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Buffer Cache.

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1 Buffer Cache

2 UNIX Kernel Architecture
libraries User level Kernel level User programs hardware Hardware level trap Sytem call interface File subsytem Buffer cache Chracter block Device drivers Hardware control Inter-process communication scheduler Memory management Process control sybsystem

3 Buffer Cache When a process wants to access data from a file, the kernel brings the data into main memory, alters it and then request to save in the file system Example: copy cp one.c two.c To increase the response time and throughput, the kernel minimizes the frequency of disk access by keeping a pool of internal data buffer called buffer cache.

4 Buffer Cache Buffer cache contains the data in recently used disk blocks When reading data from disk, the kernel attempts to read from buffer cache. If data is already in the buffer cache, the kernel does not need to read from disk If data is not in the buffer cache, the kernel reads the data from disk and cache it

5 Buffer Headers A buffer consists of two parts
a memory array buffer header disk block : buffer = 1 : 1 Figure 3.1 Buffer Header device num block num status ptr to next buf on hash queue ptr to previous buf on hash queue ptr to next buf on free list ptr to previous buf on free list ptr to data area

6 Buffer Headers device num block num status
logical file system number block num block number of the data on disk status The buffer is currently locked. The buffer contains valid data. delayed-write The kernel is currently reading or writing the contents of the disk. A process is currently waiting for the buffer to become free. kernel identifies the buffer content by examing device num and block num.

7 Buffer Headers struct buffer_head{ /*First cache line: */
struct buffer_head *b_next; /*Hash queue list*/ unsigned long b_blocknr; /*block number*/ unsigned long b_size; /*block size*/ kdev_t b_dev; /*device(B_FREE = free)*/ kdev_t b_rdev; /*Read device*/ unsigned long b_rsector; /*Real Buffer location on disk*/ struct buffer_head *b_this_page; /*circular list of buffers in one page*/ unsigned long b_state; /*buffer state bitmap(see above)*/ struct buffer_head *b_next_free; unsigned int b_count; /*users using this block*/ char *b_data; /*pointer to data block(1024 bytes)*/ unsigned int b_list; /*List that this buffer appears*/ unsigned long b_flushtime; /*Time when this(dirty) buffer should be written*/ struct wait_queue *b_wait; struct buffer_head **b_pprev; /*doubly linked list of hash-queue*/ struct buffer_head *b_prev_free; /* double linked list of buffers*/ struct buffer_head *b_reqnext; /*request queue*/ /*I/O completion*/ void (*b_end_io)(struct buffer_head *bh, int uptodate); void *b_dev_id; };

8 Buffer Headers /* buffer head state bits*/
#define BH_Uptodate 0 /*1 if the buffer contains valid data*/ #define BH_Dirty 1 /*1 if the buffer is dirty*/ #define BH_Lock 2 /*1 if the buffer is locked*/ #define BH_Req 3 /*0 if the buffer has been invalidated*/ #define BH_Protected 6 /*1 if the buffer is protected*/

9 Structures of the buffer pool
Buffer pool according to LRU The kernel maintains a free list of buffer doubly linked list take a buffer from the head of the free list. When returning a buffer, attaches the buffer to the tail. free list head buf 1 buf 2 buf n Forward ptrs Back ptrs Figure 3.2 Free list of Buffers

10 Structures of the buffer pool
When the kernel accesses a disk block separate queue (doublely linked circular list) hashed as a function of the device and block num Every disk block exists on one and only on hash queue and only once on the queue 4 5 17 10 50 98 99 35 3 28 64 97 blkno0 mod 4 blkno1 mod 4 blkno2 mod 4 blkno3 mod 4 Hash queue headers Figure 3.3 Buffers on the Hash Queues

11 Scenarios for retrieval of a buffer
Determine the logical device num and block num The algorithms for reading and writing disk blocks use the algorithm getblk The kernel finds the block on its hash queue The buffer is free. The buffer is currently busy. The kernel cannot find the block on the hash queue The kernel allocates a buffer from the free list. In attempting to allocate a buffer from the free list, finds a buffer on the free list that has been marked “delayed write”. The free list of buffers is empty.

