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Course Logistics Part 1 Notes

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1 Course Logistics Part 1 Notes
This section of the document is intended to capture information about the profile of the trainer who should deliver this course and logistics information for the delivery of this course.

2 Laptop with internet access
Logistics Needs for this Course Element Notes Room setup/ configuration (Theatre style, semi-circle, classroom, etc.) Classroom Computer needs for learners (certain programs) Laptop with internet access Clicker? Optional White board?/ flip chart/ markers? No Specific materials for interactive exercise? (i.e. post-its, pens, markers, tape, etc.) Notes This slide is intended to capture logistics information for the delivery of this course.

3 Excel for the KP Dashboard
Software/Program/Technical Needs for this Course Element Notes Software (what program (s) should learners have downloaded on their computers for this course? I.e. GIS Software, Excel, etc.) Excel for the KP Dashboard Access (what logins to PEPFAR supported systems, data sets, etc., should learners have access to for this course?) PEPFAR Panorama DATIM PEPFAR SharePoint What additional technical requirements should learners have in order to participate in this course? None Notes This slide is intended to capture software/program/technical information for the delivery of this course.

4 Trainer Profile Trainer Profile Criteria Notes
Background: This slide is intended to capture information about the skillset a person would need to deliver this training in the future. Trainer Profile Criteria Notes Level of familiarity with subject mater Describe what types of tasks or areas of knowledge the trainer should be comfortable with in order to deliver this course Trainer(s) should be proficient in accessing, analyzing, and interpreting MER Key Populations data. Trainer(s) should also be comfortable with other MER data sources and other Key Populations data outside of MER. Recommended years of experience with PEPFAR Program 1+ years working with Key Pops data Recommended certifications What certifications should the trainer have to deliver this course? N/A Specific skills required Does the trainer require a certain level of proficiency with PEPFAR systems or other applications? If so, describe the types of skills/ tasks the trainer should be able to perform in the system Trainer(s) should be comfortable using Panorama, DATIM, PEPFAR SharePoint and the Key Pops Dashboard (Excel) Access needs to PEPFAR systems To teach this course, does the trainer require a certain type of account or level of access to a PEPFAR information system? Panorama, DATIM, PEPFAR SharePoint Notes This slide is intended to capture information about the skillset a person would need to deliver this training in the future.

5 Part 2 Course Template Notes

6 2017 PEPFAR Data and Systems Applied Learning Summit
MER Analytics/ Available Visualizations; Using Available Visualizations and Developing New Analyses: Key Populations Breakout Session Notes Introduce the title of the course and give a brief, 1-2 sentence summary of what you will be covering. NOTE: This public-facing version of the training materials has blurred-out tables with sensitive KP data. US Government staff can view the complete data by logging in to the relevant systems using their credentials. September 13th, 2017

7 Welcome & Introductions
Intros: Name, Agency, and how you work with KPs Instructor, Facilitators, each participant

8 Agenda Estimated Time Topic 10 mins 1. Overview and Program Updates
2. Analytic considerations for KP data 20 mins 3. Panorama 45 mins 4. DATIM Pivot tables 25 mins 5. ICPI Analytic Tool: KP Dashboard 15 mins 6. Summary and Conclusion 5 mins Notes: Total time is 2 hours.

9 Session Learning Objectives
At the end of today’s session participants will be able to: More effectively use Panorama to evaluate PEPFAR progress against intended targets View Key Populations disaggregated data in Panorama Create DATIM pivot tables and dig deeper into MER indicators Use the KP Dashboard to view data along the Key Populations cascade

10 1. Overview and Program Updates

11 Section 1: Overview and Program Updates
What do we mean when we say key populations? Groups with a particularly high prevalence of HIV Often make up a relatively small proportion of the population and larger proportion of HIV+ people Often face stigma and lack of access to care In order to achieve epidemic control, we must expand access to and retention in HIV prevention, testing, and treatment services for KPs. From PEPFAR’s website: PEPFAR stands firmly and unequivocally with and for key populations. These groups include gay men and other men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, sex workers, transgender persons, and prisoners. In almost every country in the world, members of these populations are at greater risk for HIV than the rest of the population. Globally, these key populations account for 35 percent of new HIV infections, according to UNAIDS, whereas they make up a much smaller proportion of the total population.

