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High School vs. College Prof Foster 9/17/09.

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Presentation on theme: "High School vs. College Prof Foster 9/17/09."— Presentation transcript:

1 High School vs. College Prof Foster 9/17/09

2 Common misconceptions
Is this what high school is really like? Then why do we think college might be like this….

3 How College is different from High School
Following “the rules” in high school VS. Choosing Responsibility in College

4 Where there are differences
High School Your time is structured by others Each day - 6 hours per day - 30 hours a week in class College You manage your own time Hours of time exist between classes. Times vary throughout the day. 12 to 16 hours a week in class

5 Where there are differences
High School School year is 36 weeks long Most classes extend the entire year - same teachers, same classmates Average 35 students per class College 2 separate 15 week semesters Entirely different set of classes, students, subjects each semester Classes can have >100 students

6 Where there are differences
High School Seldom need to read anything more than once Most assignments are discussed and re-taught in class College Need to review class notes and material everyday Substantial amounts of reading and writing may NOT be directly addressed in class

7 Where there are differences
High School You may study as little as 2 hours per week per class Very few true group projects that require teamwork and communication outside of regular class hours College Need to study at least 2 to 3 hours outside class for every hour in class Group projects and reports require meeting outside of class time

8 Where there are differences
High School Teachers remind you of your responsibilities and guide you in setting priorities Teachers remind you of incomplete work Teachers help you understand material in the textbook College You must balance your responsibilities and set priorities Professors may not remind you of incomplete work Professors may not follow the textbook. Instead they expand on the text with illustrations and examples

9 Small group discussions
How did you develop expectations of what college will be like? TV/movies Friends/siblings Teachers/counselors Talks with family? What are the top 2 things you will miss about high school? What are the top 2 things you will NOT miss about high school?

10 Real Students share… Old Dominion University….
Audio is not great, but listen intently and you’ll catch a lot of our topics this semester

11 Topics from the video Time management Responsibility - Goals
Expectations - tests, studying, note taking skills Money Management Social Skills

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