Model MRI GCM

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