12 Section 1: Overview and Program Updates
Key Populations Groups Female sex workers - FSW Men who have sex with men - MSM People in prisons and other closed settings People who inject drugs - PWID Transgender people - TG Additional groups for KP_PREV (MER Prevention indicator) MSM sex worker (SW) MSM not SW TG SW TG not SW Female PWID Male PWID Notes Consider the questions below as you craft and present your content: How much do learners already know about what you are presenting? What are the key terms they need to know in order to understand a concept? Are you trying to teach them too much in the amount of time you have? Where can you provide real-world examples/case studies/story from your experience to highlight a learning concept? What kind of questions might learners ask about this content? Are you going to provide time for Q&A during or after your course, or both? How much text do you need on this slide to communicate the main idea without overwhelming the learners? How can you use visuals to support the learning concept? Can you use visual metaphors?

13 Section 1: Overview and Program Updates
What data do we have on key populations? PEPFAR’s Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) data Focus of this course Other PEPFAR data sources: SIMS (site quality data), Expenditure Analysis (EA) data Refer to agenda for courses on these data streams Other non-PEPFAR data sources: National systems data, partner data, surveillance data, KP-specific surveys We will discuss the use of multiple KP data sources during the Integrated and Triangulated Use of PEPFAR HQ data course (KP Breakout session) on Friday Sept 15

14 Section 1: Overview and Program Updates
Key Populations MER Indicators KP_PREV: Reported semi-annually Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group-level HIV prevention interventions designed for the target population New testing disaggregates – answer the question: did everyone who received preventative services also receive testing services? Newly tested/referred Declined Known positive KP_MAT: Reported annually Number of people who inject drugs (PWID) on medication-assisted therapy (MAT) Notes Consider the questions below as you craft and present your content: How much do learners already know about what you are presenting? What are the key terms they need to know in order to understand a concept? Are you trying to teach them too much in the amount of time you have? Where can you provide real-world examples/case studies/story from your experience to highlight a learning concept? What kind of questions might learners ask about this content? Are you going to provide time for Q&A during or after your course, or both? How much text do you need on this slide to communicate the main idea without overwhelming the learners? How can you use visuals to support the learning concept? Can you use visual metaphors?

15 Section 1: Overview and Program Updates
Indicators with new optional KP disaggregates: HTS_TST – Reported quarterly Number of individuals who received HIV Testing Services (HTS) and received their test results, disaggregated by HIV result TX_NEW – Reported quarterly Number of adults and children newly enrolled on antiretroviral therapy (ART) PrEP_NEW – Reported quarterly Number of individuals who have been newly enrolled on (oral) antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection in the reporting period.

16 2. Analytic considerations for KP data

17 Section 2: Analytic considerations for KP data
KP Data Caveats: KP data are often underreported Members of key populations often face stigma and may choose to not self-report, leading to underreporting. Partners may also choose not to collect this information. Reporting of KP disaggregates is optional From the reporting guidance: “Both KP-specific and clinical partners have the option to complete these disaggs, but only if safe to maintain these files and to report.” Therefore, not all mechanisms that report on the general population are expected to report KP data. Show of hands – how many people are reporting KP disaggregates? How many people know of partners that are working with KPs but not reporting the optional KP disaggregates? Why are they not reporting?

18 Section 2: Analytic considerations for KP data
KP Data Caveats For FY17: KP disaggregations may double-count those who are in more than one KP group. This applies to KP disaggregations for the following indicators: HTS_TST, TX_NEW, and PrEP_NEW. For example, when enrolling a transgender person who also uses injection drugs onto treatment, countries were instructed under the HTS_TST, TX_NEW, and PrEP_NEW guidance to report a "1" in PWID and a "1" in transgender under TX_NEW. As a result, these individuals who fall into multiple key populations groups have the potential to be counted more than once in a reporting period. Going forward and for FY18 – Report each KP individual under only one KP group

19 Section 2: Analytic considerations for KP data
KP Data Caveats: KP testing data cannot be differentiated by testing modality "Key Populations" is not a testing modality, and any reported testing among KPs should also be reported under a testing modality.

20 Section 2: Knowledge Check
Knowledge check questions: True or False: MER data allows me to see which testing modalities identified the largest number of Key Populations If a female sex work individual who is also injecting drugs is tested, how should that person be identified? Notes In order to reinforce the information that has been presented, you may want to consider having a “Knowledge Check” before you jump into more content or an exercise. A knowledge check is usually a short question (rather than an exercise) to reinforce what was just presented. E.g, after a presentation on Panorama, the Knowledge check is “Where do you go to find SNU level results vs targets?” and then the exercise is actually opening Panorama and pulling data yourself.

