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Building Components for Grid Interoperability

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1 Building Components for Grid Interoperability
Stephen Brewer, Achim Streit Alistair Dunlop University of Southampton Forschungszentrum Jülich

2 What is OMII-Europe OMII-Europe stands for
Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute for Europe It involves 16 partners 8 EU (U-Southampton (coord.), Fujitsu Labs of Europe, KTH, INFN, PSNC, FZJ, U-Edinburgh, CERN) 4 USA (U-Chicago, NCSA, U-Southern California, U-Wisconsin) 4 China (Beihang U, China Institute of Computing Technology, Computer Network Information Centre, Tsinghua U)

3 Vision & Mission Vision
“e-Science having easy access and use of Grid resources in heterogeneous e-infrastructures crossing national, pan-European and global boundaries” Mission “Enabling of e-infrastructure interoperability by providing standards-based Grid middleware components leveraging existing work and activities”

4 Focus Achieving interoperability through common standards
Common standards is the long term solution Significant involvement and success in OGF and OASIS Implementations of standards in tandem with standards development on all middleware platforms

5 Approaches to Interoperability
Adapters-based: The ability of Grid middleware to interact via adapters that translate the specific design aspects from one domain to another Standard-based: the native ability of Grid middleware to interact directly via well-defined interfaces and common open standards * definition inspired by OGF GIN CG

6 Who Benefits from Interoperability?
Grid Developers A single standard set of services on all Grid middleware systems Applications portable across different Grid middleware systems e-Science application users Common ways for accessing any e-infrastructure resources Potential access to a significantly larger set of resources e-resource owners Reduced management overheads as only a single Grid middleware system needs deployment Potential for greater resource utilisation “For the Grid to deliver on it’s promises interoperability needs to be taken for granted like network interoperability”

7 The Virtuous Cycle – Technology transfer with Grid projects and standards organisations
Standards Compliance Testing and QA JRA2 SA2 New Components Standards Implementation JRA4 Components JRA1 IN Globus Benchmarking Repository OUT SA1 OMII-UK Components CROWN Supported Components on Eval. Infrastructure JRA3 Integrated Components SA3

8 OMII-Europe Participation in Standardisation
Most project participants involved as member/observer in many OGF WG 11 project participant hold senior positions in OGSA DAIS WG (Database Access and Integration Services) OGSA RUS WG (Resource Usage Server) OGSA BES WG (Basic Execution Service) OGSA JSDL WG (Job Submission Description Language) GRAAP WG (Grid Research Agreement Allocation Protocol) OGSA DMI WG (Data Movement Interface) GIN CG (Grid Interoperability Now) OGSA-AuthZ-WG (Authorization) GLUE WG GFSG WG (Grid File System) RM WG (Reference Model) OGSA Naming WG OGSA BYTE IO WG OGSA D WG (Data)

9 What OMII-Europe is doing?
Initial focus on providing common interfaces and integration of major Grid software infrastructures Common interoperable services: Database Access Virtual Organisation Management Accounting Job Submission and Job Monitoring Infrastructure integration Initial gLite/UNICORE/Globus interoperability Interoperable security framework Access these infrastructure services through a portal

10 Job Submission Unify Job Submission and Monitoring interface
Adoption of emerging OGSA-BES and JSDL standards Alpha BES and JSDL implementations for UNICORE 6, gLite 3.1, Globus 4, OMII-UK, CROWNgrid Interoperability demonstrated through use of a BES compliant meta-scheduler

11 VO Management To provide a common Virtual Organisation (VO) management solution across middleware distributions Extend VOMS Interface to support emerging AuthZ standard compliance with SAML Authorisation model Extension, not a replacement interface Public release of SAML-VOMS integrated with UNICORE 6

12 Accounting Unify accounting information across middleware distributions Provide standardized interfaces for accessing that information Information standard: Usage Record Format (UR) Service interface standard: Resource Usage Service (OGSA-RUS) Alpha versions RUS gLite (DGAS), Globus (SGAS), UNICORE

13 Data Access & Portal Data Access
Port OGSA-DAI 3.0 from Globus to other middleware distributions available throughout Europe and China UNICORE, gLite, CROWN Portal Deliver tools for developing Grid portals and support for key Web and Grid standards and technologies Objectives: Develop gateway to OMII Evaluation Infrastructure Develop tools for portal and grid software training Explore new approaches for grid portal development

14 Infrastructure Integration
Putting all developments together and test them in a global scenario (e.g. secure job submission)

15 Repository of Open-Source Software
Make available software reengineered within OMII-Europe and contributed by third parties Single services/tools & complete distributions Provide an interface to select software from the repository based on user requirements By capability/standards/provider/… Support the upload, download and installation of the software Document platform portability & pre-requisites Verify the software through compliance & metrics tests Using the ETICS software

16 New Services Activity To identify capabilities which are missing from the OMII-Europe initial plans  implementation in 2nd year of the project First Missing Piece: a Community-agreed Information Model for Computing Resources Lack of a common description of Grid resources suitable for discovery, monitoring and scheduling Many descriptions exist, e.g.: GLUE Schema, NorduGrid Schema Working on the definition of next-generation GLUE 2 Information Model in the context of OGF GLUE WG and its implementation

17 What can you do Now… and Later…
Most products at Beta stage becoming publicly available They provide basic interoperability of multiple grid middleware systems focusing on job execution Available to early adopters working with OMII-Europe partners Spring 2008 (end of current project) Further security integration work between different middleware platforms (SAML-VOMS, TLS (Transport level security)) Completed QA’d services and demonstrated end-to-end solutions Availability of GLUE 2 information model service implementations

18 Interoperability Scenario - WISDOM
Wide In Silico Docking On Malaria (WISDOM) Developing new drugs for neglected and emerging diseases with a particular focus on malaria Accelerated research & development and reduce costs WISDOM already uses EGEE for large “in silico docking” tests Methods to predict molecule bindings Used software packages AutoDock and FlexX are offered via gLite in EGEE Result: list of best compounds

19 Interoperability Scenario - WISDOM
Refine best compound list using MD (molecular dynamics) simulations AMBER software is ideal for this AMBER is a highly scalable code that runs highly efficient on close-coupled HPC systems DEISA offers HPC resources AMBER is available through UNICORE How can scientists use both e-infrastructures to accelerate drug discovery, although different Grid technologies are used in EGEE and DEISA ?

20 slide courtesy of Morris Riedel

21 Summary OMII-Europe establishes Grid infrastructure interoperability through implementing common open standards in major Grid middleware technologies Implementing a number of components that will allow identically specified jobs to be run, managed and migrated to different middleware platforms Initial versions of BES, VOMS/SAML and security service have already enabled UNICORE 6 and gLite managed resources to be used by the same job Services can be obtained from the OMII-Europe repository We anticipate OMII-Europe services to be integrated into standard middleware distributions as well as deployed on large scale e-infrastructures such as EGEE and DEISA

22 Further Information

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