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Utah’s Universal Supports for MTSS

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1 Utah’s Universal Supports for MTSS
Cathy Callow-Heusser, Ph.D. Education Specialist Utah State Board of Education

2 First, some history Two previous SPDG grants provided support—at the building level—for RTI/MTSS implementations of evidence-based practices. PBIS Early Literacy Coaching We realized that in order to promote scale-up and sustainability, MTSS practices needed to be supported at the district level. We are now in the final year of our third SPDG grant, for which state-level supports and professional development have largely been provided to LEA teams comprised of LEA and building-level administrators, coaches, and mentor teachers.

3 Utah MTSS Website schools. utah
Utah MTSS Website Currently undergoing major revisions

4 Utah MTSS 3-Tier Definitions

5 UMTSS Prezi: Utah Multi-Tiered System of Supports: A Framework for Student Success

6 Utah MTSS Handbook Currently undergoing major revisions

7 Utah MTSS Courses

8 UMTSS Course: Multi-Tiered System of Supports: Overview

9 UMTSS Course: Evidence-Based Professional Development

10 UMTSS Course: Multi-Tiered System of Supports: Data

11 UMTSS Course: Improving School Climate and Discipline

12 UMTSS Course: Effective Literacy Instruction in an MTSS Framework

13 UMTSS Course: Effective Mathematics Instruction in an MTSS Framework

14 State Systemic Improvement Plan: Broad Coherent Improvement Strategies

15 State Systemic Improvement Plan: Broad Coherent Improvement Strategies

16 State Systemic Improvement Plan: Broad Coherent Improvement Strategies

17 State Systemic Improvement Plan: Broad Coherent Improvement Strategies

18 State Systemic Improvement Plan: Broad Coherent Improvement Strategies

19 Thank You! Questions?

20 Think- Pair- Share What Universal Supports does your state have to promote scaling up and sustainability? How effective are they? How do you know? What additional supports does your state need to promote scaling up and sustainability?

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