12 Retrieval of a Buffer:1st Scenario (a)
The kernel finds the block on the hash queue and its buffer is free 4 5 17 10 50 98 99 35 3 28 64 97 blkno0 mod 4 blkno1 mod 4 blkno2 mod 4 blkno3 mod 4 Hash queue headers freelist header Search for block 4

13 Retrieval of a Buffer:1st Scenario (b)
4 5 17 10 50 98 99 35 3 28 64 97 blkno0 mod 4 blkno1 mod 4 blkno2 mod 4 blkno3 mod 4 freelist header Remove block 4 from free list

14 Retrieval of a Buffer: 2nd Scenario (a)
The kernel cannot find the block on the hash queue, so it allocates a buffer from free list 4 5 17 10 50 98 99 35 3 28 64 97 blkno0 mod 4 blkno1 mod 4 blkno2 mod 4 blkno3 mod 4 Hash queue headers freelist header Search for block 18: Not in cache

15 Retrieval of a Buffer: 2nd Scenario (b)
Hash queue headers 18 4 5 17 10 50 98 99 35 28 64 97 blkno0 mod 4 blkno1 mod 4 blkno2 mod 4 blkno3 mod 4 freelist header Remove 1st block from free list: Assign to 18

16 Retrieval of a Buffer: 3rd Scenario (a)
The kernel cannot find the block on the hash queue, and finds delayed write buffers on hash queue 4 5 17 10 50 98 99 35 3 28 64 97 blkno0 mod 4 blkno1 mod 4 blkno2 mod 4 blkno3 mod 4 Hash queue headers freelist header delay delay Search for block 18, Delayed write blocks on free list

17 Retrieval of a Buffer: 3rd Scenario (b)
5 17 10 50 98 99 35 3 28 64 97 blkno0 mod 4 blkno1 mod 4 blkno2 mod 4 blkno3 mod 4 Hash queue headers freelist header 18 writing (b) Writing Blocks 3, 5, Reassign 4 to 18 Figure 3.8

18 Retrieval of a Buffer: 4th Scenario
The kernel cannot find the buffer on the hash queue, and the free list is empty 28 blkno0 mod 4 blkno1 mod 4 blkno2 mod 4 blkno3 mod 4 Hash queue headers freelist header 4 64 5 97 17 10 50 98 99 35 3 Search for block 18, free list empty

19 Retrieval of a Buffer: 5th Scenario
Kernel finds the buffer on hash queue, but it is currently busy 4 5 17 10 50 98 99 35 3 28 64 97 blkno0 mod 4 blkno1 mod 4 blkno2 mod 4 blkno3 mod 4 Hash queue headers freelist header busy Search for block 99, block busy

20 Algorithm: GetBlock GetBlock (file_system_no,block_no)
while (buffer not found) if (buffer in hash queue) if (buffer busy) sleep (event buffer becomes free) continue mark buffer busy remove buffer from free list return buffer else if (there is no buffer on free list) sleep (event any buffer becomes free) if (buffer marked as delayed write) asyschronous white buffer to disk remove buffer from hash queue put buffer onto hash queue

21 Algorithm: ReleaseBlock
ReleaseBlock (locked buffer) wakeup all process event, waiting for any buffer to become free wakeup all process event, waiting for this buffer to become free raise processor execution level to block interrupt if (buffer content valid and buffer not old) enqueue buffer at the end of free list else enqueue buffer at the beginning of free list lower processor execution level to allow interrupt unlock (buffer)

22 Reading and Writing disk blocks
To read block ahead The kernel checks if the block is in the cache or not. If the block in not in the cache, it invokes the disk driver to read the block. The the process goes to sleep awaiting the event that the I/O is complete. The disk controller interrupts the processor when the I/O is complete The disk interrupt handler awakens the sleeping processes The content of disk blocks are now in the buffer When the process no longer need the buffer, it releases it so that other processes can access it

23 Reading and Writing disk blocks
To write a disk block The kernel informs the disk driver that it has a buffer whose contents should be output. The disk driver schedules the block for I/O. If the write is synchronous, the calling process goes the sleep awaiting I/O completion and releases the buffer when awakens. If the write is asynchronous, the kernel starts the disk write. The kernel release the buffer when the I/O completes.


