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Chapter 10 Study Guide Key

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1 Chapter 10 Study Guide Key
7th Grade

2 Vocabulary Consuls _Two more powerful magistrates in Rome-one runs the army and the other runs the city Assemblies-primary job was to elect magistrates in Rome Tribune - elected officials that the power of VETO, in office to protect the plebeians (common people) Senate - Advised city leaders in Rome; controlled city-finances. Members in Rome served for life Dictator - ruler with absolute power, elected in Rome for 6 months periods during times of war – to make quick decisions, but 6 months to limit power Magistrate - elected official (including 2 consuls) also managed finances, judges, and organized games and festivals.

3 Vocabulary Checks and Balances System - put in place to balance power between the three branches of government Veto - “I prohibit” in Latin. Part of checks and balances, to limit power of each branch Romulus & Remus -Two brothers who founded Rome, were raised by a wolf/shepherd, fought over who should be the first king. Hannibal - General from Carthage, fought Rome in Punic Wars famous for using war elephants Forum- Public meeting place to discuss political ideas, shop, etc. Civic Duty- responsibility of citizens to improve their city-jury duty, voting, etc.

4 Short Answers 1. What are the two major mountain Ranges in Italy?
Alps and Apennines 2. Describe the climate of Italy. Italy has a Mediterranean Climate. Overall, Italy has a mild climate so they could grow a variety of crops which allowed for a surplus of food- -which could promote population growth

5 Short Answers 3. Who was the first king of Rome? Romulus
Romulus 4. What were the Punic Wars? A series of 3 wars fought between Carthage (N. Africa-led by Hannibal) and Rome. 1st one is over the island of Sicily – Rome Wins – gains islands (3) 2nd one features Hannibal – he never attacks Rome – Rome wins again – Carthage must lessen military & pay large war fines 3rd one – Rome wins – burns Carthage – gains Northern Africa, Spain/Portugal – becomes an empire???? 5. Describe the differences between Patricians and Plebian. See chart in packet

6 Short Answers 6. Why did the Roman Republic have two consuls?
Because they don’t want one person to become too powerful-one would be in charge of the army and the other would run the city 7. Why would the Roman Republic elect dictators for 6 month periods? Give two reasons. Dictators have, absolute power which means they don’t need votes, approval, no veto -SO they wouldn’t abuse their power -if they are a dud” “they are gone after 6 months -decisions would be made quickly because they do what they want-they don’t need approval

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