21 Section 2: Discussion What other data caveats should you keep in mind when reviewing MER data? Guiding questions: What country context should you keep in mind? (E.g. Laws around the actions of KPs) How do you consider what activities are PEPFAR supported vs not? E.g. If testing is heavily PEPFAR supported, but treatment is not, how does that affect your reported linkage to treatment? How might you expect reporting to change over time? How might that bias your results?

22 3. Panorama

23 Section 3: Panorama If you have a Panorama account, please log in now at: Don’t have access to Panorama? Visit Panorama Spotlight to view public-facing quarterly PEPFAR data! Link: Please log in to Panorama now. It may take a few minutes. If you don’t have an account, that is okay. You can follow along on the slides or work with the person sitting next to you.

24 Section 3: Panorama Panorama is a web-based visualizer tool for quarterly MER analytics What can you use it for? Easily compare MER indicators View data by: OU, SNU, DSD/TA, Time period (year, quarter), Agency, Mechanism, Partner, Age, Sex Display data in standard views which are meaningful to multiple audiences/stakeholders Modify the display to limit which indicators are shown Group indicators by technical area What does it not do? Does not show EA data Does not show data prior to FY15 Show of hands: Who has a login for Panorama? Who is logged in right now? Who has used Panorama in the last 3 months? Who feels very comfortable with Panorama?

25 Section 3: Exercise 1 Analytic question: What is the KP_PREV achievement (results vs targets) by OU and SNU for FY17? What are the annual trends? Notes In order to enable participants to practice the concepts they’ve learned, allow time for an interactive activity: problem set, computer based exercise, partner or small group conversation, written exercise, etc.

26 Section 3: Exercise 1 Analytic question: What is the KP_PREV achievement (results vs targets) by OU and SNU for FY17? What are the annual trends? Notes In order to enable participants to practice the concepts they’ve learned, allow time for an interactive activity: problem set, computer based exercise, partner or small group conversation, written exercise, etc.

27 Section 3: Exercise 1 Analytic question: What is the KP_PREV achievement (results vs targets) by OU and SNU for FY17? What are the annual trends?

28 Section 3: Exercise 1 Analytic question: What is the KP_PREV achievement (results vs targets) by OU and SNU for FY17? What are the annual trends?

29 Section 3: Exercise 2 Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were reached by prevention efforts, tested, and new on treatment in FY17 Q2?

30 Section 3: Exercise 2 Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were reached by prevention efforts, tested, and new on treatment in FY17 Q2?

31 Section 3: Exercise 2 Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were reached by prevention efforts, tested, and new on treatment in FY17 Q2? The disaggregates that you can view are different in MER 1.0 and MER 2.0. Select MER 2.0 to view the Key Pops disaggregates.

32 Section 3: Exercise 2 Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were reached by prevention efforts, tested, and new on treatment in FY17 Q2?

33 Section 3: Exercise 2 Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were reached by prevention efforts, tested, and new on treatment in FY17 Q2?

34 Section 3: Exercise 2 Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were reached by prevention efforts, tested, and new on treatment in FY17 Q2?

35 Section 3: Exercise 3 Analytic question: What was the key pop cascade for FSW at SNU3 in 2017? Two answer this question, we need to know two things: What is the key pop cascade? Which parts of the cascade can we understand using MER data?

36 Section 3: Exercise 3 What is the key population cascade?
This graphic shows an ideal clinical cascade for KPs. In it, we have an estimate of the total KP population, we are reaching almost all with prevention efforts, and we are testing almost all of those we reach. Those we test negative are engaged in PrEP, and those who test positive are enrolled in and retained on treatment and achieve viral load suppression. We have data on some of these indicators within MER. Can anyone identify which indicators we have data on?

37 Section 3: Exercise 3 Which sections can be answered with PEPFAR MER Data? KP_PREV: Optional Denominator (size estimate) KP_PREV: Numerator

38 Section 3: Exercise 3 Which sections can be answered with PEPFAR MER Data? HTS_TST: Positive and Negative Results (KP Disaggregate)