25 contents Inodes Structure of a regular file
Conversion of a path name to an inode Super block Inode assignment to a new file Delete Inode

26 File System Algorithms
namei alloc free ialloc ifree iget iput buffer allocation algorithms getblk brelse bread bwrite Lower Level File system Algorithms

27 Inode contains the information necessary for a process to access a file exits in a static form on disk and the kernel reads them into an in-core inode

28 Inodes - file owner identifier consists of - file type
- file access permissions - file access times - number of links to the file - table of contents for the disk address of data in a file - file size

29 Inodes in-core copy of the inode contains
- status of the in-core inode - logical device number of file system - inode number - pointers to other in-core inodes - reference count

30 iget (inode_no) //getIncoreInode
while (not done) if (inode in inode cache) if (inode locked) sleep(event inode becomes unlocked) continue if (inode on inode free list) remove from free list return locked inode if (no inode on free list) return error remove new inode from free list set inode number remove inode from old hash queue and place on new one read inode from disk set reference count 1 return locked indoe

31 iput (inode_no) //releaseIncoreInode
lock inode if not locked decrement inode refernece count if (refernce count==0) if (inode link==0) free disk block set file type to 0 free inode if (file accessed or inode changed or file changed) update disk inode put inode on free list Release inode lock

32 Structure of a regular file
direct0 direct1 direct2 direct3 direct4 direct5 direct6 direct7 direct8 direct9 single indirect double indirect triple indirect Inode Data Blocks

33 Structure of a regular file
Suppose System V UNIX Assume that a logical on the file system holds 1K bytes and that a block number is addressable by a 32 bit integer, then a block can hold up to 256 block numbers 10 direct blocks with 1K bytes each=10K bytes 1 indirect block with 256 direct blocks= 1K*256=256K bytes 1 double indirect block with 256 indirect blocks= 256K*256=64M bytes 1 triple indirect block with 256 double indirect blocks= 64M*256=16G bytes

34 Path conversion to an inode
if (path name starts with root) working inode= root inode else working inode= current directory inode while (there is more path name) read next component from input read directory content if (component matches an entry in directory) get inode number for matched component release working inode working inode=inode of matched component return no inode return (working inode)

35 Conversion of a path name to an inode
algorithm namei - If path name starts from root, then the kernel assigns root inode(iget) to working inode - Otherwise, the kernel assigns current directory inode to working inode - While there is more path name, the kernel reads next path name component from input, and verifies that working inode is of directory, access permissions OK • If working inode is of root and component is ‘..’, then the kernel checks whether there is more path name or not • Otherwise the kernel reads directory by repeated use of bmap,bread,brelse

36 Super block File System consists of - the size of the file system
- the number of free blocks in the file system - a list of free blocks available on the file system - the index of the next free block in the free block list - the size of the inode list - the number of free inodes in the file system - a list of free inodes in the file system - the index of the next free inode in the free inode list - lock fields for the free block and free inode lists - a flag indicating that the super block has been modified boot block super block inode list data blocks

37 Inode assignment to a new file
free inodes empty array1 Super Block Free Inode List index free inodes empty array2 Assigning Free Inode from Middle of List

38 Inode assignment to a new file
Assigning Free Inode – Super Block List Empty empty array1 Super Block Free Inode List index free inodes array2 remembered inode index

39 Inode assignment to a new file
free inodes remembered inode Original Super Block List of Free Inodes index Free Inode 499 free inodes remembered inode index Free Inode 601 free inodes remembered inode index

40 Inode assignment to a new file
Locked inode illoc() while (not done) If (super block locked) Sleep (event super block becomes free) Continue If (inode list in super block empty) Lock super block Get remember inode for free inode search Search until super block full or no more free inode Unlock super block and wake up (event super block free)\ If no free inode found on disk return error Set remmbered inode for next free inode search Get inode number from super block inode list Get inode Write inode to disk Decrement free inode count Return inode

41 Freeing inode ifree(inode_no) Increment free inode count
If super block locked return If (inode list full) //at super block if (inode number <remembered inode) Set remembered inode as input inode Else Store inode number in inode list return

42 Allocation of disk blocks
………………………….. …………………… 109 …………………… 214 211 …………………… 310 linked list of free disk block number

43 Allocation of disk blocks
algorithm alloc - The kernel wants to allocate a block from a file system it allocates the next available block in the super block list - Once allocated , the block cannot be reallocated until it becomes free - If the allocated block is the last block , the kernel treats it as a pointer to a block that contains a list of free blocks • The kernel locks super block, reads block jut taken from free list, copies block numbers in block into super block, releases block buffer,and unlocks super block - Otherwise, • The kernels gets buffer for block removed from super block list , zero buffer contents, decrements total count of free blocks, and marks super block modified

44 Allocation of disk blocks
super block list 109 ………………………………………………………… 109 …………………………….. 112 original configuration ………………………………………………….. 109 ………………………………. 112 After freeing block number 949

45 Allocation of disk blocks
109 ……………………………………………………….. 109 ………………………………. 112 After assigning block number(949) ……………………………… 112 211 ………………………………. 243 After assigning block number(109) replenish super block free list

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