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DLP Oct 8-11.

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1 DLP Oct 8-11

2 10/8 If the fish ate the raccoon and the raccoon ate the fish, who ate the fish?

3 10/9 Choose the word or number in the second pair that is most closely related to the first. Potatoes are to peanuts as apples are to: A) bananas B) lilies C) peaches D) tomatoes

4 10/9 Answer Potatoes are to peanuts as apples are to:
A) bananas B) lilies C) peaches D) tomatoes C) Peaches. Peaches and apples both grow on tree. Potatoes and peanuts both grow on the ground.

5 10/11 Celsius is to 0 degrees as Fahrenheit is to:
A) 100 degrees B) 0 degrees C) 212 degrees D)32 degrees E)112 degrees

6 10/11 answers Celsius is to 0 degrees as Fahrenheit is to:
A) 100 degrees B) 0 degrees C) 212 degrees D)32 degrees E)112 degrees D) 32 degrees 32 degrees is freezing on the Fahrenheit scale as 0 degrees is freezing on the Celsius scale.

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