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Rebecca Youens Balfron High School

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1 Rebecca Youens Balfron High School
Shelagh Hansom Dunblane High School Session 2005/6

2 Developments in the Tundra
Modern developments in the tundra areas include oil and mineral exploration in Alaska. Such developments increase the rate of change for the indigenous people. There are also concerns that modern developments can have a harmful affect on the environment. Although some might oppose changes, others feel that they bring good economic results (jobs and money).

3 In 1968 the largest known deposits of oil and
gas in North America were discovered in the north of Alaska near to Prudhoe Bay. However, before development and extraction could take place the mining companies had to overcome a number of problems.



6 Problems facing oil extraction in Alaska
Temperatures of -50°C makes it hard to keep oil flowing. Harsh working conditions for people. The pipe can’t go underground because of permafrost. Ground is unstable in summer when the surface layer thaws. Pipeline had to go over 3 mountain ranges The southern area is a major earthquake zone Tundra ecosystem is very fragile. Crosses caribou migration routes and near breeding ground Might affect habitats of bears , wolves and other animals Major threat of oil spills






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