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CLAS12 Ready for Science Answers to the Homework Questions & Summary/Path Forward Latifa Elouadrhiri Jefferson Lab CLAS12 Ready for Science Review.

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Presentation on theme: "CLAS12 Ready for Science Answers to the Homework Questions & Summary/Path Forward Latifa Elouadrhiri Jefferson Lab CLAS12 Ready for Science Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLAS12 Ready for Science Answers to the Homework Questions & Summary/Path Forward Latifa Elouadrhiri Jefferson Lab CLAS12 Ready for Science Review Septenber 24, 2017

2 1- Provide a straw-man schedule with run conditions for the RGA run group. We realize that final decisions on how much time is dedicated to each configuration will be finalized based on the engineering run, but it is good to start with a rough idea of the data that will be taken. The list should give the number of days for each configuration that includes - beam energy - beam current - torus field and polarity - solenoid field and polarity - trigger(s) to be used - target - any other beamline/detector configurations that are relevant. This list will be very useful to prioritize activities during the commissioning run Provide the plot of the Region 1 background as a function of solenoid field.

3 RUN GROUP A - Experiments
Duration: 139 days 20 days commissioning 60 days high luminosity (1035cm-2s-1) 39 days low luminosity (5x1033cm-2s-1) 20 days torus polarity = negative Energy: 11 GeV Target: LH2 Experiment Contact Topic Specifics E Stoler/Valery Deep pi0/eta E A Carman N*->KY studies E Avakian Pion SIDIS E A Mirazita Lambda SIDIS E B Pisano Di-Hadron SIDIS E Sabatie DVCS E Gothe Nucleon Resonance E Battaglieri Meson Spectroscopy Needs FT + special trigger + low-luminosity running time E A Guo Very strange baryons E Nadel-Turonski TCS & J/Psi Needs reversed torus polarity running E Stoler, Weis, Gorod Deep Phi E B M. Kunkel Transition Form Factor of the eta' Meson E B L. Elouadrhiri Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering

4 Beamline/detector configurations that are relevant

5 DC Region 1 occupancy versus solenoid field

6 Straw-man schedule with run conditions for the RGA run group
Experiment parameters Beam energy 10.6 GeV, electrons polarized Beam current 4nA (5x 1033) to 80 nA (1x1035) Torus field and polarity 100% (negative particles in-bending) Solenoid field and polarity 100% (nominal) Trigger(s) Electron trigger (HTCC/PCAL/EC) Electron (1 - 5 GeV) in the FT and ≥ 2 (3) hadrons in CLAS12 Target 5cm LH2

7 2. List the physics reactions that will be used to monitor production data at 10.6 GeV. What quantities and which plots will be used? Basic monitoring as function of time similar to CLAS (Normalized quantities) Hit Base tracking/sector Time Base tracking/sector Electron/sector Charge hadrons/sector Tracks in central detector Protons in central detector Electron in the FT Physics reactions epπ+π- (missing mass with one pion missing, and inv. masses, pπ±, π+π-) ep->epπ0 (FT & EC/PCAL) Bethe-Heitler K+Λ(π-p)

8 3- Does the current performance of the CLAS12 detector achieve the requirements of the RGA experiments? Are there any areas of concern? YES: the current performance of the CLAS12 detector achieve the design specification and meet the requirements of the RG-A experiments. Superconducting Magnets - Torus achieving full field - Solenoid achieving full field Detector meeting or exceeding specification demonstrated: - During individual detector checkout and commissioning - In the beam during KPP - Based on detailed simulation/reconstruction Electronics used successfully in beam runs: - CLAS12 KPP Run, HPS, PRad - Upgrade to the electronics for the Drift Chambers

9 5. a. Computer resources: a) Confirm that the production jobs for the engineering/RGA analysis are planned without any changes to the existing farm system. No changes are required to the farm system to perform online and/or offline Clara data processing. Clara takes care of its own computing environment, monitoring and management, while maximizing utilization of the farm resources (thus low job failure rates). Clara presents PBS/auger jobs complying to all the JLAB batch farm rules.

10 5.b. CLAS12 Disk Space Requirements
Values used in estimate calculations: event rate 10 kHz 24-hr duty cycle 60% core efficiency 90% if raw event (Mode 1) size 80 kByte decoded raw event size ~raw mode size / 10 = 8 kByte reconstructed event size ~decoded size * 4 = 32 kByte Storage Requirements [in TB per day of running] data tape DAQ data volume 41 Raw data volume (hipo) 4 Cooked data volume (hipo) 17 Calibrated data volume 1 Total data volume in TB for 1 day 22 4.3 disk (RGA) disk (Engineering) Available ~350 TB (work+volatile) (clas +clas12) 20 days for RGA keep 50% on disk

11 Concerns Trigger rate from the FT Mitigation plan:
Reduce the energy range for the accepted clusters:in the proposal the range was GeV to select the large W that are necessary for the meson and the cascade spectroscopy but this could be reduced for example to GeV. As a second choice we can use prescaling. Implementation of DC in the trigger for the required charge hadrons Operating at high luminosity Achieved the Full Field of the solenoid Major improvement to the beam line design based on detailed simulations Improvement to the tracking

12 CLAS12 Ready for Science Path Forward
CLAS12 Ready for Science Review Septenber 24, 2017

13 CLARA Offline Reconstruction
Trigger Implementation & Validation Complete CLAS12 Trigger Implementation and Validation Comparison between C++ implementation and hardware response Comparison between C++ implementation and GEANT4 and reconstruction results GEMC Or DAQ (.evio) Trigger C++ CLARA Offline Reconstruction NOTE: that step allows Offline Reconstruction team to get ready for trigger results processing during beam time Task force in place from offline and online teams

14 Online and Offline Software
Offline focus on detailed understanding of event reconstruction (Tracking and PID) as function of luminosity. Online monitoring for physics reconstruction in CLAS12 environment should focus on detector occupancy, efficiency and calibration stability. Need : Centralized, configurable histogram service to supply occupancy and calibration quality information from all detector sources to monitoring clients. Method for setting alarms, notifications, automatic log-entries or database (CCDB,RCDB) entries on out-of-tolerance conditions. Automated procedures of detector quality monitoring.

15 Documentation Most of the documentation have been updated since the KPP Trigger studies and offline documentation being finalized All Documentation will be placed in DOCDB under version control work in progress

16 CLAS12 Commissioning with Cosmic Rays
Few weeks before arrival of beam the full CLAS12 system will be commissioned by taking cosmic ray data Critical to a timely & successful beam commissioning

17 Summary Solenoid achieving full field Major Milestone to the CLAS12 science program Collaboration very well organized: teams and task forces in place The focus of the collaboration for the coming few months will be on the preparation and the execution of successful engineering run The CLAS collaboration is ready for Science with the aim of the first results by October 2018

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