39 Section 3: Exercise 3 Which sections can be answered with PEPFAR MER Data? TX_NEW: KP Disaggregate

40 Section 3: Exercise 3 Which sections can be answered with PEPFAR MER Data? PrEP_NEW: KP Disaggregate

41 Section 3: Exercise 3 Analytic question: What was the key pop cascade for FSW in SNU3 in 2017?

42 Section 3: Exercise 3 Analytic question: What was the key pop cascade for FSW in SNU3 in 2017?

43 Section 3: Exercise 3 Analytic question: What was the key pop cascade for FSW in SNU3 in 2017?

44 Section 3: Exercise 3 Analytic question: What was the key pop cascade for FSW in SNU3 in 2017?

45 Section 3: Exercise 3 Analytic question: What was the key pop cascade for FSW in SNU3 in 2017? Does this mean that no FSW were enrolled on treatment in this SNU in 2017? Not necessarily. Maybe the treatment partners did not ask about KP status. Maybe they chose to not report on it. Maybe treatment in this SNU is not supported by PEPFAR, and so FSWs were referred to different centers that do not report to PEPFAR. Even though we have MER indicators that can give us a fuller picture of the clinical cascade, we don’t show them all in this visual. That’s because there are specific caveats to consider when viewing indicators side by side. For example, we can’t always compare KP_PREV (prevention) to HTS_TST (testing for KPs) because some KPs will already know their status while other KPs may get tested without having received prevention efforts. Here we chose to show testing next to treatment to get a proxy for linkage to testing, a key priority for PEPFAR.

46 4. DATIM

47 Section 4: DATIM If you have a DATIM account, please log in now
DATIM is another way you can view your data. The useful and challenging thing about DATIM each piece of data is mapped to a specific code, called a data element. In many cases you have to know exactly which data elements to pull in order to view your data. There is a new data feature called the “group sets” that allow you to view your data in a more straightforward way. We’ll use these today. For more info on group sets, please view the slides for the MER Level 2 presentation from Day 1

48 Section 4: DATIM DATIM is the data reporting tool for PEPFAR
It is the best place to view recently entered data that is not yet available in Panorama Data can be viewed in pivot tables New “group sets” allow the user to view data more easily DATIM is another way you can view your data. The useful and challenging thing about DATIM each piece of data is mapped to a specific code, called a data element. In many cases you have to know exactly which data elements to pull in order to view your data. There is a new data feature called the “group sets” that allow you to view your data in a more straightforward way. We’ll use these today. For more info on group sets, please view the slides for the MER Level 2 presentation from Day 1

49 Section 4: Exercise 1 Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were tested, new on treatment, and new on PrEP in FY17 Q3? DATIM Pivot Table that answers this question: How do I get this Pivot Table using DATIM Group Sets? Notes In order to enable participants to practice the concepts they’ve learned, allow time for an interactive activity: problem set, computer based exercise, partner or small group conversation, written exercise, etc.

50 Section 4: Exercise 1 Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were tested, new on treatment, and new on PrEP in FY17 Q3? Go to: and log in.

51 Section 4: Exercise 1 Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were tested, new on treatment, and new on PrEP in FY17 Q3? Focus on the left hand side The left hand column is where you will tell DATIM which data you want to look at. Once you have selected the data, the pivot table will appear on the right.

52 Section 4: Exercise 1 Step 2: Select desired quarter and OU; uncheck default “last financial year” Analytic question: How many KPs in each KP group were tested, new on treatment, and new on PrEP in FY17 Q3? Step 1: Make no selection for indicators

53 Section 4: Exercise 1 Step 3: Select desired KP groups under “Key Populations v3” Step 4: Select desired indicators under Technical Area

54 Section 4: Exercise 1 Step 5: Hit “Update” Step 6: Use the Layout tab to change the Pivot Table layout

55 Section 4: Exercise 1 Final Result:
Discussion: When would you use Panorama vs DATIM?

56 Section 4: Exercise 2 Analytic question: What were the testing results for each KP group in FY17 Q3?

57 Section 4: Exercise 2 Using the same pivot table in the previous exercise: Step 1: Remove PrEP_NEW and TX_NEW

58 Section 4: Exercise 2 Step 2: Go to the “Test Results” data dimension. Add “Positive” and “Negative” Step 3: Hit update.

59 Section 4: Exercise 2 Step 4: Use the “Options” tab to uncheck row and column subtotals”

60 Section 4: When to use which tool
Panorama: Standard layout POART Calls Clinical cascade visuals Previous quarter’s data DATIM: More flexibility over layout Only view specific data Data entered for the current reporting period

61 5. ICPI Analytic Tool: KP Dashboard

62 Section 5: KP Dashboard The KP Dashboard is an excel-based tool developed by the Key Pops workstream at ICPI This tool displays KP data for four PEPFAR MER indicators: KP_PREV (key populations reached by targeted interventions) HTS_TST (testing) TX_NEW (newly enrolled on treatment) PrEP_NEW (newly enrolled on pre-exposure prophylaxis) It allows the user to visualize Total and Key Populations data reported by each Implementing Mechanism (IM) in an operating unit (OU). The tool includes OU-level cascades showing results for prevention, testing, and treatment, as well as testing yield and linkage to treatment.

