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CS 190B Java-centric Cluster & Concurrent Computing

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1 CS 190B Java-centric Cluster & Concurrent Computing
Peter Cappello

2 Course Mindset Alien beings with advanced technology visit Earth.
You are the 1st person they see. As a token of intergalactic friendship, they give you a device capable of: curing all disease providing an infinite supply of clean energy wiping out hunger & poverty eliminating oppression & violence on Earth.

3 Course Mindset … You can : Which choice do you make?
A. Give it to the President of the U. S. B. Give it to the Secretary General of the U. N. C. Take it apart. Which choice do you make?

4 Course Mindset … If you answered A or B, drop this class.
In this course, we strive to become the aliens.

5 Learning Goals Learn some Java technology for making distributed systems. Learn some existing distributed computing efforts. Identify central issues in distributed computing Focus on scalability & fault tolerance Design & analysis of adaptively parallel algorithms

6 In What Ways Can We …? Apply Java technology to cluster & concurrent computing? Apply Java technology in novel, clever ways? (e.g., GPUs) Use it to solve bigger problems than ever before? Use functional programming features?

7 Personal Properties to Achieve Goals
Curiosity Intelligence Persistence Playfulness Friendliness Objectivity

8 For this course … Work hard every week Build your skills
Build your understanding Build your team Aim high

9 My course goals for you …
Learn some Java technology that helps after you graduate UCSB. Learn some design principles for distributed systems. Have fun. Build friendships.

10 Welcome to CS 190! Java-centric Network Computing

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