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Joint Seabasing and the JCIDS Process

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1 Joint Seabasing and the JCIDS Process
Colonel Greg Cook, USAF Chief, Studies, Analysis and Gaming Division Joint Staff J-8 NDIA Expeditionary Warfare Conference 20 Oct 2004

2 Overview What is JCIDS? “Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System” Review of New DoD Requirements, Acquisition and Test Process FCBs, JICs, and CBAs Seabasing CBA Overview JFCOM Seabasing Concepts Today, I would like to review with you the following items.

3 Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
JCIDS implements a capabilities-based process Rigorous, up-front analysis by functionally-focused teams More programs (below ACAT I) will get joint visibility Nine month (+) development process Processes are aligned Capability Needs across OSD, Intelligence Community, National Security Space Architect Acquisition process with AT&L, NII, and DoD Space Acquisition Milestone Decision Authority Resource Allocation process

4 Joint Integrating Concept
JCIDS Process Overview Concepts Joint Integrating Concept Potential Capability Improvement Areas Force Management Protection Focused Logistics HLS MCO JSB STAB OPS STRAT DEFT USA USN USAF USMC Service Concepts Joint Functional Concepts Joint Operating Concepts Capability Disconnect Joint Integrating Concept Joint Operations Concepts - Integrated Priority Lists - Joint Quarterly Readiness Review - Lessons Learned - Service Programs - Strategic Planning Guidance - Joint Experimentation - ACTDs Command & Control Battlespace Awareness Joint Operating Concepts Joint Functional Concepts Joint Integrating Concepts SecDef Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Requirements Oversight Council Resource Strategy Capability Roadmap Capability Assessment This chart is intended to develop the next level of detail as to how this method would work. First, in the upper left corner we see Concepts translated into architectures. Military judgment is applied to those concepts by the JROC validating a specific set of attributes which apply to each of the architectures. These attributes translate the concept into a way to determine capability. Each attribute brings with it a set of assumptions that underpin it and metrics that measure it. This then allows all the department’s various activities to initially develop a standard for the critical functional areas (as described by the collection of attributes) and then map current programs against that standard to compare where we stand in capability against the standard. A view of this type nodal mapping is seen in the upper right corner. Once we have this map we now can apply alternatives against it and use this common analytical method to judge and decide. For example (talk to the balls) Now we can use the analysis to choose capability and map where it will take us in the lower left corner and finally use that judgment set to inform our final department investment strategy for either materiel or non-materiel in the lower right. This method is disciplined, responsive to change, reflective directly of strategic direction.  Map Systems to Functions function a function b function c function d function e function f function g system 1 system 2 system 3 system 4 system 5 system 6 system 7 Capability capability task a task b task c task d task e task f task g SV - 5 Secretary of Defense Joint Staff and OSD Joint Requirements Oversight Council

5 Technology Development Technology Development
DOD End-to-End Requirements, Acquisition, and Test Process DAB Capability Area Reviews (CARs) Refined concept Analysis of Alternatives Technology Development Strategy SoS System Engineering Strategic Planning Guidance Defense Planning Scenarios Family of Concepts Transformation Affordable military-useful increment Technology demonstrated Initial KPPs SEP Revise KPPs Detailed design System integration DT&E LRIP IOT&E Capabilities Based Assessment Capabilities Tasks Attributes Metrics Gaps Shortfalls Redundancies Risk areas Non-materiel solutions Materiel solutions S+T initiatives Experimentation LRIP FOT&E Concept Decision MS “A” MS “B” MS “C” activity Technology Development System Development Production CDD CPD Technology Development System Development Production CDD CPD Select a Joint Integrating Concept Develop Concept Functional Area Analysis *Functional Needs Analysis *Functional Solutions Analysis ICD Analysis of Alternatives Technology Development System Development CDD CPD Production Capability Based Assessment OSD (AT&L)- led Capability Roadmaps Evolutionary or Spiral Development Army USMC Navy FCB OSD/JCS This is the end to end process of how we will develop and field Joint Solutions. COCOM COCOMs Air Force Services OSD (AT&L) DIA OSD (NII) OSD (PA&E) SecDef oversight Joint Chiefs of Staff & Joint Requirements Oversight Council Joint Staff (OSD) Joint Staff / OSD OSD (AT&L, PA&E), Services and OSD (DOT&E) Joint Staff (JROC) Policy Capabilities Definition Concept Refinement Acquisition and Test *“as is” Roadmaps

