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CSIS 1117A Computer Programming (C++)

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Presentation on theme: "CSIS 1117A Computer Programming (C++)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSIS 1117A Computer Programming (C++)
Lecturer: Tsang, Wai Wan, Contents Basic components of a computer C++ Techniques for writing well-structured programs 6 credits, 28 lectures hr workshops

2 Basic components of a PC
Power Supply Hard Disk Expansion Card Expansion Slot Mother Board CPU RAM CD ROM Drive Floppy Disk Drive

3 A simple C++ program Run the program
//A C++ program that converts temperature #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int f, c; //Declarations cout << "Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: "; cin >> f; c = (f - 32) * 5 / 9; cout << "The temperature in Centigrade is: " << c << "\n"; system("PAUSE"); return 0; } Run the program

4 Features of C++ (Developed in early 1980s)
General purpose Object oriented Portable Widely used in software development Comparing with Java, a C++ program runs faster but less secure and less portable.

5 Programming Skills Design (Simple) Coding (Good style)
Testing (prudent) Debugging (logical) Practice, practice, a lot of practices !!!

6 What you will learn in the end?
Formula One

7 Spider Hunt

8 Relations between some core CS courses
Novices without CS nor A-level Math background 1117 Computer Programming 1119 Data Structures & Algorithm 0396 Prog. Methodology & Object Oriented Programming Computer Science is a discipline about computing. Programming is an essential part of CS, similar to typing skill. Many other CS courses have programming assignments. A competent programmer is able to read, write and modify programs. Competent programmers

9 Walter Savitch, Problem Solving with C++, 4th Edition,
Text: Walter Savitch, Problem Solving with C++, 4th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003.   Aimed at novices  Step-by-step approach  Easily understood  Simple examples  Comprehensive  Extensive programming tips

10 Topics 1. Computers and Programming Languages (2 lectures)
2. C++ Basics (2.5 lectures) 3. Integers (1.5 lectures) 4. Doubles (1.5 lectures) 5. Characters (1 lecture) 6. I/O Streams (2 lectures) 7. Flow of Control (1.5 lectures) 8. Loops and break statements (3 lectures) 9. Functions (3 lectures) 10. Arrays (2 lectures) 11. File I/O (1 lecture) 12. Pointers (2 lectures) 13. C-style strings (1 lecture) 14. Linked lists (3 lectures) 15. Introduction to advanced topics (1 lecture)

11 Assessment Workshops 3 assignments (12%) 1 group project (8%)
Attendance (10%) Exercises (5%) 3 assignments (12%) 1 group project (8%) 1 test (15%) Examination (50%)

12 Ten 2-hour workshops Computer components; Set up a web page; Installation of Dev-C++; Run a C++ program. Development of a simple calculator.

13 Three assignments (extension of 3 workshop exercises)
One group Project (about four persons) A game with 2-d graphics and sounds Astro Boy

14 Classes 2 lectures per week 1 2-hr workshop per week

15 CSIS1117 have three classes this term:
A class (113): for those without CS background; Dr Tsang is tough and mean; hard working is expected B Class (65): for those without CS background; Dr Ting is warm and nice C Class (60) for those with CS background Dr Chong is experienced

16 Late Policy Plagiarism First attempt fail 50% of all coursework
20% off for the delay of one working day. 10% off for each re-submission of an assignment after the due day. Last submission is marked. Plagiarism First attempt fail 50% of all coursework Second attempt fail the whole course + other penalties

17 Hints for studying Keep up your interests Be interactive:
Classmates Lecturer, demonstrators Computers / WWW (practise your communication skills) Study the text, notes, references practise your analytical skills, and patience Attend workshops (must) and lectures Do workshop exercise, assignments learn through practice; monitor your own progress

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