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Fibrous Capsule Cortex Medula Renal Column Minor Calyx

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Presentation on theme: "Fibrous Capsule Cortex Medula Renal Column Minor Calyx"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fibrous Capsule Cortex Medula Renal Column Minor Calyx Papilla of Pyramid Major Calyx Renal Pelvis Renal Pyramid Ureter


3 Juxtamedullary Nephron
Cortical Nephron Juxtamedullary Nephron Distal Tubule Glomerular Capsule Distal Tubule Proximal Tubule Proximal Tubule Descending Limb of Nephron Tubule Descending Limb of Nephron Tubule Ascending Limb of Nephron Tubule Ascending Limb of Nephron Tubule Collecting Duct


5 Cortical Radiate Artery
Distal Tubule Afferent Arteriole Cortical Radiate Vein Efferent Arteriole Proximal Tubule Cortical Radiate Artery Arcuate Artery Arcuate Vein Collecting Duct Vasa Recta (indicates Juxta-medullary Nephron)


7 Juxtaglomerular Complex Macula Densa Cells
Efferent Arteriole Distal Convoluted Tubule Granular Cells (also called Juxtaglomerular Cells or JG Cells Afferent Arteriole (can tell because it intersects Distal Tubule) Juxtaglomerular Mesangial Cells Foot Processes of Podocyte Cells Podocyte Cell (visceral layer of Bowman’s Capsule) Capsular Space Parietal Layer of Bowman’s Capsule (Simple squamous epithelium) Proximal Convoluted Tubule


9 Distal Convoluted Tubule
Glomerulus Distal Convoluted Tubule Glomerular Capsule (Bowman’s Capsule) Proximal Convoluted Tubule Descending Limb (water reabsorption) Ascending Limb (Na+, K+, Cl- reabsorption) Brush Border Thick Segment Thin Segment


11 Cortical Radiate Artery
Fibrous Capsule Arcuate Artery Arcuate Vein Cortical Radiate Vein Cortical Radiate Artery Renal Cortex Papilla of Renal Pyramid Interlobar Vein Renal Artery Interlobar Artery Renal Vein Major Renal Calyx Renal Pelvis Minor Renal Calyx Ureter Renal Column Fatty Tissue in Renal Sinus Region: Medulla Structure: Renal Pyramid


13 Cortical Radiate Artery Fibrous Capsule
Cortical Nephron (note the shorter Loop of Henle) (75-85% of all nephrons) Cortical Radiate Artery Fibrous Capsule Juxtamedullary Nephron (note the longer Loop of Henle) Renal Corpuscle Cortical Radiate Vein Arcuate Artery Proximal Convoluted Tubule Arcuate Vein Descending Limb Distal Convoluted Tubule Ascending Limb Collecting Tubules Interlobar Vein Papillary Duct (Collecting Tubule becomes Papillary Duct at the Papilla) Interlobar Artery Papilla of Renal Pyramid


15 Distal Convoluted Tubule (simple cuboidal epithelium)
Juxtaglomerular Complex Macula Densa Cells Juxtaglomerular Cells (or JG Cells, or Granular Cells) Efferent Glomerular Arteriole Afferent Glomerular Arteriole Simple Squamous Epithelium Parietal Layer of Bowman’s Capsule (or glomerular capsule) Podocyte Cells (visceral layer of Bowman’s Capsule) Glomerulus (red part is glomerulus, beige part is Podocytes) Proximal Convoluted Tubule (simple cuboidal epithelium with microvilli)


17 Proximal Convoluted Tubule Peritubular Capillaries
Renal Corpuscle of Cortical Nephron Distal Convoluted Tubule Juxtaglomerular Apparatus Cortical Radiate Artery Renal Corpuscle of Juxtamedullary Nephron Cortical Radiate Vein Afferent Arteriole Arcuate Artery Efferent Arteriole Arcuate Vein Descending Limb of the Loop of Henle Ascending Limb of the Loop of Henle Collecting Duct Vasa Recta


19 Cortical Radiate Artery Peritubular Capillaries -or- Vasa Recta
Abdominal Aorta Inferior Vena Cava Renal Artery Renal Vein Segmental Artery Interlobar Vein Interlobar Artery Arcuate Vein Arcuate Artery Cortical Radiate Vein Cortical Radiate Artery Peritubular Capillaries -or- Vasa Recta Afferent Arteriole Efferent Arteriole Glomerulus (capillaries) (Nephron-associated blood vessels)

20 (Nephron-associated blood vessels)

21 Erectile Tissue of Penis
Peritoneum Ureter Rugae Detrusor Muscle Adventitia Trigone Bladder Neck Internal Urethral Sphincter Prostate Bulbourethral Gland Prostatic Urethra Membranous Urethra Urogenital Diaphragm External Urethral Sphincter Corpora Cavernosa Corpus Spongiosum Spongy Urethra Erectile Tissue of Penis External Urethral Orifice


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