6 Functional Capabilities Board
Responsible for the organization, analysis, and prioritization of joint warfighting capabilities Lead coordinating body to ensure that the joint force is best served throughout the JCIDS and acquisition process Advisory Body to the JCB and JROC on Joint and JCIDS Initiatives

7 Functional Capabilities Board Portfolios
Force Application Land, maritime, air and space ops Joint targeting Conventional attack Nuclear attack CNA Electronic attack PSYOPS Special ops Joint fires SEAD Military deception Battlespace Awareness All source Intel collection Environmental data collection Predictive analysis Knowledge management Protection Personnel and infrastructure protection CND Counter- proliferation Non-proliferation Consequence management Force Management Readiness Joint Manning Global Posture AC/RC Force Generation Command Relationships Global Visibility of force structure issues Force Management Data Construct Building Global Force Management (GFM) Capability Seabasing Net-Centric Comms and computer environment Own force info collection Command and Control COP JFC2 Focused Logistics Deployment distribution Sustainment Medical Mobility Logistics C2

8 Joint Integrating Concept
Definition: A description of how a Joint Force Commander integrates functional means to achieve operational ends. Includes a list of essential battlespace effects (including supporting tasks, measures of effectiveness, and measures of performance) and a CONOPS for integrating these effects together to achieve the desired endstate Purpose: Initiates Capability Based Assessments Describes the Joint Force Commander’s future operating environment, how the force will be used to accomplish objectives Integrates Joint functional capabilities in the context of a JOC (e.g., MCO-JUSS)

9 Relationship Between Current JICs
Win the Major Combat Operation (MCO JOC) Conduct Global Strikes (Global Strike JIC) Operate from Seabasing (Seabasing JIC) Set Conditions for Follow-On/ Decisive Ops Apply Coercive Pressure Gain & Maintain Access to the Theater Close & Assemble the Joint Force Plan & Task Joint Force Ops (Joint C2 JIC) Employ Joint Combat Power (Global Strike & JFEO JICs) Sustain the Joint Force (Joint Log JIC) Reconstitute the Joint Force Gain Air Superiority Gain Maritime Superiority Suppress the Integrated Air Defense System Defeat A/C, CMs & BMs (IAMD JIC) Defeat Undersea Threats (JUSS JIC) Defeat SurfaceThreats Destroy A/C CMs & BMs prior to launch and supporting infrastructure Passively Defend Key Targets & Infrastructure Shoot down A/C, CMs, & BMs in Flight Sink Subs at Sea Sink Subs & Minelayers in Port Clear Mines Effects Chain/Kill Chain/Mission Thread Detect – Track – Identify – Decide/Task – Engage/Attack - Assess

10 JIC to CBA Process Highlights
Month 1 Month 4 Month 8 Month 10 Month 2 Month 3 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 9 Month 11 Joint Integrating Concept Development Capabilities-Based Assessment Resourcing & TOR Development FAA Capabilities Tasks Attributes Metrics FNA Gaps Shortfalls Redundancies Risk Areas FSA Determine initial Non-materiel & Materiel Alternatives Recommend a prioritized capability approach to meet the need, including initial TRL, sustainability, supportability, schedule of delevery, and affordability assessments Assess operational risk of each approach Consider S&T Initiatives ID Experimentation needs Campaign-level Analysis Concept Development Tasks Capabilities Attributes Metrics Concurrent Development of DPS-based vignette Experimentation Inputs/Recs Solutions Material Non-Material Lessons learned from 2003: Need to step back and look at long-term, sequential process where concepts logically inform and guide one another This iterative process is collaborative, traceable and transparent As concepts refined, they are both vertically (nested) and horizontally integrated with one another Outcome of CBA underpins FCB input into Program Review SPONSOR OSD (AT&L) COCOMs USMC Army Navy Air Force DIA OSD (NII) OSD (PA&E) FCBs COCOM or Service

