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مصطلحـــــات طبـيـــــــة Medical Terminology
الاستاذةعبير البزور
The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi
Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body نصف( الشق النصفي الايمن او الايسر من الجسم) Examples: Hemiplegia : paralysis of half of the body شلل نصفي Hemiparesis: numbness of the half of the bodyتخدر او (خذلان) في نصف الجسم
The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hyper
Meaning: Excessive or above normal زيادة عن المعدل الطبيعي Examples: Hyperglycemia : Excessive blood glucose above normal level زيادة ارتفاع نسبة السكر في الدم Hypertension: Excessive blood pressure above normal levelارتفاع ضغط الدم
The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hypo
Meaning: lack of or under or below normal نقص عن المعدل الطبيعي Examples: Hypoglycemia : lack of blood glucose below normal level نقص نسبة السكر في الدم Hypotension: lack of blood pressure below normal levelانخفاض ضغط الدم
The Prefixes-Cont. (I) Term: Inter Meaning: between, among بين او خلال
Example: Intercellular : between the cells بين الخلايا
The Prefixes-Cont. (I) Term: Intra Meaning: inside, within, into داخل
Examples: Intracellular : inside the cells داخل الخلايا Intravascular: inside the blood vessel داخل الوعاء الدموي
The Prefixes-Cont. (I) Term: In- Meaning: not, non لا النافية
Examples: Insufficient : not enough غير كافي Inappropriate: not suitable غير مناسب
The Prefixes-Cont. (K) Term: kerat (o)
Meaning: horny tissues الانسجة المقرنة Examples: keratin : sulfur-containing fibrous proteins that form the chemical basis of horny epidermal tissues (as hair and nails) مادة الكرياتين هي عبارة عن طبقة من الالياف البروتينية تكون اساس الانسجة القرنية مثل الشعر والاظافر
The Prefixes-Cont. (L) Term: Lact (o) Meaning: milk الحليب Examples:
Lactation : A process of milk feeding عملية الرضاعة
The Prefixes-Cont. (L) Term: Lymph (o)
Meaning: related to lymph or lymphatic system يتعلق بالسائل الليمفاوي او الجهاز الليمفاوي Examples: Lymphadenitis : inflammation of lymph node التهاب في الغدد الليمفاوية Lymphedema: enlargement of lymph node تضخم الغدد اليمفاوية
The Prefixes-Cont. (M) Term: Mal Meaning: bad سيئ Examples:
Malnutrition : bad nourishment سوء تغذية Malabsorption: bad absorption سوء الامتصاص
The Prefixes-Cont. (M) Term: Macr (o) Meaning: large ضخم - كبير
Examples: Macrocephaly : Enlargement of the head ضخامة الرأس
The Prefixes-Cont. (M) Term: Micro Meaning: small صغير Examples:
Microorganism : small organisms الكائنات الدقيقة Microcyte: small cells خلايا صغيرة الحجم
The Prefixes-Cont. (M) Term: Meg (a) Megal (o)
Meaning: large كبير or abnormal enlargement Examples: Megacolon : abnormal enlargement of colon تضخم القولون(الامعاء الغليظة) Megaloblast: a large erythroblast that appears in the blood especially in pernicious anemia
The Prefixes-Cont. (M) Term: My (o) - or – Muscul (o)
Meaning: Pertaining to Muscles عضلات Examples: Myocardial infarction : an acute episode of heart disease marked by the death or damage of heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle usually as a result of a coronary thrombosis or a coronary occlusion الجلطة القلبية Myositis: inflammation of muscles التهاب العضلات Musculoskeletal system: Systems of muscles and bones الجهاز العظمي العضلي
The Prefixes-Cont. (N) Term: Narc (o) Meaning: pertaining to sleep نوم
Example: Narcotics : drugs inducing sleep ادوية منومة
The Prefixes-Cont. (N) Term: Nas (o)
Meaning: pertaining to the nose أنف Examples: Nasogastric Tube : intubation of the stomach by way of the nasal passages الانبوب الانفي المعدي
The Prefixes-Cont. (N) Term: Nephr (o)
Meaning: pertaining to kidney الكلية Examples: Nephritis : inflammation of kidney nephron التهاب الكلية Nephrolithiasis: stones at the kidney حصاوي الكلية Nephrectomy: removal of the kidney ازالة الكلية
The Prefixes-Cont. (N) Term: Neur (o)
Meaning: pertaining to nerves الاعصاب Examples: Neurology : branch of medicine concerned especially with the structure, functions, and diseases of the nervous system علم دراسة الاعصاب Neurosurgery: surgery of nervous system جراحة الاعصاب Neurologist: a person specializing in neurology especially : a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of disease of the nervous system اخصائي اعصاب
The Prefixes-Cont. (O) Term: Ophthalm (o)
Meaning: pertaining to eye العين Examples: Ophthalmology : a branch of medical science dealing with the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye علم دراسة العين Ophthalmologist: a person who specializes in ophthalmology أخصائي عيـــــــــــون
The Prefixes-Cont. (O) Term: Ot (o) Meaning: pertaining to ear الاذن
Examples: Otitis media : inflammation of the middle ear التهاب الاذن الوسطى Otology: a science that deals with the ear and its diseases علم دراسة الاذن وامراضها
The Prefixes-Cont. (P) Term: Pancreat(o)
Meaning: pertaining to pancreas البنكرياس Examples: Pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas التهاب البنكرياس Pancreatic duct: a duct connecting the pancreas with the intestine قناة البنكرياس
The Prefixes-Cont. (P) Term: Path (o)
Meaning: pertaining to disease المرض Examples: Pathology: the study of the essential nature of diseases and especially of the structural and functional changes produced by them علم دراسة الامراض ومسببات حدوثها والتغيرات التي تحدثها Pathologist: specialist in pathology; specifically : a physician who interprets and diagnoses the changes caused by disease in tissues and body fluids اخصائي الباثولوجي
The Prefixes-Cont. (P) Term: Peri Meaning: around or enclosing حول
Examples: Pericarditis: inflammation of the pericardium التهاب الغشاء المحيط بالقلب Peritonitis: inflammation of the peritoneum ( the smooth transparent serous membrane that lines the cavity of the abdomen) التهاب الغشاء البريتوني حول البطن
The Prefixes-Cont. (P) Term: Pneum(o)
Meaning: pertaining to lung الرئة Examples: Pneumonia: inflammation of the lung التهاب رئوي Pneumothorax: a condition in which air or other gas is present in the pleural cavity. هواء داخل الرئوي
زيادة عدد مرات الاكل (شهية مفتوحة للطعام)
The Prefixes-Cont. (P) Term: Poly Meaning: excessive زيادةor affecting many parts متعدد Examples: Polydipsia: excessive or abnormal thirst عطش شديد Polyuria: excessive urination زيادة عدد مرات التبول Polyphagia: excessive appetite or eating زيادة عدد مرات الاكل (شهية مفتوحة للطعام)
The Prefixes-Cont. (P) Term: Pre Meaning: before قبل Examples:
Preoperative: occurring, performed, or administered before and usually close to a surgical operation قبل العملية preeclampsia: a serious condition developing in late pregnancy that is characterized by a sudden rise in blood pressure, excessive weight gain, generalized edema, proteinuria, severe headache, and visual disturbances and that may result in eclampsia if untreated (an attack of convulsions ) تشنج حملي (تشنج قبل الحمل)
The Prefixes-Cont. (P) Term: Post Meaning: after or behind بعد
Examples: Postpartum:بعد الميلاد after Birth postnatal: بعد الولادةafter delivery
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