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Time Management for the Working Parent and Writer

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1 Time Management for the Working Parent and Writer
Natalie Jones

2 Sydney and Mallory Story about being on Facebook and Syd and Mal begging me to play catch with them. I didn’t even realize what was going on until they yelled at me. What I want to do with my future. Mother and Writer/might have to work

3 What is Time Management?
“Time management entails planning out your activities and tasks as specifically as Possible in a manner where they will complement each other and will constitute the best use of your time.” Leadership-central is where leaders come and share tips with each other. It gives this is the definition of time management.

4 Tips Record Other Plan with an Outcome Remove Distractions
Everyone has the same amount of time; some just use their time better. These are types from a New Era article by Rex W. Allred When you plan with an outcome in mind, you produce more. -plan your time backward. -how you go about accomplishing something is more important than the time spent accomplishing it -”We need to work smarter, not harder in this life” Write it down in 15 min increments. Use a planner. You can always change plans, but having a plan makes all the difference. Put goals in order of importance. Knock two out at once. Go somewhere without distractions. If you stay somewhere with distractions it will take twice as long. If you just remove yourself from the scene, you can get it done and move on to something else. Technological distractions too! Be healthy, delegate work, and communicate effectively

5 “In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e.”
We need to take the time to focus on things that matter most. Don’t forget our families, service, prayer, and scripture study. We are on earth to use our time well!

6 Working and Parenting It doesn’t matter if you are working/not working. You are still a parent and that is a huge job. It is even harder to juggle your time when you are working and parenting. If women can work part-time, studies have shown it is less stressful for them. An Ensign article says that the important thing to focus on is what matters most, which is your children. In some situations the mother has no choice but to work because of money. She might be the family’s only source of income. Pres Hinckley: “What you try to do is look at the counsel that’s been given to us as a people. Then you look at your own particular circumstances, pray, and then try to make a decision that will enable the Lord to bless you, that will enable you to fulfill your mission, and that seems to feel good.” A working mother can still teach her children valuable lessons. She can teach them to help in the house. She can teach them by her hardworking example. Barbara Smith says, “Children learn what life is by observing and doing.”

7 Shannon Hale Last I want to talk about writing and parenting.
Shannon Hale sets reasonable goals for herself. She changed them depending on where she is at in her life. She uses her downtime. When her children are napping, she writes. She puts her children first. She doesn’t push herself too far. Keeps notes, continues to read.

8 Jodi Picoult She doesn’t have time for writer’s block.
Writes while they are in school She devotes all of her time to her kids when they are home. She says, “If you really, really want to write, you will.”

9 Rachel Ann Nunes She never has down time.
She sets a specific goal each day She writes first and then does other writer activities. She limits her speaking assignments so that she can spend time with her children. Her older children are a major part of her writing process.

10 The Reoccurring Theme Can you guess what it is?
They all say they have great husbands. Husbands help with the writing process Rachel Anne Nunes’ husband runs her website, reads her books, and asks her questions as she goes about her writing. Jodi Picoult has a stay at home husband who helps balance her time. She hands her children off to him when she is stressed. It was important to her writing that she stay married. Shannon Hale’s husband gives her feedback on her books at least three times before they are published. She says he is a “hands on papa” and says “he’s a real gem”.

11 Review Time management can be done by planning for an outcome and using your time right. Time management is hard for parents alone, but they need to focus on what matters most. Working parents can still teach their children valuable lessons when they work part or full time. Writers and mothers make a game plan. They put their children first, and they have great husbands.

12 Questions

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