11 Major Combat Operations
Seabasing CBA Task Conduct a Capability Based Assessment of Seabasing in 2015 Homeland Security Stability Operations Strategic Deterrence Major Combat Operations Seize the Initiative This context … Operational Access Operational Access Undersea Superiority Forcible Entry Sea Basing Global Strike IAMD JUSS JFEO

12 Seabasing CBA Plan of Attack
JROC Wargame Outbrief FM FCB TOR FM FCB Plan of Attack FM FCB Capabilities & Lit Review FM FCB FAA, M&S, Data Call FM FCB SV-5X FM FCB FNA, DOTMLPF FSA & Recommendations FM FCB JROC JCB O-6 Wargame GOFO Outbrief CBA Team Initial Mtg JCB IPR O-6 Workshops Table Top M&S Scenarios # # #3 HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Literature Review Data Call VFT Modeling/Analysis Draft Final Rpt Scenario Development Modeling & Simulation JIC / TOR Development / Staffing Seabasing Capabilities Based Assessment Wargame the JIC Functional Area Analysis (FAA) Functional Needs Analysis ( FNA) Functional Solutions Analysis ( FSA) FAA Capabilities Tasks Attributes Metrics FNA Gaps Shortfalls Redundancies Risk Areas FSA Non-Materiel & Materiel Alternatives S&T Initiatives Experimentation Capabilities Based Assessment: What Joint Seabasing capability does the JFC need in 2015? What is the objective for that capability? Where are the gaps? What material & non-material solutions meet that capability? Which solutions provide the greatest benefit to the JFC?

13 J8 Seabasing CBA Wargame
Purpose: Scope the seabasing concept for the CBA Provide joint input to further refine the JIC Expose / educate a large joint body to seabasing concepts Objectives: Obtain Joint Force Commander inputs on seabasing Identify and test potential seabasing CONOPs Determine which 2015 capabilities (forces/assets) might be involved in a CoCom CONOPs that uses seabasing concepts Understand feasibility of executing a CONOPs with seabasing Determine how an enemy might react to seabasing and obtain initial threat-based risk assessment

14 Baseline Assumptions Timeframe: 2015 Focus: Operational Level of War
Force Structure: Joint forces based on Multi-Service Force Data (MSFD) CONOPS: based on Defense Planning Scenario(s) Context: Seize the Initiative Phase of MCO

15 JFCOM Joint Seabasing “Experimentation Hypothesis”
IF a coherently joint expeditionary force is rapidly deployed, employed, sustained, and reconstituted/redeployed from a joint sea base, AND operations/logistics are interrelated and networked through an adaptive command and control infrastructure, AND with the necessary connectors and interdependent nodes/platforms/capabilities, THEN sufficient combat power can be applied earlier to deter conflict and rapidly set the conditions for defeating an adaptive, asymmetric adversary in a distributed, anti-access/area denial environment, thereby leading to earlier conflict resolution “Table stakes” to enter the world of experimentation!! Complex process for developing, testing, & validating hypotheses Experimentation “questions” to aid is assessment of progress

16 How “Joint” is Joint Seabasing?!!
“Deconflicted” “Interoperable” “Interdependent” JOINT SEA BASING

17 Joint Seabasing CONOPS (JFCOM perspective)
UNCLASSIFIED Joint Seabasing CONOPS (JFCOM perspective) Joint C2/ Joint Force Protection (Sea Shield, “Land Shield”, “Air Shield”) “Sea Based Rapid Response Force” Task organized; BDE (++) Navy CSG USCG Deepwater USMC ESG Tailored Joint Capabilities Packages Combat Log Force - CLF “JMPF(F)” (Army AABDE/ARF) JOINT Sea Base “JMPF(F)” (USMC MEB) Joint Force Projection, Sustainment, & Reconstitution “Don Ho” chart!! Service and complementary capability sets on left (MN, HLS, etc) Form a JSB under protection of (Joint) Sea Shield and connected by JC2 (extension of FORCENet) JFC now has ability to mix/match “on fly” from robust tool box of modular force capabilities Ability to tailor more precisely and adapt to create desired effects “JMPF(F)” (USAF AEF) Global Distribution System Strategic & Operational Air & Sealift Connectors Multi-national “JSV”, etc “JMPF(F)” – Joint Maritime Prepositioning Force (Future) (common platforms/tailored load-out) “JSV” – Joint Support Vessel UNCLASSIFIED