63 Section 5: KP Dashboard Q: Where can I find the KP Dashboard?
A: The tool is located on PEPFAR SharePoint in the ICPI Data Store Link to folder: Click here Path: HQ > ICPI > Shared Documents > ICPI Data Store > ICPI Approved Tools (most current version) > Key Populations Dashboard > ICPI_KeyPops_FY17Q3_Initial_KP_Dashboard_(date) Q: How often is the tool updated? A: The tool is updated twice per quarter after each data entry close Q: Whom can I contact with questions or suggestions about the tool? A: Tool author: Pooja Vinayak: Workstream Leads: Maria Au and Sasha Mital

64 Section 5: KP Dashboard Analytic questions answered by the KP Dashboard: How many IMs are reporting KP disaggregated data for HTS_TST, TX_NEW, and PrEP_NEW? Which IMs are reporting which indicators? What are the trends over time? (Reporting tabs) How does the reported number of KPs tested under KP_PREV compare to the reported number of KPs tested under HTS_TST? What is the relationship between HTS_TST, HTS_TST_POS, and TX_NEW comparing Total to KP, and comparing KP groups to each other? What are the trends over time? (Visualizations tab) What are trends in KP_PREV reporting over time by IM? What were the KP_PREV results for FY17 Q2 by KP group and IM? (KP_PREV Tabs) What percentage of Total Results data comes is attributable to KPs in each IM? What are the trends in KP disagg reporting over time? (Overview tabs for HTS_TST, TX_NEW, and PrEP_NEW) How many KPs were reached in each KP group by IM? What are the trends in KP disagg reporting over time? (KP Disaggregation tabs for HTS_TST, TX_NEW, and PrEP_NEW)

65 Section 5: Exercise Analytic question: How does the reported number of KPs reached by prevention interventions compare to the reported number of KPs tested?

66 Section 5: Exercise Step 1: Download tool from PEPFAR SharePoint:
Link: Click here

67 Section 5: Exercise Step 2: Read the Overview and Instructions Tab

68 Section 5: Exercise Step 3: Click the “KP Visualizations” Tab

69 Section 5: Exercise Step 4: Select OU of interest using the slicer
Note that in order to make this comparison, we need to compare KP_PREV data reported at Quarter 2 to testing data reported during Quarter 1 AND Quarter 2. We see the percent completeness in the testing disag reporting for KP_PREV

70 Section 5: Exercise Analytic question: What is the clinical cascade for each KP group? How do they compare to each other?

71 Section 5: Exercise Step 1: On the KP Visualizations tab, scroll to the right to see additional visualizations. Step 2: Select the OU of interest using the slicer. Step 3: Select the time period of interest using the slicer.

72 Section 5: Exercise Note – the graphs in the dashboard have axes for the both the blue bar (HTS_TST) and the diamond (% testing yield). They are removed here in the redacted version.

73 Section 5: Exercise

74 Summary Notes You have the opportunity to summarize the main concepts learned throughout the course so learners can feel a sense of accomplishment for the work they’ve done, in addition to triggering what they’ve learned so they can ask any remaining questions about elements of the session that might have been unclear to them.

75 Summary During today’s session we discussed how to:
More effectively use Panorama to evaluate PEPFAR progress against intended targets View Key Populations disaggregated data in Panorama Create DATIM pivot tables and dig deeper into MER indicators Use the KP Dashboard to view data along the Key Populations cascade

76 Questions? Notes Provide an opportunity for learners to ask any questions they may have about the content before you move on to providing information about further learning resources and key contacts. You may also encourage learners to ask questions throughout the course, but determine how you want to handle this given the amount of time you have to present and the amount of content you need to get through.

77 Further Resources Where can I register for accounts?
Panorama: DATIM: Notes Provide resources where learners can go for additional information about the topics covered. For example, websites, tutorials, books, etc.

78 Further Resources Where can I register for accounts?
PEPFAR SharePoint:

79 Key Contacts Name Email Maria Au Kristine Clark
Sadhna Patel Pooja Vinayak Speaker Notes Provide key contacts that are responsible for the subject matter taught (it can be the facilitator or anyone else who is responsible/knowledgeable/available to answer questions about the content either now or in the future).

80 Thank You!

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