18 Creating Desired Effects
NOT sequential! FORCIBLE ENTRY EARLY ENTRY SHAPING TRANSITION Through adaptive Joint C2, the JFC senses changes in capabilities required to create desired effects, and “morphs” the scalable JSB to respond (“Sense & Respond”) s s s s fe fe s s s fe JSB is a “Sense & Respond” system” (adaptable) (OSD/OFT) Campaign should NOT be considered as a linear/sequential process Morph seamlessly to the unpredictable mission r’qmts s Desired effects fe s ee fe ee fe s ee ee t ee s t Continuous Global Reachback ee t t

19 How well do Systems Perform?
To answer this question, we need parameters and metrics that describe key physical characteristics of systems Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 4 Function 5 COCOM System 1 System 1 System 1 System 1 Supported Component MCC System 2 System 2 System 2 System 2 System 3 System 3 System 4 System 4 System 4 System 5 System 5 ACC System 6 System 6 CJTF System 7 System 7 System 8 System 8 System 8 System 9 System 9 GCC Supporting Components System 7 System 7 SOCC System 12 System 12 System 13 System 13 Other Supporting CoComs & Agencies System 14 System 14 System 15 System 15 System 15 System 16 System 16 System 16

20 We’ve got Gaps!! . . . So What? Capability Severity of Impact
Helps to answer the “so what?” question Puts identified gaps into perspective Starting point for discussions of relative risk Function 4 Robust Function 5 Capability Effective Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Insufficient Catastrophic Extensive Major Substantial Modest Minor Severity of Impact Risk Associated with Each Function Must Be Considered to Frame Subsequent Solutions Analysis and Resource Allocation Decisions

21 JCIDS Lessons Learned Developing and organizing tasks/capabilities prior to any writing provides disciplined approach Use available resources (OPLANs, UJTL, studies, etc) Use DPS scenarios; they provide the most challenging threat and add the most rigor to concept Get all stakeholders involved; avoid surprises Transparency: Web sites, , conferences, workshops, etc Feedback: Get GO/FO visibility early and often Maintain objectivity, joint perspective

22 Technology Development Technology Development
DOD End-to-End Requirements, Acquisition, and Test Process DAB Capability Area Reviews (CARs) Refined concept Analysis of Alternatives Technology Development Strategy SoS System Engineering Strategic Planning Guidance Defense Planning Scenarios Family of Concepts Transformation Affordable military-useful increment Technology demonstrated Initial KPPs SEP Revise KPPs Detailed design System integration DT&E LRIP IOT&E Capabilities Based Assessment Capabilities Tasks Attributes Metrics Gaps Shortfalls Redundancies Risk areas Non-materiel solutions Materiel solutions S+T initiatives Experimentation LRIP FOT&E Concept Decision MS “A” MS “B” MS “C” activity Technology Development System Development Production CDD CPD Technology Development System Development Production CDD CPD Select a Joint Integrating Concept Develop Concept Functional Area Analysis *Functional Needs Analysis *Functional Solutions Analysis ICD Analysis of Alternatives Technology Development System Development CDD CPD Production Capability Based Assessment OSD (AT&L)- led Capability Roadmaps Evolutionary or Spiral Development Army USMC Navy FCB OSD/JCS This is the end to end process of how we will develop and field Joint Solutions. COCOM COCOMs Air Force Services OSD (AT&L) DIA OSD (NII) OSD (PA&E) SecDef oversight Joint Chiefs of Staff & Joint Requirements Oversight Council Joint Staff (OSD) Joint Staff / OSD OSD (AT&L, PA&E), Services and OSD (DOT&E) Joint Staff (JROC) Policy Capabilities Definition Concept Refinement Acquisition and Test *“as is” Roadmaps

23 Questions?

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